erts... I have come across a oneshot I feel needs much attention...

One of the iest Jongtae oneshots I've EVER read!

And I want it to turn into a full fic... Why? BECAUSE I WANT TO READ MORE !

She's obviously very good at writing but....not many subscribers!

So please go write on her wall 'I and GtopJkey wish for your Jongtae oneshot to be turned into a chaptered fic! Yours sincerely, a GtopJkey ert!' you can add anything else, but this MUST be in it!

Please...I need this in my life... GO ERTS! GO!

That's actually my subscribers names from now on..and how I will refer to anyone who is subscribed to me! A 'GtopJkey ert!'

That is your name!:3

-GtopJkey xoxoxoxo


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reaally ...we are s kekekekeke and ohhh mission complete kekekeke
FishyHaeFishy #2
Lol us... your fanbase... now called erts... I like it >:D LOL. I feel like this is one of the kpop fandoms but now its for AFF. Lol GTopKey erts lol... i love it XD!!!

I shall now support Dreamscape :O!
*laughs*what i nice name xD
but i will fulfill your wish^^
Lets read some jongtae xD