Terrified right now



I texted my boss this morning telling him that I was unable to work today due to sickness- he knows I've been suffering a chest infection for the past two weeks and that I've been going to work struggling. 

Well he texted back that it causes problems for me to be sick today and I understand that he's away this morning and it was going to be me and one other worker opening up and managing the shop but I can't help being sick.  I messaged the other worker and she said it's fine and that she could manage, but she mentioned a guy who works there during the week and I proceeded to tell my boss to call him in. 


But I haven't heard back from my boss and it's making me nervous, he's pissed at me but it's not my fault I'm mentally unstable (college have intervened now) and that im suffering with my weak immune system. *cries and hides under blankie with stuffie to save me*

What do I do? I'm so scared to go to work tomorrow 





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<3 Get better soon! But if you're still not feeling well, stay in. Don't force yourself to work for money when your body can't even work for survival (?). <3 *gives you candy* Here you go! If the medicine is bitter you can have it! It's sweet! :D
Your boss is definitely wrong if he's mad at you. If he'd made you go to work all sick, he'll be exposing your customers and fellow employees to your disease. Not including the fact that if you reported for work, there's a risk that you might faint or hurt yourself and that will be his liability.
Anyway, I think your boss is just frustrated, which is a normal thing. And I'd like to think he's mature enough to understand your situation. :)
And kudos to you for taking effort to look for replacements. It shows that you care about his business.
Hope everything goes well tomorrow hun. ^^