《우리의 사랑》 : Kim Minhee

《우리의 사랑》 : Kim Minhee
korean name : Kim Minhee (김민희)
nicknaME(s) : Min/minnie; called by friends and family, kitten; will be called by her love interest
birthdate & age : 20 June, 17
ethnicity : Korean
languages : korean
occupation : student, part-time barista
faceclaim : son wendy
Backup : kim sohyun
height and weight : 167cm & 52kg
appearance : Underneath her doll-like eyes, she has eyes bags which she has been teased about many times before. She has thin, rosy pink lips that curve up naturally into an innocent smile. Paired with her large eyes, she has a baby face and gives off an innocent and pure aura. Minhee has a mole located on her neck. 
stylE : Minhee's style is usually fashionable yet casual. She dislikes wearing clothes that are too revealing and tight because 1. They're uncomfortable, 2. She hates the cold and 3. It defies her innocent look. Minhee enjoys wearing oversized sweaters/hoodies during the winter so she can wear as many layers as she likes underneath. She also loves wearing her wedged sneakers everywhere or her classic Timberlands as they are most comfortable for her. Minhee also disikes wearing rings but has a huge obsession for necklaces and bracelets.
"*shrugs* Just it."


persona : Quiet queenka
personality traits :
( + ) : motherly, happy-go-lucky, selfless
( - ) : stubborn/persistent, quiet, short tempered
( ? ) : self-critical, easily manipulated, level-headed 
expand : 
• Minhee is a girl of not many words. She likes to keep to herself and usually only communicates through smiles, head nods/shakes, facial expressions or body language. She isn't shy as many people call it but more introverted as she is very self critical. This is one of the causes of her quietness; she is afraid that she may say something wrong or act weird to make people judge and and dislike her - even when nothing is wrong with her speech and actions. When she was in primary/elementary school, she was laughed at once for yelling the wrong answer to the class. After that, she was teased at for being "dumb". This started her road on being self-critical and reserved. When she replies, she tries to keep her response as short as possible to avoid error or saying things that may offend the other person. When she thinks she has said something wrong her voice becomes smaller and smaller until it's a mumble or she would duck her head to hide her face.
• People who know Minhee well, will definitely know her stubborn/persistent personality. When Minhee has her mind set on a certain idea or moral, she will stick to it and be quick to defend it - even when she is totally wrong; but she is one that can be easily manipulated into doing things. She is usually the push over in her friendship group and can be seen as the victim of "bullying" when her and her friends are just joking and mucking around. Some students that hang around them during lunch break asked Minhee if she wanted to report her friends to the teacher from the bullying she was receiving and Minhee had to explain to them that they were only joking and meant no harm. Minhee's stubbornness shone through once during her early high school years. She had disagreed on a project idea with her friend and it caused a rift in their friendship. Others part of their group ended up choosing a totally different idea so that the two wouldn't fight anymore. Some people say that her stubbornness comes from her star sign Gemini, which has two personalities. Sometimes she wouldn't speak her mind, but when she does, she won't stop until her point has been accepted by the other party or that the other person is so annoyed at her that they walk away.
• Because of her easily manipulated trait, Minhee is seen to be a very selfless person to others. Even though she is manipulated into doing things sometimes - Minhee enjoys being able to do favours for others as she believes in giving more than taking. She would purposely go out of her way or take out her own time just to do a favour for others. That is why - despite her silent self - she enjoys being included in conversations and meeting new people. She keeps connections well through advice giving and her motherly personality. Everyone around Minhee sees her as a motherly figure, and this could be because of the love for children she has. Minhee had also always wanted a younger sibling, especially a younger brother. This is why, even if you are older than Minhee, she likes looking after you and making sure you eat right. Most of the time, when you go out with her and are about to leave, she will tell you to call/text her when you get home to ensure your safety. Minhee is the type of person who would "protect" innocent people's ears when her and her friends are talking about something dirty/ual. She wants to keep her innocent friends as clueless and naive as possible so that they do not enter the world of insanity and being dirty minded. She is also aware of her swearing so when she is around children she would watch her language and be careful of swearing.
• Yes, Minhee is very quiet, but she worries and tends to her friends every need and want as much as she can. She is the person her friends run to when they are sad or need some guidance in life-or-death situations. From her quietness, she also has calmness - keeping her level headed and able to "keeps it reals" (as her friends call it) and solving her friends problems. Despite her being able to give advice to others about their problems, she can never seem to solve her own. This is the only down side she has to being able to give good advice. She doesn't have anyone to turn to when she is the one that needs it. This is when she turns to her mother and asks her for help and guidance to her problems and issues. No matter how many times Minhee says "I love you" to her mother, she doesn't think it's enough to repay the love that her mother has given her. She doesn't throw around the word love either as she thinks it is a deep emotion that should be built over trust and being able to receive back the love that is given. That is why she has only said "I love you" to her grandparents, her mother and her father; when she visited his grave. Minhee believes that no one's love can be more loyal and strong that her mother's for her father. Ever since her father has passed away, her mother has not dated others; which makes Minhee role model her mother even more. She wants to love and be loyal like her mother is and her mother has taught her never to throw around the word "love" so often and carelessly.
• Minhee seems like the type of girl that has everything planned out for herself. When in fact, it is the total opposite. Nothing she has been doing is part of the dream she has built for herself. She likes to "go with the flow" because "planning ahead only makes you disappointed with the outcome" she would say to her friends. "Going with the flow" allows her to not give a crap about what is going to happen tomorrow, the day after or next week. She likes to focus on the present and make it as happy as possible. "Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. But Today is a gift. That's why it's called the Present." She doesn't like dwelling in the past and the only thing that she has dwelled herself in is the comments of her being dumb from when she was young. Otherwise, all the other snarky comments people made about her, she tries her best to push them aside and continue living her life how she wants to. She enjoys living in the moment and has an aura about her that makes the people surrounding her feel that way too. Maybe it's her smiles or maybe it's her carefree attitude. No one knows but they seem to like hanging around our happy-go-lucky child.
background : 
• Minhee lived with her mother and grandparents most of her life. She was born in Gwangmyeong-si at the local hospital. Living with only her mother, twin brother and grandparents, she was always teased that she did not have a father while growing up. Despite this, she continues living her life positively and not paying attention to the negative comments she received. She was also able to push through the negativity with her twin brother, kim seokjin. He would protect her from any bullies that about having a single parent . Most of her childhood, her grandparents looked after her as her mother worked several jobs throughout the day to feed the family. Minhee saw how tired her mother would look at the end of each night and began working as soon as she was of age. In the beginning she did shifts at the supermarket after school and then did an hours cleaning at the convenience store at the end of her street. With those jobs, her mother was able to quit one of her several jobs as the money was enough to pay for the food and half the electricity bill. Because of her busy schedule and study-hard personality, she never really had the chance to love or be loved by someone other than her family.
• When Minhee was young, she would be afraid to interact with elder men and even boys her age. Other than her grandfather and brother, she didn't interact with many males. When she was young, if any males approached her that wasn't her grandfather or brother, Minhee would make a big fuss out of it and start crying and screaming for her mother. Later on, when school teachers started to discuss this problem with Taehee she concluded that it was maybe because she never grew up with a father, making her slightly scared of elder men. To solve this problem, taehee told seokjin to take minhee with him if he and his friends were hanging out. This seemed to help, as Minhee slowly began opening up to the male gender.
• After finishing primary school, Minhee tried out for one of the most prestigious high schools in Seoul, despite doubting herself a lot; to only find out that she had won half a scholarship there. Minhee's mother was overjoyed with the news and told Minhee that she had waited for this day for a long long time and had saved up money to pay for her high school tuition. She also told Minhee that all she had to worry about the money for her everyday life as she could move in with a friend she knew whose son as going to that high school too; only being a year level above her. Minhee never questioned where her father was. Whether or not he ran away after he had impregnated her mother or he had passed away.
• One night (when she was 16), after having a nightmare, Minhee woke up in drenched in sweat. She could clearly see herself as a 5 year old, crouched down while a large group of other school children surrounded her. She was crying, yelling, screaming for help as the group seemed to close in on her, laughing and mocking her mere existence. Her yelling and screaming tactics were in vain as it seems to be drenched down by the growing volume of laughter. Then they began to chant in a sing-song tone, "Minhee doesnt have a father! Minhee doesn't have a father!" before laughing hysterically as Minhee tries to push through the group to run away. Someone from the back yelled, "I BET HE RAN AWAY BECAUSE HER MOTHER'S UGLY!" While another yelled, "Or probably because she's so dumb!" referring to the one time she yelled out the wrong answer in class. After that, she woke up and was panting heavily. Minhee ran to the bathroom and washed her face before sitting down with a glass of warm milk. It was then that she decided to try and find out where her father was and why he left her mother to look after her on her own.
• On the weekend, she returned home, much to the surprise of her mother. When questioned about her sudden return, Minhee quickly shook it off saying that she missed her mother and grandmother. Once Minhee was sure her mother left for work that afternoon, she told her grandmother she was going to take a short nap in her mother's room seeing her old room was turned into room full of boxes. Her grandmother nodded before going back to her knitting. Minhee walked into her mothers room, closing the door softly before looking around. She remembers the countless nights she spent in there crying because of the thunderstorms outside. She began to look around and quietly opening drawers, but luck was not on her side that day. She came across a box hidden at the back of her mothers wardrobe and decided to investigate. She sat down cross-legged on the floor before opening the box's lid. Inside were newspaper clippings, photographs of her mother and a male and a letter. Curiously, she picked up a picture of her mother smiling widely, her eyes turned into crescents next to a male who has similar features to Minhee's face. She looked at the back of the photograph and saw a small message written at the bottom right corner. "Being some's first love is great, but being their last is beyond perfect. ~KMG + HTH" At those words, Minhee's heart softened. Not only was this the first time she ever saw her father, she believed that he was her mother's first love. Because of her, her mother couldn't enjoy her teenage years. As she continued looking through the photos, she realised how similar she looked to her father. 'I wonder if mother misses dad...' She thought to herself. She smiled and teared up looking at the photos taken when her father proposed to her mother. They were both wearing their graduation gowns and all the other students surrounding them were looking at them in awe. Carefully placing the photographs back in the box, she looked at the carefully folded newspaper clippings. "SHOTS FIRED DOWN AT THE THEATRES. 20 DEAD. 100s INJURED" one of them read. She unfolded another one. "THEATRE MASSACRE SHOCKS LOCALS." Another read: "GUNSHOTS NOT ONLY PART OF THE MOVIES" Confused Minhee read through one of the articles. Skimming through it, she got to a photo. Not just any photo, but a photograph of a teen, hugging a bloody body of a male. On closer inspection, she realised it was her mother, hugging the bloodied body of her father. She skimmed through the other articles and realised that the 20 dead included her father. As tears slowly slid down her face, she picked up the remaining item in the box. The letter. She wasn't sure if she should open it, but something inside her told her to. As she carefully unfolded the letter she began to read. "Mingyu-ah~ You left trying to protect me and now I'm going to protect the last thing you gave to me. You gave me something I'll hold so precious to in my heart and I'm sure you'd look after us from above. Smile down at out little angel Mingyu-ah~ Despite me not knowing the gender yet, I want to call "it" our little peanut. I'm so happy that I might be able to see a little you running around my parent's house. I haven't told my parents yet.. I don't know how they will react.. but I'm sure they would be happy to have a grandchild! Mingyu-ah... What am I going to tell our little peanut when he/she realises he/she doesn't have a father? Our poor baby... And what should I call peanut? Should we combine our names? If it's a boy we'll call him seokjin? And if it's a girl we'll call her Minhee? How about that honey?" There was a smudge of ink as if a droplet of water and dropped on it. 'She must've been crying..." Minhee thought to herself. She realised that her cheeks are soaked and her sleeve was wet from her wiping her tears. "I'm sorry honey.. I promise I won't cry anymore ok? I'll smile brightly just for our little peanut! I'll forever love you Mingyu-ah~ Continue to look after me and your last gift for me ok? I miss you so so much... ~ Love yours truely, Hwang Taehee"
• By the end of the letter, Minhee was bawling her eyes out as she carefully placed the items back into the box. She put the box back into her mother's wardrobe just as her mother walks in, as she had forgotten to grab her public transport ticket. Minhee looks up at her mother to only mutter a thousand apologies. Totally confused at why her daughter was crying and apologising, Taehee walks up to her and gives her a big hug. She glances at her open wardrobe and the box still sticking out of the piles of clothes to realise what her daughter had been doing. Taehee wasn't mad at Minhee but herself. She should've told her daughter about her father and not let her find out about him through this way. After Minhee calmed down, Taehee called into work and told them she couldn't come as her daughter had gotten sick. The rest of the night, Taehee told Minhee every detail of her and Minhee's father's relationship.
lifestyle :
• Throughout primary school, because of that one incident, Minhee became very quiet. She wouldn't interact with other children in her class and would sit by herself in the library during snack breaks and lunch breaks. Minhee would especially avoid the boys and even if she was put into a group to work, she seemed to work independently and speedily. No matter how much her teacher would group her up, Minhee would either end up doing the work or she would just walk away from the group and complete the project by herself. Despite her quietness throughout primary school, she worked hard and got top notch grades in which the teacher's did not complain about. In fact, the principal was the one who encouraged Minhee to try out for a prestigious high school that was located in Seoul. Her well-written reports, full attendance and marks had earned her way into the high school, leaving behind her hometown and family.
• Once Minhee got to high school, she maintained her full attendance and top notch grades, even obtaining 1st place in all exams since 1st year. She started meeting new people as she thought to herself, "New place. New school. New people. New friends." This encouraged her into making some friends that had the same classes as her and has opened up slightly compared to when she was in primary school. The friends she made isn't the very studious type and many of them came from well-off families which means that they will most likely take over their parents' company or what not. Minhee calls them friends while everyone else in the school calls them the school queenkas. They would constantly skip class and go shopping or even just for food. Her friends would always try to persuade Minhee to ditch class with them, which would always be unavail.
• When Minhee got to the age of 16, something seemed to click inside of her. She was no longer the goody-two-shoes her friends thought she was. Minhee would ditch class and go shopping with them (well walk behind them as they looked through shops) and sometimes even ditched a class she didn't like and go to the rooftop or anywhere that has sun, to be honest, to take naps. Despite this, she was still able to maintain her school ranking in which the teachers could not complain to her mum or the principal about.
• Minhee's school schedule is very packed. She likes to be kept on the move otherwise she will waste her time sleeping. She is completing 6 subjects and participating in two co-curricular activities; photography club and she is part of the school council. Her 6 subjects include, Maths, english, korean, home economics, music and Korean history. Korean history is the class she walks out most of while she attends all of her music classes. Music is one of the only classes that is mixed between two year levels and her class was the one thats mixed between 2nd graders and 3rd graders. Her classes start from 7:30am and go till around 6pm but Minhee stays back for her photography club meetings and school council meetings on most weekdays. On weekends and day offs, Minhee will work at a coffee shop to earn some money and help the family she's living with with the electricity bills, etc even though when they tell her not to worry about it. 
• bubble tea - there's something so special about tapioca pearls and milk tea/fruity teas that have captured Minhee's heart
• chocolate - I mean.. sweet things make you happy and chocolate keeps you warm as well!~ Plus the feeling of it melting in your mouth is ic
• coffee - doing homework at a cafe will get you hooked, especially when you have an essay due the next day
• smell of mint - it helps clear her constantly blocked nose, and it's the type of aftershave Yoongi uses /bricked
• flowers - well actually she's just allergic to pollen... • smokers/cigarettes, etc - her nose is quite sensitive therefore she uses her sleeves/other peoples arms to block out the smell
• bitter foods/drinks - they make her cringe and make weird faces; it also makes her tongue feel weird
• wants a samoyed puppy which she will name cheonsa (angel) 
• never leaves home without her special necklace - given to her by her mother but was given to minhee's mother by her father
• currently has 1 tattoo, planning to get another one soon - 1. left wrist (currently has this one) - 2. right shoulder blade (getting after she graduates)
• Yoongi will be her first boyfriend/first kiss
• has a fear of thunderstorms and a phobia of clowns
• has been learning piano since she was 5 years old and enjoys making chords/melodies
• takes mid-night walks to breath in fresh cool breeze and to clear her mind
• cracks her bones (neck, fingers, back, everything) - the popping sounds are so satisfying
• takes a shower every morning and then another at night - in the morning to wake herself up and at night to clean the dust/dirt from the day
"they with me 4ever"
family & friends: 
• mother | hwang taehee | 36 | 9.5/10 | From a very young age, Minhee was told that her love for smiling and making other people happy was from her mother. And as Minhee grew up, she understood why. Just as Minhee was preparing for her year-end examinations, her grandfather passed away suddenly from a heart attack. The reason for the heart attack was unknown as he was always ate healthily and exercised every morning and afternoon with Minhee's grandmother. Despite the shock of her father's sudden death, Minhee's mother stayed strong and smiled and made the effort to comfort her own mother and daughter. Through this, Minhee looked up to her mother even more - if that was even possible. Sometimes Minhee would cry to her when school or work gets stressful and Taehee would comfort her and make sure to give Minhee her infamous hugs and smiles. Minhee really respects her mother as she was very young when she gave birth to Minhee but also was able to take care of her, and also her grandparents. She also feels bad as she was the one who stopped her mother from being a carefree teenager like everyone else that 19. This is why Minhee was also a mummy's girl, listening to whatever she always wants and doing it immediately. They also always joke around and have been mistaken to be sisters rather than mother and daughter.
• twin brother | kim seokjin | 17 | 10/10 | many people say that twins are inseparable and it is absolutely true for seokjin and minhee. Since they were born, the two were attached to the hip until seokjin started finding his own friends and Minhee would be left alone in the library. Despite this, during break times, Seokjin and his friends would still go to the library to keep her company. His friends had taken minhee in as their younger sibling and would always look out for her around school; her so-called bodyguards. Even though minhee had moved to the city, seokjin always misses her dearly from her hometown, so that's why every weekend, seokjin would travel to the city and visit her, making sure she's eating well, has friends and still doing well in school. When he returns, he reports back to his mother about Minhee's current situation. Seokjin has always been overprotective of Minhee and has always worried about her future. "I can't take you everywhere I go! What if i go on my honeymoon huh? who is going to keep you company? You need to go out and find someone instead of being stuck in these books, min. But I must approve of them first!" 
• rival | Kim Hyunah | 18 | -1000/10 | Kim hyunah. A witch. A b*tch. An absolute nightmare. Those words will definitely pop into Minhee's head even if her name was mentioned. Kim Hyunah is Yoongi's ex and after Minhee and Yoongi were officially announced, she cannot keep her hands off him. Minhee's friends have tried fending off the witch because Minhee being angry is not a site to see. Minhee can dig up every single dirty secret about you even if you have not told her anything or met her in the passed. Hyunah doesn't know that and with a temper like Minhee, she does not know the hole she has dug herself into. The hole, metophorically or not, is namely her grave. 
"I'm gonna take a nap"
korean name : Min yoongi, (민운기)
nicknaME(s) : Suga (called by most people at school); gummy bear (will be called by Minhee)
birthdate & age : 09 March, 18
ethnicity : korean
languages : korean
occupation : student, underground rapper
height and weight : 176cm & 60kg
appearance : Suga is a short and petite for a boy who's already 18. He has extremely pale skin which is where he has gotten his nickname from. Despite his short height, he can make everyone around him feel his deadly aura with just one gaze from his natural b*tch face. In contrast, when he's with his friends, Yoongi will let his gummy smile shine and his eyes disappear into little crescents. 
stylE : yoongi, being the underground rapper he is, enjoys his hip hope style clothing. from leather jackets and ripped jeans to his simple, yet large hoodies/sweaters. Snapbacks is of course, a must and so are his jordans and high tops.


PERSONA : lazy kingka
• suga is who many call "lazy", when in fact he really isn't. He just likes putting effort into things others find mundane, like writing raps/lyrics. he would prefer to sleep on the rooftop then go to a class that is mandatory to get into a university course. He would skip revision sessions before his exams, because he spent the night before writing up lyrics and putting together beats. Despite this, Yoongi would still receive decent grades, but according to his teachers, "He can do much better if he put more effort into it." 
• Suga is what everyone describes as a bad boy. He struts around the school with a lollipop stick hanging out his mouth, his tie is always hanging loose around his neck, shirt always untucked and he will definetely be wearing something that's out of uniform. Be it a jacket underneath his blazer, high tops instead of proper school schools and even colouring his hair in interesting colours. The aura that Suga sets off in the hallways has other students backing up against lockers as he walks passed and if he even looks at you, you better bow your head down as his gaze will kill you.
• Despite this, Yoongi and Suga are absolutely two different people. If people saw how he acted at home and privately amongst his friends, they would be very surprised. Yoongi listens to his parents well and will do absolutely everything they say. He will have a gummy smile permanently paste on his face in private and is never glaring at anyone or is trying to kill them with their gaze. yoongi is  shy and has a love for puppies while Suga gives off the aura of arrogance and would strangle a puppy. One who has seen both sides of him is one he trusts.
• Yoongi's natural skinship shines through especially when he is tired and sleepy; which, mind you, is most of the time. Yoongi is probably one of the laziest people you will ever meet apart from Minhee. Unlike Minhee, Yoongi can sleep anywhere at anytime and when he does, he will automatically hug whatever or whoever is next to him tightly. He likes to rest his face into the crooks of people's necks and cuddle. Yoongi doesn't care if it's his friends, pillows or even his girlfriend - he just hugs and sleeps.

background :
• Yoongi has lost his will for education after he found his love for writing music and lyrics. But he couldn't have found it if it wasn't for his last heartbreak for the girl he thought was "the one". He had only found out that the girl only got with him so she could be closer to one of his best friends and she had hope she would eventually get together with him. Luckily, his best friend believed in "bros before hoes" and immediately turned down the girl for the sake of him and yoongi's friendship. because of this, Yoongi laid low in the love game and had been even colder towards the school population ever since. Despite this, the girls at school still fell for his bad boy image and of course, his good looks. 
• His parents weren't supportive of his underground rapper path as they would tell him, "it's just a phase", "don't worry it'll blow over soon". They only began supporting him once they realised that it was truely a passion for him. Some of his extended family are still criticising him for choosing such a path, but Yoongi has chosen to ignore their comments and carry on doing what he wants and knows best. 

RELATIONSHIP status : housemates and music class classmates
relationship : 
First meeting

• Minhee and Yoongi met when Minhee moved out into the city. He was the son that her mother had mentioned the family she's going to live with had. Because she moved in during the break, she never got to meet "Suga" and only knew of Yoongi. Something about the gummy smile and caring gestures had drawn Minhee closer to Yoongi but she brushed it off as her being homesick and missing her brother very much. When Minhee and yoongi's friendship grew closer, yoongi demanded her to call him oppa. "Come on!~ Say it! Op-pa! or Yoongi oppa!" Minhee shyly mumbles the words as Yoongi throws her his signature smile. "Yay! But you mustn't call anyone else oppa ok? Well other than your brother!" 
• Yoongi's parents made them walk to school together on the first day. Just as they were reaching the school's vicinity, Yoongi gave her clear instructions. "Minhee-ah.. My image at school isn't as nice as I am out of school ok? If I ignore you and give you the cold shoulder, please undestand me ok? It's better off pretending you don't know me at all. I'll walk you home after school unless I text you telling you I can't. If that's the case, I'll tell mother to pick you up ok?" Without waiting for an answer, yoongi ruffles her hair, adjusts his backpack on his shoulder before walking towards a group of boys. Minhee nods to herself slowly as she makes her way towards the office. 

• half way through yoongi's 2nd year of high school (so when he was 17), he couldnt hold back the feelings he felt for minhee. living with her and seeing her change ever so slightly over the years made her really grow on him. once in a while, yoongi would disappear from his friends and hang out with minhee if her friends had gone out to grab lunch. this happened for nearly a month until he started walking her to and from classes while wrapping an arm around her shoulder/waist. yoongi's friends were quite suspicious on where he would disappear to, until one day they followed him and found out about yoongi being close with minhee. once they got the chance, they about it as it had been a long time since he acted that way towards a girl. yoongi admitted to him liking minhee but was unsure about how minhee felt towards him. 
• to say minhee was surprised that yoongi had joined her for lunch that day was a understatement. despite her being one of the queenkas and him being part of the kingkas group, the two group never mixed at school. minhee was aware of yoongi's reputation at school and aware that they were receiving attention for being together. yoongi didn't seem bothered by the whispering that was going on around them. minhee felt uncomfortable but seeing she was nearly finished with her food, she let it be. after that day, her friends seem to go out for lunch more often, which meant yoongi would join her at the table. at this point, minhee has been truthful with herself, ever since he ruffled her hair on the first day of school, she realised that the butterflies she felt when she was around yoongi wasn't homesickness and having a familiarity, but the feeling of a crush developing. at this point of high school, living with him and seeing him as "suga" all confident and arrogant, was really getting to minhee's heart. how he would sometimes smirk at girls in the hallways as they whispered about him, how he had his hands in his pockets as he pushed passed the younger year levels. minhee's heart would pound against her chest, but she had to keep it under control. 
• they continued as the unconfirmed couple of the school. yoongi would heighten up the skinship once in a while. from wrapping his arms around minhee's waist in the hallways, to hugging her from behind when she was at her locker. sometimes, if he was daring, he would place a kiss on her temple. when they walked home together, yoongi would make sure he held minhee's hand. unlike before, yoongi invited minhee to sit with him and the boys during lunchtime but this only resulted to yoongi making minhee sit on this lap so that the boys don't try to make a move on her. no one asked if they were official but they all assumed it was seeing how close they were. 
• One day after school, Yoongi finally found the courage to officially ask Minhee to be his girlfriend. "We weren't dating this whole time?" Minhee jokingly asked while raising her brow. She let out a giggle at Yoongis astounded face and nodded at his question. "I would be honoured to Min Yoongi~" before skipping off happily to get home, out of the bitter cold. 
• in their relationship, yoongi was always the more skinship type of person. he would always hold minhee's hand if they were walking together and would sometimes even randomly hug her or peck her cheek. minhee was never the physical affection type of person, but she would always be the supportive one and encourage yoongi whenever he seemed down or was on the brink of giving up. if minhee was to initiate some sort of skinship, it would usually be a very shy kiss on yoongi's lips/cheek, making him smile widely and look at her affectionately if minhee looks down embarrassed and blushing. yoongi is also the more cutey one of the relationship, where he would be the one begging for something with aegyo despite him being the guy. during times like this, minhee would only shake her head and laugh at his silliness. minhee is very cheesy with yoongi and he is the one who is usually embarrassed by it. despite that, he can sometimes act very cheesy too. sometimes, they would sneak out at midnight and go for minhee's midnight walks. this usually ends up with them sitting underneath the slide at a near by park in comfortable silence. yoongi and minhee can easily be pleased with their relationshsip with just spending time together, even if it means that they will be sitting in sheer silence. 
• when the weather is cooler, yoongi and minhee would stay home and just hang out together. they would watch movies, cook and play video/board games, but the nights always end with them in a tickle fight from either being bored from the movie, teasing each other while cooking and even one getting annoyed at the other while playing games. yoongi's parents would watch them with content before telling them they were going out for dinner and that the house was all their's. 
• on warm days and neither of them have classes, they go up to the roof of the apartment building and nap/enjoy the sun. they both become lazy kittens/cats and only go back inside when minhee starts to burn in the sun. the two would cuddle on the small bench that is up there and tell each other about school life until eventually one of them fall asleep. 
• yoongi is also very considerate and observant of how minhee is feeling when with and around him. even if minhee looks a tad sad or stressed, yoongi would make her talk it out; only resulting to him hugging her tightly and letting her fall asleep in his arms from his body warmth. every monthsary, they would get each other a present and they promised each other that it would be small and nothing special and expensive - sometimes it would be a teddy bear or even just a simple bubble tea date. once, yoongi even received a small bar of chocolate from minhee.
• minhee always steals yoongi's hoodies and sweaters, as she enjoys wearing bigger sized clothing and obviously they looked better on her than on him. it's also because she loves the smell of his cologne; she secretly has his scarf underneath her pillow which she hugs while she sleeps. (minhee's not going to admit that she stole it - while yoongi thinks he either lost it or he left it in a room at school and someone stole it.) minhee - with the more sensitive personality - teases yoongi by always being annoyed at something he does and says because she enjoys how he whines and tries to win back her attention with aegyo. whenever minhee teases yoongi, she crosses her arms, turns her back on him with a pout on her face. yoongi would straight away know what she's up to and pull her into a hug, whispering sweet nothings into her ear and tickling her sides if she wasn't responding to his whispers. yoongi also makes up random (and weird) pet names for minhee which is highly embarrassing when they are in public and would definitely make minhee bright red and forgive him immediately to make him stop.
relationship trivIa
• As mentioned, Minhee calls Yoongi "Gummy bear" while Yoongi calls her "kitten"
• minhee is a er for cute texts
• whenever they fight, Yoongi's always the one that tries to make up first - even when Minhee is in the wrong 
• to contradict the above point, Yoongi and Minhee hardly fight
• Seokjin did no approve of Yoongi first, but once he got to know him better, he was ok with it and even became one of Yoongi's close friends
• even thought Yoongi puts Minhee as priority, she always tells him to go out with his boys rather than staying home with her to study
• yoongi would make Minhee listen to his mixtapes and get her opinion on them 
• Yoongi's parents weren't a little shocked when they announced that they were officially dating and even gave them their approval of marriage as a joke
• as cheesy as it is they have a couple lockscreen. they both have the iPhone 6s (Minhee's being rose gold while Yoongi's one is silver) (Minhee has carl while Yoongi has Ellie)
• just to of his height, Minhee likes patting Yoongi's head despite him being older. "Yah! I'm older and taller than you!" "Yeah~ Only taller by a bit!"
• Minhee will call yoongi by his full name when she's annoyed/angry at him
• minhee helps yoongi by creating melodies/chords he could use for his compositions, etc

this is where is starts...”/insert evil laugh
what is your ideal type like? :
Minhee: Ideal type? Umm... To be honest I don't really think I hav-
Yoongi: it's me! Of course!
Minhee: umm this is my interview.. Bai! /shoves him away. As I was saying, I don't really think I have one. I would prefer guys that are quite tall-
Yoongi: /from afar/ HEY!
Minhee: someone who has a smile that would make me want to smile if I looked at it. Someone I feel comfortable with and is able to be as honest with me as I am with them. I don't like saying looks don't matter, cause let's be honest, they do most of the time- but for different people, there are different standards and I guess if some people call Yoongi ugly, I'd accept that... /whispers/ but totally disagree~ 
Yoongi: Naw~ Minnie~ You called me good looking!~ 
Minhee: Shut up. 
why how did you know they were the one? : 
Yoongi: easy! It's because- 
Minhee: this is MY interview thank you very much. Back to the topic, I don't really know. I guess I never really felt the feelings I felt towards someone before, let along a boy. I've heard from my brother about the butterflies in your stomach and the 'i dont know what to say/do' moments when you're around someone you like. I also called my brother to confirm this /blushes/ and he wasn't impressed to find out that I liked someone... He's fine with it now but yeah... I guess lessons aren't learnt unless you try.. So if he isn't the one, I'll learn my lesson for next time.. 
Yoongi: I would never! I am the one Minnie~~ /huggles/
what do you do for fun?
Minhee: honest question. What kind of fun are we talking about? 
Yoongi: /whispers/ I think they mean watching po- 
Minhee: /covers his mouth/ Min. Yoon. gi. Don't you dare!
Yoongi: /pushes hand away/ whaaaaaat? I was going to say pororo!
Minhee: /shakes head and sighs/ well I do watch pororo for fun.. I also like photography and having Yoongi here as my model. I also enjoy watching movies alone!~
what are you doing or going to do with your life? : Minhee: well I'm still young and have time to thinkg about it but I really want to do psychology and maybe even become a pediatrician! I really like children because they're so cute and I feel immensely sad when they can't do anything about themselves and people around them won't help. 
Yoongi: and and and! we'll get married and have 3 children! 2 boys and 1 girl!
Minhee: Min. Yoon. Gi. Shut. Up. 
"i don't even have a plan"
scene suggestions :
1. yoongi confronting her in front of his friends about her stealing his scarf after finding it in her room
2. yoongi accidentally buying Minhee flowers, temporarily forgetting her allergy, causing her to be sent to hospital for treatment. 
3. Yoongi's ex comes back and tries to reclaim him, minhee gets up and gives yoongi the cold shoulder as he still has a soft spot for his ex. 
4. Yoongi taking minhee to an underground rappers meet up and letting her meet some of Yoongi's biggest inspirations, etc
5. Yoongi finding Minhee in his napping spot on the rooftop one day (this happens before he starts eating lunch with her) and because there were other people on the roof, he had to act unhappy about it and kick her out of his spot. Once he gets home, he apologises to Minhee about it and Minhee forgives him because she was late to her next period anyway. 
comments : I think I went into too much detail.. whoops.. sorry! 
password : minhee + Yoongi
Kim Minhee

» THe one everyone notices but also the one no one pays attention to. The queenka that disappears from class but comes back the next period looking like she had slept. The smile that's never forgotten by others and her words of encouragement and wisdom that sinks into ones head. Despite her quietness, everyone listens to her words, accepting the truth behind them. Her joking personality not understood by many, but those who do are immediately captured by the charm. Her soft smile entrancing and unintentional aegyo so inviting that many males will be after her without her knowing.

"No I'm not sleeping. I'm training to die."

home / turn-in / credits


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