✯ ⌈ ROYALTY ⌋ gentleman's spade [ *mother father gentleman* #yoloth ]

  royalty's gentleman
 full name ⌋   yukimura kagami
 other name(s) ⌋   kevin yukimura
 nickname(s) ⌋   optional
 birthdate ⌋   mm.dd.yyyy & age
 birthplace ⌋   lorem ipsum
 hometown ⌋   lorem ipsum
 ethnicity ⌋   their racial makeup
 nationality ⌋   where they hold citizenship
 language(s) ⌋   max 5 languages

  you're my sunshine。
 faceclaim ⌋   buffy : madtown
 backup ⌋   takuya : crossgene
 height & weight ⌋   cm & kg
 bloodtype ⌋   lorem ipsum
 appearance ⌋   description of what your character looks like? anything different from your faceclaim? tattoos, piercings, scars, etc?
 style ⌋   short description of what your character might dress like. links are optional, but loved!
  i can't explain with words。
 traits ⌋   5 pos & 5 neg
 personality ⌋   min of 2 paragraphs
 background ⌋   min of 2 paragraphs
 likes ⌋   5+
 dislikes ⌋   5+
 hobbies ⌋   3+
 habits ⌋   3+
 trivia ⌋   unlimited
  look closer don't be shy。
 family ⌋   name / relation / age / job / info
 friends ⌋   name / relation / age / job / info
 others ⌋   name / relation / age / job / info
  it's dazzling。
 stage name ⌋  
spade : simply put, it's kagami's favorite card suit. it also alludes to his need to be in control or in the highest degree that he can be in.
 persona ⌋   be simple and creative~
 position ⌋   gentleman : main rap, dance
 fanclub ⌋   aces / hex code
 talent twins ⌋   talk, vocal, dance, rap (only if rap is in your position), variety...
talk : takuya ( crossgene )
vocal : kim wonshik ( vixx )
dance : kim wonshik ( vixx )
rap: kim wonshik ( vixx )
variety :
 trainee years ⌋   lorem ipsum
 trainee life ⌋   a short description about how life was as a trainee. for the foreign members, how was it being a foreign trainee?
 predebut ⌋   optional, dont go overboard
 scandals ⌋   optional, future past present scandals
  i fell for you。
 love interest ⌋   optional, idol & group, or faceclaim for oc
 birthdate ⌋   mm.dd.yyyy & age
 personality ⌋   traits only
 relationship ⌋   best friends? crushing? one sided? lovers? engaged? whatnot etc.
 how they met ⌋   how did you to meet? or how would you like for them to meet if they havent yet?
 interactions ⌋   how do the act together?
 trivia ⌋   little bits about the relationship or your love interest
  the breathtaking electrifying feeling。
 hello, hello! please introduce yourself! 
name, stage name, persona, age, whatever lol
 nice to meet you! how long have you been with jellyfish? 
self explanatory. you can add a little insight of what their training was like if you want.
 what are your thoughts and feelings about debuting? 
your feelings about debuting
 have you met the other members of royalty? what do you think of them? 
do you like them? are you really friendly with them? did you room with any of them? etc.
 every idol has their strengths, tell us all about your special talents! 
state any special talents you have.
 do you have any weaknesses? 
state your weaknesses. they can be position related or something else entirely, like your character's fears or something.
 do you have an ideal type? an idol who fits your description? 
describe your ideal type and an idol you think might fit that description.
 have you met your jellyfish sunbaes? how close are you to them? 
explain any relationships with jellyfish idols
 do you have a role model that you look up to? 
who do you look up to?
 that's the end of the interview. any last words to your fans? 
say something to your fans!!!
  mini mini in my heart。
 comments ⌋   any last words?
 scene request(s) ⌋   request away!
 suggestion(s) ⌋   suggest away!
 password ⌋   did you read the rules???
activity rate


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