I'm Sad... ): me ing about stuff...

So a few months ago I was asked if I wanted to go to the SMTown NY concert bcuz my  friend was going. but I said no because I was going to buy tickets for the free sm concert thing that was the weekend before in NY. So i booked a hotel and saved all the money to be able to go to NY to see the conert....turns out I had to buy the tickets the weekend before (even though they were free) in NY....and I live in Indiana (18 hours away) so AFTER i bought the hotel rooom and AFTER I saved money for gas...it ends up that I couldnt go...and now I see they're making the SMTown concert into a damn movie and I see all these beautiful fancams from it and it makes me really sad..... TT~TT


AND on Christmas I ordered the B1A4 First Photobook Private Edition thingy and I paid for it and was waiting everyday for it to come in....then I get an email (3 weeks later) saying that it was out of stock and now i've searched all over the internet and i can't buy it anywhere!! and a couple of my friends have it and they love it and say it is amazing...I wish that the site I ordered from would have told me BEFORE I bought it that it was going to be out of stock....I was already all excited and I thought I was for sure getting it... TT~TT 



sorry for my complaining...I just needed to get it off my chest cuz it makes me really sad...

and the guy I've had a crush on since the beginning of the school year is going out with my friend and they make me sad as well....but that's okay...at least I have you guys and my computer..and my cat!

*forever alone*


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but you have sunshine...and oranges!!!!...I have snow ): but yeah that does cuz they usually only come to LA and NYC but i dont live close to either of those places either.... TT~TT
YOU HAVE ME UNNIE~!! *pout* I wanted to go to the NY concert but I live in Florida. DX WHY MUST FLORIDA BE SO FAR AWAY!!!!