Hogwarts Entertainment - Character Application


Application Form


AFF Username: addictedtoyourlove

AFF Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/90963


Character Information-

Name: Hwang Minah

Age: 19

Date of Birth: June 18

Place of Birth: San Fransisco, California, USA

Ethnicity: Korean-American

Weight: 48kg

Height: 165cm

Blood Type: B

Languages Spoken: Korean - Fluent, English - Fluent, Chinese - Conversational, Japanese - Conversational.



Personality: Minah is a sweet type of person who cares for others most of the time. She is playful and enjoys teasing others about things to see what their reaction towards it are. People often see a far away or day dreaming look on her face as she tends to space out alot. She is clumsy and has a habit of tripping over air. She is completley loyal to her friends and would never betray them or talk  about them behind their backs. She is said to look like a lost puppy due to her attitude and traits. However, despite the large number of good things about her, she has a fair few faults as well. For example, she gets jealous easily - especially over her sister and can hold grudges against people that have done something wrong to her if they are not one of her friends. She has a large group of friends but is only close to a small number of them. She's also fairly immature and childish despite not being very young at all.

Likes: Cute things, Hello Kitty, bubble tea, her friends, dancing, singing, going to amusement parks, having fun, teasing others, sweet foods, snow, sunny weather, beaches.

Dislikes: Backstabbers, betrayl, scary movies, horror movies, traitors, falling over, people calling her ditzy (even if she is), sour foods, spicy foods, rain, storms, rapping.

Hobbies: Singing, dancing, reading romance novels, listening to music, playing with her friends.

Trivia: Her favourite colour is light purple. Her favourite band is Girl's Day. Her favourite flavour of cake is cinimmon. She hates bubblegum as she always ends up swallowing it by accident. Insects are one of her pet peeves.



Family Background: Minah grew up in California with her parents and three elder siblings. She was the youngest one so got alot of attention from her parents. She whined alot and was spoilt - in a bad way. But this stopped when she was in her early teen years. She found school hard as she spent most of her time day dreaming or spacing out when she was supposed to be learning. It was only when her sister, Tiffany got accepted into SM that she started to think more about auditioning too so that she would also get praised by her parents; not wanting her older sister to steal the spot light away from her. So, when she was around 15 she looked into auditions. She didn't want to be in the same company as her sister was in and didn't want to be in YG due to it not being her style. Eventually she ruled the others out due to her picky 'tastes'. She found out about Hogwarts Entertainment and auditioned. Now for 3 years she has been a trainee.

Family Members: Hwang Junmi; mother; florist; 50. Hwang Taejun; father; music producer; 53. Hwang Sunmi; elder sister; doctor; 27. Hwang Noori; elder brother; lawyer; 24. Hwang Tiffany; elder sister; member of SNSD; 22.


Stage Information:

Stage Name: Seraphina

Group: Hufflepuff

Position: Main Vocalist and Sub-Dancer

Persona: Sweet Child (She is sweet but acts like a child at times)

Trainee Years: 3 years

Trainee Experience: Minah didn't find it very difficult as she just thought of what her goal was and that it was just a step or hill towards it. She found vocal practice easy but dance and cheoreography a little difficult. She quickly gave up rapping due to her immense dislike for it. She made a few friends whilst she was a trainee but not many.

Trainee Background: Minah auditioned by sending in a tape to the entertainment. She then went to South Korea and formally auditioned in front of the judges. Whilst she was there she was tempted to audition for SM but resisted the temptation, thinking that she would rather be in Hogwarts Entertainment.

Extra Jobs: She also works as a model but doesn't do it often due to her prefering to focus on her training instead.



Friends: Sohee (Wonder Girls), Zinger (Secret), Raina (After School), Sunny (SNSD), Seungri (Big Bang).

Best Friends: Soomi (5Dolls), Minah (Girl's Day).

Love Interests: Kyuhyun (Super Junior) & Minwoo (ZE:A)

Rivals: Tiffany (SNSD).


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