Roleplay? Someone answer me please!!!

Kerap kali org hantar msg kat wall aku, bukannya apa, katanya roleplay-roleplay, sertailah roleplay kami and so on. Macam2 cara penyampaian korang persembahkan supaya aku join rp. Tapi korang tau tak yang aku tak tahu binatang apa roleplay tuh! Serious, aku langsung tak tahu mende ttg rp tuh! So.... Can someone explain to me WHAT IS ACTUALY MEAN BY ROLEPLAY?! IS IT A GROUP TO CHATROOM?! OR IT JUST A STORY?!


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roleplay depends on what based you're joining.
its a place where you get to talk to everyone around the world but acting just like your face claim

chill lah tak payah join kalau tak intrested lol biar je dia orang advertise