Author's Note | Too Nice

Aw! I really like this story. I still have a lot of Junhao feels now and they aren't going away, they're just so cute together and then that predebut video of the two of them AH I LOVE! This story was thought of around the same time as Waiting, but I didn't have the right title or the right ship. I was watching predebut videos, at first, Mingming wasn't supposed to be in it but then I thought, WHAT IF HE WAS IN IT? What if he made it all complicated?

So thus, Too Nice was born!!! I really like this story and I'm really proud of it. There were times when I was struggling because I really have NO experience with going out on dates. I can imagine, though, and I like to think that my dates are ideal. I am an idealist, after, all ^-^

At first, when I was writing Minghao's backstory I originally thought that he should have been in a gang and then get kicked out or he left because of a reason. The original was supposed to be that he was helping out his parents by joining a gang and getting money that way, but he was taking all the jobs and stuff so the people tricked him. He would end up realizing that he's stealing money from himself and harming his family so he quit. I didn't like that, so I went with the separation anxiety thing.

I know what separation anxiety feels like but I don't think I've portrayed it as much as I could have. It's scary to talk about anxieties, though, so I'm not beating myself up over it. I hope that you readers will be able to understand the gist of the feeling.

OH! You know that SoonHoon part? I originally wanted that to be in a separate chapter, the space chapter and I was going to title it [Filler] but it didn't work out that way as I was typing it so it's titled differently. I think I'm okay with it, I mean I don't hate it.

There aren't a lot of things I hate about this but it could just be because I just wrote it. I didn't have any regrets about my other stories but I complained about them. I hope you guys like it, though if you read it. If you're reading this before you read then... Oops. I guess I should have put a disclaimer about a spoiler or something.

Thank you for reading this! 

- Rizeru


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