writing contest



So, long time no see, cause it's been a long time since I post anything here. And here I am, back and alive on this blog post. Anyway, I stumbled upon this writing contest, and I thought, its not going to hurt to give it a try, so here it is! I'm joining a writing contest!


summer fairy ► a writing contest


I'm going to submit this story of mine(if you are not aware of it), curious crimson and his charcoal eyes


I'm so excited for this! And by the way, I just realized that the contest are hosted by clasicoustic- and diahida

(so hey gauri, this is me after a millionth years(not), not sure that you remember me, but i do(please dont freak out))



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clasicoustic- #1
lol i just saw this and hey!of course i remember you ;) thanks for joining my contest btw <3333