2/15-16/16 Dream

I'm at home minding my own business when all of the sudden Professor steps out from the closed kitchen door, which we almost never close. Anyway, he walks out the door and over to me in the dining room and starts speaking about the zombie apocalypse outside. I tell him that I am aware of what's happening, but then he gets an evil, almost Cheshire-like, smile on his face and I feel very uneasy. 'Something isn't right' is what I think to myself,so I get out of my chair just in case I need to run or attack. Thank goodness I did because no more than a minute later Professor starts laughing maniacally and spring on the table into a Spider-Man position facing my direction. As I watch him waiting to see what would happen next, his skin starts to change colors and become pores, almost as if he is melting. Then he gets back in the crawling position and I can see eating ready to jump at me, because he was a zombie the whole time. And I'm one of the few survivors, he must have been the leader and that's why he could change. Just before he jumps though, I grasp my chair and. Use it like a lion tamer to fend him off, thankfully for me becoming a zombie must have slowed Professor's brain processing abilities, because he was unable to get around the chair. Although he could not get around the chair, Professor was still stronger than me physically and I was starting to have a hard time fending him off. But just then, Jungkook body slams into Professor and shoves him out of the way so I can have a little time to catch my breath, but I don't stop cause Jungkook has no protection from Professor and I fear he could be injured. So I join back in their scuffle, chair still in
 hand, and we maneuver Professor through the rest of the living room, through the hallway, and right in front of the laundry room. There is a door on either side of us and in front of us so we have plenty of options of where to put Professor. Just as we're about to decide, Jungkook is all of the sudden gone and so is my chair. And in that instance, I became pissed off about something Professor did so I grabbed him by his collar and threw him into the bathroom and shut the door, I then proceeded to lock the door from the outside with a lock I had never noticed before, but I got the job done so I went with it. Once Professor was secure inside the bathroom, I went to check the rest of down stairs. I walked down the hallway, not turning right to go back into the living room but went straight instead, passing the family room and seeing a couple other survivors consoling each other, but they were not my main concern so I let them be, then I turn right into the kitchen and saw no one, but figured I could come back for some food after finishing my search, then I made another right passing through the door I had seen Professor come through earlier and saw someone sitting in the of the other chairs of the dining room. I knew who I had hoped it to be, but I wasn't completely sure on if it was actually them, so I slowly walked towards this person with caution and reached my hand out to their shoulder, and right as I was about to grab their shoulder, they turn their head to look at me. To my utter relief and joy it was Jungkook. As Jungkook removes one of his earbuds, thinking I want to say something, I through my arms over his shoulder and cross them over his chest. "Thank goodness", I tell him. I am relieved and happy to the point of almost tears but instead I just smile into his shoulder and feel him underneath my hands as a reassurance that he really is there. Basking in his warmth, I hear the music he is still listening to and can't help but think of a song that would sound better, but I say nothing because the song isn't terrible and Jungkook has his hand on one of my arms so I figure I can handle a little music that isn't my choice. I'm not sure how much time has passed that we have been like this, but Jungkook gets up from the chair and pulls me back to the kitchen, he doesn't say a word but I know it's him thinking wise that we should be with the other survivors. When we get to everyone else, they are already fighting with each other about how we're going to survive and that what's-his-face shouldn't have protected what's-her-name, a very tiring and unnecessary argument. Therefore, instead of trying to stop it, because that would just cause more headaches, Jungkook and I go over and sit on the remnants of a couch. First we're just bumping shoulders as a reassurance to us both that the other is not a figment of our own imagination. Then Jungkook must have felt satisfied that I was real because instead of bumping my shoulder back, he stills, when I look over to him I see that he is offering his shoulder for me to rest my head on. I take him up on his offer almost instantaneously because now is not the time to be embarrassed over needing someone by your side. Once I have made myself comfortable, Jungkook rests his head on mine, and I can hear that same music from earlier, but I pay it not mind and just relish in the knowledge that I am not alone


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