❤︎ LAUV — Lee Min Ah

Lee Min ah



name — Lee Min Ah

nickname(s) — 

Min | Everyone | It's short for her name
Minnie | The members and people she is close to | A play on words with her name since she is a little on the short size.

birthday & age — Febuary 14th, 1995 & 21

birthplace & hometown — Seoul, South Korea.

ethnicity — Korean


Korean | Fluent | Born and raised in Korea 

face claim  Oh My Girl's Binnie

backup — Oh My Girl's Hyojung


style +APPEARANCE — Minah's appearance doesn't change that much day to day. Whenever she wears make up she always likes to wear very natural make up. A little eyeliner and some red liptint, though she does like a good winged eyeliner every now and again.. Her hair is currently short and dark... her hair has mostly always been short and dark (she likes to keep her hair like this because it makes her look more cute a youthful), she has only ever dyed it other shades of brown but would love one day to try really bright colours, like maybe pink. She is a little short, standing at 165cm and is a healthy weight of 52kg. She looks kind of petite and rather cute. She looks like a cinnamon roll and is a  cinnamon roll. 

Minah does not have a set style. She will change her style daily depending on what she is feeling that day, even so, most people would probably lable her style as 'girly' or 'cute' and she doesn't mind because deep down she too thinks that not only her style is cute, but she is too. She also does not know the definition of casual and will never go outside wearing sweat pants. She often wears jeans or shorts to practice instead of leggings or sweat pants (unless she is having a bad day.), but around the dorm she is all about the sweatpants and leggings, she loves to wear over sized comfy clothes when she is at home. She will always try to look her best when she isn't at home, even when she is just going food shopping or to get a coffee with her members. Click!

personality TRAITS 
+ caring, optimistic, objective, hard working, protective
- overly protective, anxious, blunt, neglectful


Caring girl - Minah is always caring towards the other members and staff. She always want's to make sure all the members are alright and will always do what ever she can to help them out.

Working hard, or hardly working? - Minah is very hard working when it comes to her job as an idol. She will often stay late at the studio to work on her vocals and dance skills. When she is not training, she is monitoring the groups performances, and seeing how they can improve.

Always looking on the bright side! - Minah is a very optimistic girl. She will always try to see the light side in any situation, especially when it comes to the other members worrying about things. She will always try to calm them down and help them see the light in the situation.

Like a true older sibling - Minah can't help but worry like an older sister when it comes to the members. She is very protective of her members and worries whenever anything happens to them, even something as small as a scraped knee, min ah will be there as fast as she can to make sure they are okay. She is especially protective when it comes to the members love interests. Without even realising it she will become over protective of her members. In her eyes her unnies and members deserve the best, and she just want's to make sure they get that. She will often try (and fail) to intimidate their loves.

Too busy caring about others - Because of how Minah takes care of her members sometimes she will be too busy that she will forget to take care of herself, and becomes neglectful of herself. Sometimes she needs to take a small step back and remember that she is a human too and she also matters.

Telling it like it is - Minah is very good at being objective and because of this, she will often be blunt and straightforward when it comes to telling her members what needs to be improved on, or if she thinks someone is slacking off. She thinks it's best to not sugar coat things, but sometimes she will come of as rude.


- Cats
- Dancing
- Coffee
- Winter
- Gloomy weather and rain
- Picking on her brother
- Spending time with her members
- Books
- Music

dislikes — 
- Not getting enough sleep
- Failing
- Other people picking on her brother
- Bad food
- Chocolate flavoured things


- She enjoys cooking for the members
- She likes to wake up the members if they don't wake up (in annoying ways... lovingly of course)
- Her brother is U-KISS Jun
- Her favourite music to dance along to is Mutemath
- Her favourite song is Sleepless Night by Nine Muses and Light It Up by Muthemath

- She admits that she is a Nine Muses fangirl and often looks up to them
- If she was an animal, she would want to be a giraffe so she could be tall
- She loves to play video games but hardly ever has the time to anymore
- She openly supports LGBTQ+ 

- She wants to get two cats and name them Fred and Ginger (After the famous ballroom dancing duo)

- Her favourite bands are U-KISS, Nine Muses, Da-iCE and Mutemath
- Family, friends and fans have dubbed Minah and Jun The Dynamic duo



the quiet

stage name — MinA

Persona — Petite Dancer

Position — Lead Dancer, Vocalist

singing talent twin — Oh My Girl's Binnie + Oh My Girl's Arin (Sorry, Binnie and Arin don't sing many lines so I have just put the starting point's of where they sings and they both only sing two lines)

dancing talent twin — Lovelyz Jisoo

talking TWIN — Oh My Girl's Binnie + Nine Muses Hyemi






Trainee years— Five years (Four at NH and one at Jellyfish)

Trainee life — Minah been a trainee for five years before the debut of Lauv. She became a trainee at NH when she was sixteen. When she had just become a trainee, she would often stay back late to work to improve her dancing and vocal skills. he would try to spend as much time with her dance trainer as she could. After four years of nothing happening for her at NH, she changed to Jellyfish in 2015 and she ahs never looked back.

pre debut experiences — 

2010 - 2016 | She would uplode videos of her self made dances and she gained some attention
2014 | Backup dancer for U-KISS (Quit Playing, paired with Kiseop)

Scandals — 

2016 (Before or just after debut) | Rookie group member dating U-KISS Jun? | When Minah found this out she felt like she was going to puke, because ew, no, that's her brother. Why would people think that?- Both companies clear it up saying that they are siblings.


The Beginning - Lee Minah was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea where she lived with her Mother and Father. Minah dosen't really remember much of the first two years of her life (Who does really?) but she does know for those two years, she was an only child. When she was two, her younger brother, Junyoung was born and the two have pretty much been close ever since. When they weere little, Minah use to convince Jun to play dress ups with her, often dressing him as a princess. She thought it was so funny and cute! She also waits for the day she can reveal this on a show. Life was good for Minah when she was little.

Childhood - Minah's childhood was much like any other, she grew up playing with friends, going to school, hanging around her family. She was a happy child. When she was eight, her parents decided to put her and her brother Junyoung into dance class. At first Minah didn't want to go, her parents had put her into jazz dance classes but she wanted to be a ballerina (like many other little girls) but she was convinced to go she her brother asked her to go. Besides, she coulden't let him go alone. After not very long, Minah had come to love dancing and by the time she was eleven she was enrolled in multiple dance classes ranging from jazz to hip hop to contemporary and of course ballet and by the time she was twelve she had also convinced her parents to start letting her take vocal classes. During her dance class days, she would often take part in competitions with groups and solo. At first, she wasn't very good. She would always come near last in her solo competitions, but as she started getting older she ranked higher and higher, even winning a few times. Minah was convinced she would become a dancer when she was older, so she started slacking off with her vocal lessons while she was younger. Of course she still loved them, but at the time they didn't seem very important.

Teenage years - All throughout her teenage years, Minah was not convinced she was going to become and idol, she loved coping idol dances and singing along to them. It was at this time she started to focus on her vocal lessons again, she knew she needed to be able to sing if she was ever going to become an idol. It was all she wanted to do. When she was thirteen she started to post videos of her dancing dances she had come up with herself and covers of idol group dances to the internet. At first she didn't get many views, but she didn't mind. Even if one person watched her dancing she was happy.. She kept attending dance classes, becoming well versed in a few dance styles, and when she was sixteen she finally asked her parents if she could audition to become a trainee. At first, her parents were not very happy about the idea, they thought about it for a while, having discussions with Minah and making sure she knew what she was getting herself into, but after a long while they agreed to let her audition. She went around auditioning to every and any company before she got accepted to a few companies and completed the lengthy audition process to a few before finally being accepted to NH media. Not too long after she joined NH, her brother Jun joined her.

Father | Lee Minhyun | 51 | Loving, sweet
Mother | Lee Minhee | One must never ask a woman her age (50) | Loving, stern, caring
Minah does not really see her parents much since she is a trainee. She would go visit them whenever she could and spends as much time with them as she can.

Precious Younger Brother | Lee Junyoung (U-KISS Jun) | 19 | Bubbly, cute, confident | Minah spends as much time with her brother as she can. Since she had become a trainee she has not gotten to spend much time with him, and that only became worse when Jun debuted with U-KISS. When they are together, people often mistake them for twins instead of siblings.


Close member | Yoon Erica Smith | 18 | ?? | Minah met Erica when she became a trainee at Jellyfish | Even with their , Minah is closest to Erica, out of all the members. She thinks of Erica as her younger sister and often treats her like a real younger sister.

Close Seniors | U-KISS | 19 - 26 | (Together) Loud, hyper, bubbly, nice | Minah met U-KISS when she was a trainee at NH but only really became close to them when Jun joined U-KISS | Minah would often see U-KISS when she would go to support Jun at shows before her debut or when she would go to see him during practice.

talk me down

love interest — Yeo Hoonmin (U-KISS)

backup(s)  — Pyo Hyemi (Nine Muses)

personality TRAITS —   Caring, Protective, Bubbly | Awkward, Over protective, Clumsy.

PERSONALITY — The way Minah would describe Hoon is... A big fluff-goof ball (she means it in the most loving way of course. He sometimes can act awkward and can easily gets embarrassed (causing his ears to turn red). He is very sweet and caring, not only towards Minah but also towards the other members of U-KISS. Like Minah, he can be protective and sometimes over protective towards her and sometimes Jun. He is always smiling and cracking jokes (especially with Soohyun).

How you met — Minah met Hoon after she started training at NH media but only really started seeing eachother more when Jun joined U-KISS. At first she didn't really talk to Soohyun much, after all, he was older than her so she was always a little stand off-ish. But as soon as the started to see him more and get more chances to talk to him, they quickly became friends. Hoon and Minah would often tease each other or Jun (in the most non mean way possible) and collectively try to freak Jun out. Not before too long, Minah started to realise the feelings she had for Hoon were not just those of good friends but those of like and maybe even love. Of course, Minah tried to brush it off because like every girl has done at least once, she thought they was no way he could like her, after all she was just her.

After a few weeks of the feelings not fading she decided to talk about it to someone, and who better than her dear brother Jun. After that night, Jun decided to formulate a plan. He knew Hoon liked Minah and now he knew Minah liked Hoon. So being the amazing younger brother he was, he wanted to help the two express their feelings.

One day, after he had finished practicing, through his skills and a cute maknae, Jun had gotten Hoon to stay beak with him after practice to help him with his vocals. Hoon, having a soft spot for Jun of course accepted. After the other members had left, Jun had made and excuse about going to get some snacks before they started. He contacted Minah and asked her to come to the practice studio where Jun and Hoon were and when she got their Jun had told her to wait in the practice room for him. It was a little odd, but of course Minah would do anything for her little brother so she did. When she entered the practice room she saw Hoon and immediately wanted to leave. Jun knew she liked him, why would he leave her in a  room alone with him. She mentally shook her fist at him.

She made small talk with Hoon waiting for Jun to come back. After about half an hour of him being gone, she announced she was going to go look for him but when she got to the door... it was locked. She stood on her toes to look through the small window of the door to see Jun crouching on the other side. She hit the door a few times and asked to be let out. Jun, of course said no and after a while of arguing back and forth Jun said to tell Hoon how she felt and he would let her out. She was mortified. How could her brother just give it away like that. That little  poop. After what felt like forever she turned around and told Hoon how she felt, she was sure Hoon would reject her. Hoon's ears we're slightly red when he confessed back to her. From then on wards, they have been dating!

interactions  — When it is just Hoon and Minah they are super cute. They will always hold hands when they are on dates, always hug when they are alone and are just all around very affectionate towards each other. Much like before they were dating, Minah would visit the U-KISS practice room whenever she had the chance. They would often go on dates to lesser known coffee shops to try hide their relationship from the public eye the best they could.  | Around some people, Minah and Hoon are a little less affectionate. Minah feels odd showing affection when they are around people, she feels like that will be judged by others.

trivia  — 
- Their is 4 years
- They have been dating since late 2014

Princess & Frog | Minah's and Hoon's | Hoon started clling Minah princess as a joke and since Minah dosent like to be called princess, she started to call him frog, because of the princess and the frog... but mostly because Hoon is scaared of frogs.


STATUS  — Dating | Dating/Publicly dating (I don't mind if they end up dating publicly or not)


comments/suggestionsFirst of all, Troye Sivan my love I hope you don't mind that I used a younger face claim since she is meant to look younger than she is. I did make sure that the face claim was over 18 so I hope it's okay! Also, I ended up using U-KISS a lot more than I thought I would. I hope you don't mind! And the love section, oh my god, I didn't mean to write that much, I have no idea how that happened- I wanted to make soohyun her love interest but the would have been six years- ANYWAY, I hope you like Minah and if anything needs to be changed I will be happy to change it!

scene request 
- U-KISS and Luva interactions?~
- Members of Luva having awkward interations with their love interets infront of the other members
- Weekly Idol!

password Cupid by Oh My Girl

turn in back to story


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