
I got a comment today on a story I am currently writing ... it was on the negative side, but clearly constructive.  I'm actually quite thankful that in a way, that reader was trying to help me get better at writing.  I really do appreciate feedbacks and I love reading my readers' thoughts on how my story is  ... But I guess this time I found myself ashamed to have wrote something so bad that I actually wasted her time reading such put it straight ... crap.  I guess she found my story a little too crappy that she wasn't able to hold back and tell me how disappointing it was.


Now, I'm thinking...maybe writing isn't just for me.





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Simply put - you can't please everyone. Certainly you shouldn't aim to piss off everyone in your way but if one or two people find your work unsatisfactory, it's okay. Say thank you for your input and move on. Writing IS for you, don't doubt yourself. You can do this! Quite frankly, I don't think writing is for me either, but I try anyways...
penpenljh #2
hey! theres always negative comments under each book, each fanfic, each movie! but cheer up! theres lots more people who like reading your fanfics and actually enjoy them and give positive comments! don't feel depressed and all just because of one comment~ they should respect your writing, if they don't like it then its their fault anyways! but please do keep writing and don't doubt your skills and ability!!
one negative comment cannot erase all the positive ones.. you are good, so don't be sad about it.. i'm still with you honey =)
To keep the story short....I was motivated to try writing because of you...I wish I was as expressive in writing as you are. We can't do anything about that person's comment since its her opinion but as you can see you have made so many people happy because you shared with us your talent and for that i'll forever be thankful. Don't let this bring you down. You're Awesome =]
Linnyxx17 #5
You're thinking about giving up writing just cause one person who doesn't even have any stories of their own and seems to like caps lock doesn't like your stories? You have way more supporters anyways and it wasn't that much of constructed criticisms Cat don't stop writing if you love it that's all that's matters
I imediately knew wich Story you were talking about and believe me, dear:

Many won't agree with that comment.
Because they love your fanfic/s!

Including me, of course ^-^

I follow u n ur fics quite a while, and let me tell you that many MANY adore u n ur fanfics. U should acknowledge that comment, but please don't take it to heart. I mean, you can't be everyones Darling...

She didn't like it. So what? Stop just because she doesn't like ur writing?
No, please don't do that...

I, for myself, really love ur fanfics. They are wonderful ^-^
And I love them despite the fact that I read mainly
I love ur plot idead and the characters AND your OCs :)

I'm always excited to see that u've updated and I'm sure many feel that way.
So don't let yourself down just because one single Person out of 100 didn't like it ^^

I would be really really sad if you stopped writing ur stories.
Because I know you love reading and you shouldn't stop doing something u love just because one told you it wasn't good...

I really hope you'll get past that comment n come back to me (yeah selfish me lol Don't wanna share with the others since u r mine lol xD)

Hope, other than that bad comment, u are doing fine?

Love u ♥
hopelesswriter #7
well, i don't think you should be demotivated by one negative comment. readers aren't experts anyway, so aren't writers. one reader's crap may be another reader's crack. i faced this situation once(ok, i've had my share of criticism more than once but this one stood out), a reader who just came (a big fan who writes all fics)to read my story as a form of 'gratitude' i assume because i commented on hers, gave a lengthy comment about how my story was typical because she assumed the characters won't be gay(i mean like even if he isn't, how does that make my story typical? O_o?)..and she just assumed, i know i shouldn't feel disheartened but i felt so down that i stopped writing that fic for good, and it was the fic with most numbers of chapters...and yet i stopped just because of that one new reader who just assume she know my writing style n can predict everything when she knew nothing. i do accept criticism...but being judged as typical prematurely is just...too much...i didn't even claim to be not-typical...but i must admit i am anything but typical...haha...anyway, jokes aside...i felt so down that i hid the fic until today...out of curiosity...i checked out your fics like the pro stalker that i am to find the comment said...and i wouldn't be hurt by such comment that can't even point out what was wrong with the probably doesn't match her taste...if i were the reader, not happy with a story i read(which actually happened lots of time)...i'd just go find other fics that match my taste instead of hurting the writer...anyway, sorry for the lengthy comment...just bored and randomly blogwalking...
Eh ... no. If it's constructive then what she wants is for you to be a better writer, not for you to quit. I know my stories are , but I'm not going to give up because I love writing. My stories have very thin plots, if they have a plot at all, and I don't tell the best stories with the characters. I focus on details that aren't important. But I love writing, so I keep writing. Any feedback that tells me where I can improve or where I've gone wrong is very much appreciated, but I won't quit writing because I don't write for my readers, I write for me. I publish the story so that my readers can visit my Universe that I have created, but I create that Universe for me and me alone. I allow you to visit as my guest. If you don't like it, tell me where and how to make it better. If I agree with you, I will change it. If I don't, I won't. It is my story, my Universe, and it's where I need to feel happiest before I will let you see it. So don't give up writing because of a single comment. Take on board what is being said and use it to be a better writer and write something that YOU love most. If we don't like it, that's our problem, because there will always always always be someone who doesn't like your story.