i'm a kid

I'm sixteen but I'm still a kid.

I'm fragile because I get butthurt over small things. In the roleplay community I'm in, I commented on someone's post and that person answered with '' Don't ruin my post with the unneeded comments. ''. The thing is, I play a really extra character that just tries to be funny and I know it's in that person's character's traits to be y but it still hurt me even though it's ROLEPLAY. 

Long story short, I need to ing grow up.


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YuzuruH #1
aw. i feel you
What an ......
I just found this random blog idk why but.. I feel you on that, very bad.
But like the other person below me said, its a roleplay, and I know its sometimes hard to not get feelings even if its in rp when you have been in the roleplay for a long time,
but maybe try talking to them ooc or just don't talk to them at all if they don't appreciate your effort in trying to be friendly...
Its no good to stay with toxic friends if all they do is hurt you neh? just saying...
..................... Why? You can still be the biggest kid on the face of the earth when you're in your 60s. The thing is, they aren't really a good roleplayer if they aren't taking other characters into consideration. And things like that may well hurt you. It might be roleplay, but sometimes, people get so into character that you can't tell if it's character or real. You're not weird or wrong for feeling like this.