Does anyone know anything about the comments rep?

Hi there,


Just want to know what the comment rep means? 

Does this means something special or not?

Thanks for letting me know!





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I have the same question.. lol...
I had the same question
shineeinfinite #3
It's the same as 'like' button in facebook...
Basically like thumbs up or down and the like button on facebook and youtube. Usually to say I agree with your comment therefore i'll upvote or no I disagree and downvote it. It's nothing special, it just adds up on your profile to say how many upvotes and downvotes you have received on your comments altogether.
it was probably created to track down comment spammers, but as we all know there are petty people use it to 'hurt' other's reputation.
I wouldn't mind those as supposedly, aff is keeping tabs on us voters.
its just if someone upvotes or downvotes your comment. it really doesnt mean much
Virtuosos #7
Seems like you were attacked by one of the cliques here on AFF. Nothing is going to happen if you're in the negative comment rep. It just doesn't look nice. You don't seem like a person who would go around flaming so... just keep on commenting/reviewing and you'll be back on the positive side in no time after the ordeal that caused this (unless these people continue to hunt you down... then wow, you must be on their mind 24/7 and you are an important part of their being as a whole.) :)
-Qiaolian #8
Its uselessly unimportant lol