Just 3 Words


MUST USE 3 WORDS. (no more no less) Not as easy as you might think...(or is it?!)

1.Where is your cell phone?
 At the shop

 Boyfriend~ eh eh~

 tie it neatly

4.Your mother?
 In the room

5.Your father?
 same like mother

6.Your favorite item?
 My IPad 2

7.Your dream last night?
 Married to Seungho XDD

8.Your favorite drink?
 ice lemon tea

9.Your dream guy/girl?
 just like Seungho 

10.The room you are in?
 My dining room

11.Your fear?
 Don't have fear

12.What do you want to be in 10 years?
 the best phototgrapher

13.Who did you hang out with last night?
 My pet cat

14.What are you not?
 A girly girl

15.Are you in love?
 with Yang Leader 

16.One of your wish list items
 meet Mir again

17.The last thing you did?
 Punch a guy XDD

18.What are you wearing?
 my white hoodie

19.Your favorite book?
 'The Mist' Novel

20.The last thing you ate?
> the beef steak

21.Your life?
> very boring life

22.Your friends?
I don't care~

23.What are you thinking about right now?
 Yang Leader Seungho XP

24.Your car?
don't have one

25.What are you doing at this moment?
 watching 2 video

26.Your summer?
way too hot

27.Your relationship status?
 married to Seungho XD

28.What is on your TV screen?
 Don't wanna know~

29.When is the last time you laughed?
 Mir kiss Joon!


30.Last time you cried?
 MBLAQ didn't win ;______;

 I don't care~


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SO doing this :P
SSZE_A501 #2
i'm doing this :D