A.S.A.P Application


AF Username: Jmendo16

AF Profile Link:http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/77600


Character name: Shin Min Young

Nickname: Minnie

Ethnicity : Korean, 1/4 filipino

Height: 5'7

Weight: 108 

Age: 17 

Instruments: guitar, cello, piano

Language: Fluent Korean, Fluent English, Japanese


Elegant Hair style, cute picture

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTotu2VclCy2jJippv0bjwJLN-IXbFdJAeez8jiXj7NfjlwlC3aeJxLV8QjUlzang name: Hwang MiHee

Fashionable and flirty^^


Tough and y



Ulzang name: Hwang MiHee



 Min Young looks mean and judgemental at first but once you get to know her she's a really fun person. She has a leader like personality and also has a wild side. She very protective of her friends and family and she had already mastered the art of tae kwon do and is currently a black belt level 3 in Hapkido. She's kind of picky sometimes and aside from her motherly personality, she sometimes acts like the cute maknae. It's very easy for her to make friends and she's very social and also likes sports. She's not really into shopping and having the next new thing but still cares about her look. She loves to sing and dance because  she has a lot of energy. She sometimes is a diva because she talks back if she's angry or irritated. No one can tell her emotion unless she decides to show it.


Siblings: Only Child



Min Young was born into a very rich, high class, sophisticated family. She wasn't spoiled but she could get whatever she wated as long as her parents agreed with it. When she was 10, an incident happened where one of her baby sitters that watch her while her parents were away on buisness kidnaped her as a hostage to get money since her family is rich, and many hours later she was found. This scared her so she learned tae kwon do and hapkido as self defense incase this may occur again. Her parents wanted her to be high class CEOs like them but you wanted to sing and be in the music buisness.

She secretly auditions for SM entertainment and gets accepted at the age of 16. They were so amazed that she only needed very little training, but her parents evetually find out. She's begs them to let her do this and they give in so she then starts living her dream.


3 Things you hate about yourself:

~ high class and sophisticated look

~ fails at rapping

~ Always has pity for a person in need 


3 Things you love about yourself:

~ her smile, it's very easy to make her laugh but very hard to make her cry

~ her ageyo, she is the aegyo queen

~ Her AMAZING voice and dancing talents



- Pandas

- cute things

- Music

- action or romance movies 


- Anoying and stuck up people

- school

- the color pink

- when someone touches your stuff without asking


- listening to music

- sleeping

- singing and dancing

- basketball

- gymnastics


- Always listening to music and sometimes makes people think she listening to music by putting her earphones on but listens to what they are saying

- Not falling asleep at night and just thinking about things...

- brushing her hair, she always brushes her beautiful long hair  so that it never is tangled and stays healthy. She also almost always leaves it down unless she is told not to

- Very picky about food and clothes



or https://encrypted-tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRVwZ1ypiBOnS_7jzbyfMi7WPr7I-j-aqnlehkF4uK9O8Ys_hgtAQ

Semi-formal- https://encrypted-tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQux5narszXnO8qeY3f7WRxDtkV4rWSI4niKTWuFypdzQmbjEkgqw

or https://encrypted-tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRNa-Obv2b6ueJSVCfp1hx2xThUqNnofBQvcWeCVOhlJyKmzbHXWg

Formal- https://encrypted-tbn1.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTUBNs3kmkpLTHDEaoxspEzvfCAVWTf0UdeR5wzekdWXDMIW10jxA

or- https://encrypted-tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTohKKdw-ytuIPKgE3lS531VY6wgmHcJKrREjMQVGvTtE4ykTdu

On stage- https://encrypted-tbn3.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQCGUnyzqebJ5QCkl-EUzZXp0bQJn-xZMnXJ6K-IGV1DfLMsSwUnA

or- https://encrypted-tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRf_FSdGjiLcwbwuGOqJqHYinNSZqA7ju2V1YeyY5bKg4cFeSOgiQ

Facts: She likes the colors blue and black

Rivals: A Pink

Love interest:

Jo Youngmin from boyfriend

Lee Chan Hee from teen top

Lee Jinki (Onew) from SHINee


Best friend:

No Minwoo from Boyfriend

Choi Jong hyun (Changjo) from teen top


Stage Information

Stage Name: A.V. Minnie (Amazing Voice Minnie)

A word to Describe your yourself: Caring

Position Choice: Lead singer/ Main Dancer/ visual



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