Hello! :(

Hello :( And yes, a sad face.

I don't know if you guys still remember me (Probably some of you are already wondering who the hell I am and why you followed my blog) so yeah.

I decided to write today (yes, after a few months, years? IDK) because I have no one to talk to and I just feel really, really sad right now like I'm so depressed and . This may be the most depressing moment of my life but don't worry, I'm not gonna kill myself because of all the shiz that is happening right now.


I am just wondering why people change.




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Because people grow up dear. That's why they change. Some for good. Some for worst. The best we can do is to stay truly to ourself
zyzyly #2
minji unnie T_T
Sincera #3
Sadly people change and it is part of growing up, but think of it this way. People come and go in your life to teach you something and help you grow as a person. Not everyone you are friends with now will be down the road. I know that to hear but it is the truth. Keep your head up, because the good friends and family that stick around are worth so much more. :) Saranghae!
If you want someone to talk to, like a heart to heart talk, I am here.
Ikr? One moment everyone acts like they're your bestfriends and the second after you don't even know who you're talking with! Take your time, things will get better, maybe not tomorrow, but soon enough! If they changed that much it's better to loose them, or at least it was like that in my case! Fighting!
:( I at comforting peeps but I do know that things do get better (based on my experience). Cheer up! Hope things work out for you in the end.