SoNaR :: Itano Rei :: Main Vocalist




Itano Rei

WeSetOff + Elisa + Main Vocalist



— Yume ; It's her stage name, so people often call her by it.
— Ray ; A nick name given to her by friends in Australia because of how it sounds like Rei

BIRTHDAY ☆ January 5th, 1994
BIRTH PLACE ☆ Melbourne, Australia
HOMETOWN ☆ Tokyo, Japan / Seoul, South Korea

ETHNICITY ☆ Japanese-Italian
NATIONALITY ☆ Australian


— English ; Grew up in Australia until she was 11
— Japanese ; Lived in Japan from when she was 10 to 19
— Korean ; She has been training in Korea and took lessons

FACE-CLAIM ☆ Shiraishi Mai (Maiyan)
BACK UP ☆ Nishino Nanase (Nanasemaru)

FASHION STYLE ☆  Rei does not have one set style, she often just wears what she is feeling that morning.
airport & casual ☆  Link
dorm & practice ☆  


others (rei's colection of docs) ☆  


You hate me, hate me, hate me

cause of everything I am


+ Caring, optamistic, objective, hard working, protective
- Overly protective, anxious, blunt, negectful

Caring girl - Rei is always caring towards the other members and staff. She always want's to make sure all the members are alright and will always do what ever she can to help them out.

Working hard, or hardly working? - Rei is very hard working when it comes to her job as an idol. She will often stay late at the studio to work on her vocals and dance skills... even if she isn't the best dancer. When she is not training, she is monitoring the groups performances, and seeing how they can improve.

Always looking on the bright side! - Rei is a very optimistic girl. She will always try to see the light side in any situation, especially when it comes to the other members worrying about things. She will always try to calm them down and help them see the light in the situation.

Like a father - Rei can't help but worry like a father when it comes to her members. She is very protective of her members and worries whenever anything happens to them, even something as small as a scraped knee, Rei will be there as fast as she can to make sure they are okay. She is especially protective when it comes to the members love interests. Without even realising it she will become over protective of her members. In her eyes her members deserve the best, and she just want's to make sure they get that. She will often try (and fail) to intimidate their loves.

Too busy caring about others - Because of how Rei takes care of her members sometimes she will be too busy that she will forget to take care of herself, and becomes neglectful of herself. Sometimes she needs to take a small step back and remember that she is a human too and she also matters.

Telling it like it is - Rei is very good at being objective and because of this, she will often be blunt and straightforward when it comes to telling her members what needs to be improved on, or if she thinks someone is slacking off. She thinks it's best to not sugar coat things, but sometimes she will come of as rude.


— Cats
— Singing
— Coffee
— Winter
— Gloomy weather and rain
— Going for walks late at night
— Spending time with her members
— Fashion
— Pushing herself
— Books
— Music


Not getting enough sleep
— Failing
— Sleeping in
— Bad food
— Chocolate flavoured things


— Drawing
— Practicing her singing... always
— Cooking for the members
— Napping
— Waking the members up in the morning
— Helping to cook breakfast
— Stepping on the other members feet when practicing
— Pushing herself too hard
— Reading until super late


— She is fluent in English and Japanese
— She isn't that great at Korean
— She is seen as the "Father of the group"
— She is one of the worse, if not, the worst dancer in SoNaR


You love me, love me, love me

cause of everything i am


The Beginnings - Rei was born in Melbourne, Australia on the 5th of January 1994, to her Mother Maya Itano and father, Itano Takashi. Rei also had an older brother Yoru. Growing up, Rei loved that she got to learn about two different cultures, one day she would be making salami with her mother and grandparents and the next she would be learning about Japanese traditions from her father. Rei loved growing up in Australia, the culture was so diverse, and because of this she was never picked on because of her ethnicity as she may have been in other countries.

The Music Beginnings - When she was about five, Rei started to take in interest in singing, no matter where she wont, she would be singing. Her father had quite an impressive record collection, so she would always bother him to play some. Her introduction to music when she was younger were Duran Duran, Kiss, Spandu Ballet, Simple Minds and many more. She loved old music and couldn't get enough of it. As she got older, her love for old music stuck with her... but with the edition of some more newer bands.

The Move - When Rei was ten, her father got a job offer, and told her and her brother that they would be moving to Japan. Moving to Japan for Rei wasn't very hard. Of course she missed all her friends from back in Australia, but it seemed fun and exciting be be living in a new place and getting to see new thing and visit new places, that was until she started to attend school. Her Japanese was okay but because it wasn't her first language she would often lag behind the other students and that would cause some other students to pick on her. For her first few months in Japan, Rei felt lonely, until she found the music club. After joining the club she found so nice friends who had the same passion as her and she started to really feel like Japan was her new home.

The Passion Takes Over - After Rei had moved to Japan, she started to see idols everywhere, no matter where she was there always seemed to be idol music playing. So, when Rei was thirteen she decided that one day she wanted to become a singer. She wanted to be up on stage, doing what she loved. After begging her parents for a few months, they finally gave in and Rei started to attend vocal training classes, and over time, she became an amazing singing with  a very strong voice. After years of attending vocal classes, Rei decided to audition for a Korean company. She thought that groups in Japan were just getting too big and she wanted an opportunity to show herself to the world as a vocalist. She Auditioned for Mysic when she was nineteen, singing U-KISS's someday. After some time waiting for a reply, she was asked to fly to Korea to audition for them in person. She did, and after the small audition process, she was accepted!



Mother, Maya Itano (Itano Mina - Japanese name)  50  None  Loving, Sweet  Rei's relationship with her mother has always been good. Her mother has always been a stay at home mum so she has always been very close to her. Her mother is her number one supporter.

Father, Itano Takashi  49  Japanese Professor  Strict, Stern, Caring, Loving  Rei has always had a good relationsip with her father, though not as good as the one she has with her mother. She has always stayed on her fathers good side and never want's to get on his bad side (See has seen what happened to her brother when he went on his dads bad side.)

Brother, Itano Yoru  26  Choreographer  Much like Reis  Rei and Yoru have always been close as siblings. Rei would often go out with Yoru and his friends when she was younger and misses the time she used to spend with him.


Best friend, Yeo Hoonmin  22  Idol, U-KISS  Happy, hyper, hard working  Rei and Hoon first met through Rei's brother when he was working with U-KISS for their first Japanese tour in 2012  Hoon and Rei would often meet up whenever Hoon was in Japan, Rei would always be happy to show Hoon and the other members of U-KISS around Japan and help when with their Japanese.

— English friend, Dove Isla Taylor  20  Idol, SoNar  Wen Rei first became a trainee at Mystic she found it diffficult to communicaate with people, so she didn't have may friends. That was until she met Dove, she was so happy to have someone she could speak to freely without having to worry about language barriers. Rei would say that out of SoNaR, she is closest to Dove.

Sisters, Members of SoNaR  26 - 15  Idols  Various  They are in the same group  Rei loves to take care of the other members of SoNaR and is so happy to have them by her side. She could not have wished to have a better group of girls with her.



main vocalist

"Although tiring there will be days to smile." - U-KISS


STAGE NAME ☆ Yume (Means dream in Japanese, Rei chose this as her stage name becuase she was finally acheiving her dream.)
HEIGHT & WEIGHT ☆  165cm & 52kg
BACK-UP POSITION  ☆  Lead Vocalist, Lead Rapper
DANCE TWIN ☆  Nine Muses Keumjo
RAP TWIN BESTies Dahye (For backup position and sorry I could not find a cut of her rapping, but she is the only rapper in this song so I hope this will do!)

TRAINEE YEARS ☆  Rei had been training for two years before her debut with SoNaR. After she had moved to Korea to be a trainee she moved into the trainee dorms at Mystic. Though she wouldn't say her trainee life was horribly hard, she did get picked on for one, not being Korean and two, being of two different ethnicity's. Rei decided form almost the start that she would not take any of it to heart, and used it a flue to push herself harder, to show those who picked on her that she could debut before them, regardless off her ethnicity. She started to train hard in vocals, she would often spend as much time as she could with the vocal trainer and stay late in the training studios to practice, sometimes not leaving until the early morning.



At the time of their debut :: Rookie group member, rude to her seniors? :: (If there are people older in the group) Rei forgets to call the older girls unnie sometimes when speaking Korean and using the correct language for people older than her, so people think she is being extremely rude towards her older members and Rei has to issue an apology saying it was all due to her since she was still learning Korean and saying that she will work harder in the future to be more respectful towards them.

June/2016 :: SoNaR member Yume spotted on a date with U-KISS's Soohyun? :: Pictures surfece of Rei and Soohyun on a datein Hongdae. Both sides neither deny or confirm this.

August/2016 :: Continuation of previous scandal :: More photos of Soohyun and Rei surface of when the two happened to be in Japan at the same time. (I don't mind if they confirm or deny this or say nothing, what ever is easier for the story!!)


Shin Soohyun (U-KISS)

No love interest


PERSONALITY TRAITS ☆  Happy, Optimistic, Kind, Caring, Hard working, Self-aware, Overly Protecive, Blunt.

RELATIONSHIP ☆  Rei and Soohyun's relationship is like any normal persons relationship... except it's not. Their relationship is mostly kept in the shadows.

HISTORY ☆ Rei and Soohyun meet through Re's brother (Yoru) in 2012 when Yoru was working with U-KISS for their Japanese tour in 2012. Rei would often go out with Soohyun and the other members of U-KISS when they had free time in Japan, since they were there a lot to promote their Japanese music but didn't really know muh about the place. After some time of getting to know each other, Rei started to notice that she started to develop feelings towards Soohyun, she tried to brush them off since he was older than her and because they didn't really get to see each other much and most of the talking they would do was via kakaotalk. But in 2011, when Rei moved to Korea they started to see each other more and it was harder for Rei to brush her feelings aside.

When Rei had just moved to Korea, Soohyun would meet up with Rei and show her around places like she did for him when he was new to Japan, and since her Korean wasn't that good, he would often help her with that too. Since they were both in the same country now, they started to spend more time with each other. Rei had had enough of hiding her feelings for the other and needed to say something or she felt like she was going to burst. She had prepared herself for the worse because she was more than sure he would reject her. In March 2014, Rei confessed her feels to Soohyun one evening when they met, and too her shock and utter disbelief, Soohyun told her that he had the same feelings for her. After a couple of minutes of silence and not know what to do, they decided to talk things over and by the end of the night, they decided to give it a go and have been a couple every since.


— They mostly speak to each other in Japanese, since it is the commen language they share.
— Rei dosen't really speak about the relationship to many of her band mates not many of them know.


last comment ☆  I hope you like Rei!

scene requests ☆ 

— The girls debut being a huge sucsess..

— SOnar going on shows like weekly Idol..

— The girls going on a show where some end up going against their love interests and so they try do everything to beat them.

— Realistic events like someone getting sick or hurt so a comeback has to be pushed back.

— The members experiencing difficulty in the dorm (if they live in a dorm) because of all the different cultures.

— Maybe the girls having a d&m type thing (maybe after a fight) and Rei revealing her relationship to everyone.

— The members becoming close despite all the different cultures and possibly language barriers.

— Rei trying to intimidate some of the girls love interest... even though she is most likely shorter, but after all, she is the "father" of the group, so she can't just let anybody go out with her "daughters".

— Japanese and English promotions (maybe visiting Australia)



My two biases-



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