LEE Ahreum

BeeWonderful • Bea • 5/10


the basics.

name » Lee Ahreum

nickname(s) » Ari

birthplace » Busan, South Korea
 BIRTHDAY » (1998/12/15)

hometown » Busan, South Korea

ethnicity » Korean

language » Korean (fluent), English (decent)

face claim » GFriend's Umji

backup face claim » AOA's Chanmi


HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 157cm & 47kg

appearance » Ahreum is casual in the sense she likes to be plain. Her hair is farily dark brown, and is always down. The straight across bangs are a frequent perferred style for her. No tattoos, or pierecings (she doesn't have a single ear pierce). Very traditional to say the least, and in terms of make-up, she wears the least when applying it herself. 

style » Black, white, beige, navy, slightly stripped, never polka-dotted, and forever plain is how Ahreum styles herself. She'd always avoid neon colors as much as she can. Nothing too furry or leathery, her style never changed since she grew up a plain-Jane like the rest of her sisters. Being a short-individual, Ahreum is more centered to pumps as to running shoes or flats. She acknowledges her height-difference with most her friends and that's why she tends to lean more towards high-heeled shoes rather than flats.

"Hello, I'm Ahreum, do love me--*laughs out of embarrasment*"

" The pleasure of doing something I love, makes me want to do it even more. "


the Sparkles.

plotline » MEROPE

stage name » AHREUM (since her name means 'Beautiful' in Korean, the fans seem to deny a stage-name)
Persona » The forever-awkward, shy-at-times type of girl.
Position » Maknae, Triple Threat
Back-up Position » Maknae, Lead Vocalist
individual fanclub name » Beautiful People "사람들 아름다워" (Play on words due to her name)
individual Fanclub color » Baby Blue #C5EFFD

Singing Twin » Shannon Williams (Shannon Williams)
dancING TWIN » GFriend's Umji (AOA's Chanmi)
rapping TWIN » if applicable (for backup position)
acting TWIN » Kim Saeron
variety TWIN » optional

trainee years » 3 years
trainee background » Ahreum joined ATLAS around 3 years ago, after it's two year from opening. A friend (whom later Ahreum lives with in Seoul due to joining ATLAS Entertainment) recommended her to try out having been praised a lot for having a fairly good voice for a girl to not pursue a talent with it. Her parents didn't have a problem at first with the idea of trying out, knowing Ahreum is hesitant they assumed she'd lay off actually going for it after the auditions and the idea of living in a big city like Seoul. After the try out and the call-back auditions, when the ATLAS representitive actually mentioned her having a lot of potential with practice, Ahreum wanted in. Being the shy one out of her four sisters, the parents stood ground that it wasn't fit for her to join such a "loud crowd" as they called it but she is a stubborn 14 year old at the time. Letting her join was hard for tha parents but they did let her do it since she seemed passionate about the idea, under the one conditon that she stayed in the school they enrolled her in to join her friend in Seoul but still do school-work. Although it was a lot to juggle, Lee Ahreum was a student in junior high in the morning and a trainee during the afternoons and evenings. Even after she entered high school during her second year (second and a half, to be precise) she still attended high school and managed to juggle practice. Her passion sure showed and her improvement was a huge accomplishment while still maintaining decent grades.


the trUths »

» The outdoors: although she hates the winter-time, the air is refreshing being she was born and raised in Busan, taking a long commute to Seoul and back, or just simply going from the mall to her friend's house or anything in between, the fresh air was always a pleasure for her.

» Toppokki: spicy and soft. Ahreum is the type to feast on side-dishes more than the main dish.

» Karaoke: The only way her friend discovered Ahreum's "golden throat" as she called it was their obsession with karaoking every weekend.

» Survival shows (ones that involve singing): not a big fan of every variety show but ones that have singing involved-- for example: Star King, or Kpop Star are always eye-candy for her (ear-candy, some might say).

» Dark chocolate, and dark coffee: she likes the fact they carry such bitterness that doctors reccomend them due to their "natural taste" they are considered healthy, having never had a 'sweet-tooth' Ahreum is the type to eat salty or bitter. 

» Sweet candy, (or anything overly coated in chemicals): Nothing says "you've only got up to 50 years old before you die" other than over-processed candy.

» People who the quote "the world revolves around them" can be applied to: you have to care for others to be cared about. Although Ahreum is never to admit her hatred or dislikeness of anyone to anyone but she holds a certain act of quietness around people she can't approach or would-like to never approach. For example her act of more awkwardness than she already gives grows with people she finds unapproachable.

» Rap music: having never understood its purpose, she lays off ever listening to it all-together.

» Family matters and discussing them: she isn't exactly the harsh one about sensistive subjects but she isn't great with comforting, therefore Ahreum tries to say out of "pat-you-on-the-back-till-you-stop-crying" situations.

» Vague explainitions: this is a hit and miss with Ahreum, for example someone asking her to be funny before a variety show, her natural extinct is be herself since her awkward and fairly shy-self always seems to get people smiling or laughing but if during a music video set and behind the scene someone asked her to "act y" her eyebrows would simply knot and she'd be confused and flustered than y, but if someone said a scenerio for example "imagine you having to seduce the male model in the music video" she'd try a little harder than hearing "be (something)", some would say she can't reply to certain demands but she personally always blames the vague explaination.

» Constant day-dreaming: her charm and curse is her constant fish-gape lips that give off the immediate impression that she is not with the person talking or performing. Her fans always make fun of the fact she is always in her own world.

» Short replies: this is not always the case, if the question directed is "Could you please describe your album?" she will fully say what every other member rehearesed, but if the question is personal like "How do you like your eggs?" She wouldn't pursue to answer all girly-like and explain a heart shaped omlete, but will simpyl say "Boiled"

» Constant "sorrys" that her members simply apologize with her to 'jinx' her for sodas. Her head is always down thinking she can't really look up to sunbaes or other idols around her, she never is good with other people (hence her awkward persona) but due to her attractive (but awkward) sense of humor she always thinks when other idols rephrase things for her or direct questions towards her, she answers and when the answer isn't exactly expected instead of laughing with the crowd she apologizes.
» Cooking: being that she is the youngest, she cooks a lot for the rest of the girls (especially sense she always considers health and fitness to avoid weight-gain)

» Walks/runs.

» TV-drama acting (short dramas)

» Once-every-week-selca posts: Ahreum is keen on keeping her 'Beautiful People' updated, therefore a sunday selfie has become her thing.

» Phobia of water: Ahreum never learned to swim

» Had a pet spider once: her dad taught her to never fear insects

» Can run a 5k marathon with no stopping

» Obsessed with ballad songs, her favorite band is Nell

» Predebut photos of her in Nell concerts are popular

» Known for being the 'plane-Jane' of Shooting Star

» Currently has a pet chipmunk: 'Jumba'

» Has four sisters, and she is the second youngest. 

» Can imitate SHINee's Jonghyun in 'Juliette'

» Loves dancing to other girl groups' songs.

» Her favorite girl group that she personally idolizes: A-Pink

» She admitted to being scared of needles that is why she can never think of getting a tattoo.

» Her quiet-care for her team members makes her feel at home because she was always the kid-mother when her mother was not around.


the pillars.

POSITIVE : Funny in her own way, tries until she perfects it, will do almost anything to achieve her passionate dreams, smart and it can be benefical in many ways.
NEGATIVE : Hard-headed, she can be very stubborn in terms of giving up or accepting failure, not knowing to comfort someone in need of it, and also the constant reminder of 'not-breaking-the-rules' due to her innocent minded self can get reptitve and annoying especially because the older girls want a little fun some times.

Kid-Leader: the two words are exactly as they seem, when the leader isn't around or the manager is too busy or anything in between, if a serious matter is at hand, like a member lost a mic or an emergency problem she knows how to act either staying out of harm's way or finding things like rushing for a staff to find the lost mic, she won't exactly be as they call "a wall-flower" and disappear or appear unhelpeful, she can't do that. It is not in her nature.


The funny awkward one: It isn't fully explained why she is considered funny but awkward, but her answers are very absurd yet halirious. Like for example: "Ahreum, you're from Busan right?", "Yes", "It must've been hard to move to Seoul at a young age", "...", "Right?", "Um, I don't remember how I felt, it's been three years...", due to her unexpected but straight forward answer, the MC will be taken aback but will laugh to her considerable honesty.


Emotionless: It isn't a flaw, but she is rarely seen crying. If the girls win an award, while every girl will shed a tear, hers remain in her eyes making the glossy but it is like Ahreum fears to blink and show that side of her. Nothing for the case to be myestrious but her persona of being so "out-of-this-world" with her constant blinking and lip-gape that she isn't the type to show emotions easily. Perhaps in the matter of Shooting Star "showtime" tv show and the whole group is discussing families and how they miss them, she might show her true feeling because its a personal interview but not during a stage-peformance.

background » Ahreum was born and raised in Busan, just minutes from the highway that leads to Daejon. Ahreum's accent recently gotten better at being a 'Seoul-girl' as they call it but every now and then a Busan-dilect will appear. She attended a junior high there until the age of 14, and moved to Seoul with her close friend Nam Sooah, another Busan girl who had moved at a youth-age to Seoul, South Korea. Both attended a normal high school (not one of the arts, like most idols). 


Ahreum has a boyish adventure feel, her non-fear of any animal make her seem macho, but her actions and un-intended girly smiles give her that well-earned maknae look. Ahreum is told she looks very much like her mother, and out of her four sisters, she is the only one to look like her mother. The rest happen to have their father's looks. 


Due to her busy-schedule predebut with trainee events and school, Ahreum never had a friend other than Sooah. Every friend she made had been in her past in Busan, and all her family are there as well. She has had a rough three years but never would admit it if asked. She was always home sick and although it was the holidays she only ever returned to Busan for just Christmas day, then she took advantage of the empty studios during the other days and trained with the other trainees that returned early as well.  


» Father  | 10  | Lee Taehyun  | 53  | Stern but warm-hearted  | Very close, shared most childhood memories with him. Ahreum's dad works at a business company as a executive secertary to a share-holder for a wine-company.

» Mother | 9 | Kwan Jiyeong | 49 | Quiet, and hard working | Close but bump-heads at times. Ahreum is very much like her mother, hard-headed and determined but the two bump heads more often than Ahreum bumping heads with any other family member in matters that may seem silly in time. Ahreum's mother works as a Korean history teacher in a Korean high school in Busan.

» Older Sister (1) | 9 | Lee Ahrin | 27 | Comedian of the family | Ahrin and Ahreun are fairly close in the sense they both share the idea of not showing sad emotions but would rather laugh at things than cry at them. Ahrin works as a secertary in the same company as their father.

»Older Sister (2) | 10 | Lee Ahsoo | 22 | The brains and the brawn | Lee Ahsoo is actually featured in the Women's Health magazine in Korea, not the cover but she was the first one out of the Lee family to become famous-- not very famous but famous never the less. Ahsoo is an instagram well-known Korean workout addict. She posts constant photos of her work-out routines and her healthy eating. Ahreum is closest with Ahsoo out of her sisters due to their love for healthy-life style. The brains apply for Ahsoo as well because of her ranking in the univeristy of Busan, she is the only girl in the engineering section of her major-faculty. 

»Older Sister (3) | 8 | Lee Ahryeong | 19 | Trouble-maker | Due to closeness in age, and being the one two years older than Ahreum, Ahryeong and Ahreum never exactly agree on everything. Ahryeong blames Ahreum for almost every busted-plans Ahryeong almost gets away with whether skipping class or school or doing something that isn't exactly legal for her age. Ahreum isn't the best at keeping secrets especailly if it holds harm against someone dear to her. The consant fights though make it less of caring and more of 'getting back at each other'.

»Younger Sister | 10 | Lee Ahna (Ana) | 11 | Baby-Lee and the flower of the house | Although it is admitted fairly a lot that Ahreum is the prettiest in the family due to her resemblence to her beautiful mother, Ahna holds a lot of charm that even Ahreum is in love wit her own sister. The girl is 11 years of age but looks and acts like a 5 year old. Her charm gets to people and her kind actions wow many. Ahreum is very protective of Ahna, that if anything were to occur even slight fever she is in constant worry over her little sister. A six year difference doesn't mean much and Ahreum would play 'kitchen' for hours just for the sake of Ahna. 



» Friend | 10 | Nam Sooah | 17 | Bad-b!tch/tom boy | Closest friend to Ahreum, and the meanest girl in school. Not as in "Mean Girls" faboluous and rich kind of mean, but mean as in female wrestler I-will-cut-you-b!tch kind of mean. Although Ahreum is highly against violence, she knows Sooah only is like that due to growing up with two twin older brothers that had driven her absolutely insane to the point of becoming a tom-boy.



the only one.

love interest » Kim Hanbin

backup love interest » Kim Donghyuk


personality » It is like putting awkward and even more awkward together. Kim Hanbin is known for not having a girlfriend-- ever. He isn't sure how to talk to one, let alone how to get one. Ahreum got into his life through one lucky episode set-up and now the two aren't sure of the relationship and if to be truthful, those who know about the 'couple' would say they're lost to even label themselves.


love story » 

Since iKON's members Kim Jinhwan and Kim Hanbin are shooting Mari & I, the TV show director decided to bring girls into the view. Making each of the members draw a stick out of a hat, at the end of the hat a name was written in a dark black marker. Each of the members either ended with 'friend', 'close friend', 'love-partner' (where the show member had to call a wife or girl friend to the show), 'manager' (where Kim Jinhwan had to end up calling his group's manager to the show for the episode, and Kim Hanbin drew last with only a few sticks left, he read it and seemed confused, Hodong, being the loud MC he helped him. 


"Oh that is a tough one," He mentioned taking the stick and showing the camera it read. "A girl group member". Looking around for help from the show-staff. A camera girl mentioned being closely connected to a new manager of a rookie girl group. Hodong said to call and ask, and while it was ringing, she talked to the manager then moved the phone to give to Hanbin who looked hesitant. He heard a quiet but girly 'Hello'. He was confused since he didn't know the voice. After introducing himself, he asked for the girl in the phone to introduce herself. A pause was heard then finally she answered. "Oh I see," it made the guys at the show laugh, curious to who it is. "Hello, I'm Shooting Star's Lee Ahreum." They seemed shocked, since the group only debuted but are being recognized. 


Hanbin took a long time taking pauses as he tried to explain why he needed Ahreum to come to the show today. Since she had to finish something first, he had to go to the first sighting alone, and the manager took the phone from there explaining she'd be coming later than the rest of the guests for the show.


Never the less she showed up and Ahreum was sure awkward with Kim Hanbin, he even didn't know how to approach her but she seemed more interested in the week's pats. Horses are not exactly 'pets' but she kept referring to them as such, which made Hanbin laugh a lot, making the camera recognize it with the usual pop-ups added, making him all 'blushy' with the effects as if he had fallen for Ahreum's weird charm. 


At the end of the show Hodong asked if the two enjoyed the horse farm and Ahreum cheerfuly nodded. It made Hanbin stare at her noticebaly on camera then nodded. She never noticed his actions until the very next week, after the show had been aired and there was a headline that was trending eighth or seventh on Naver about 'Lee Ahreum and Kim Hanbin'. It was mentioned the two being affectionate towards each other. Ahreum would disagree 100%, even denied it during Weekly Idol when Sunny asked (since she covered for Doni). Sunny asked, "Are you close with any other idols other than iKON's B.I.?" Trying to be discrete, Ahreum didn't even spare a smile but simply acted surprised "Oh no, I'm not even close with Hanbin-ssi." It was a shocker she addressed his name as the real name and not the stage-name which made matters worsef or the rumors going around. She expected the hatred but since B.I. let it down as a friendship that was no more than an episode long the upcoming week the news settled as a false rumor that the two were close. 


However, during a Chinese New Year stage event, the two pumped into each other in the waiting-hall before the stage-deck for upcoming performances. B.I. appraoched Ahreum and the rest of Shooting Star with Bobby and Yunhyeong as if to say Hello but kept eyeing Ahreum who only noticed the first two stares and avoided the rest. She heard Kim Jihae whisper to her "He is still looking at you." With a follow-up giggle, and Ahreum looked towards him and sighed, she half-bowed and tried to leave the non-stop exggerated story Bobby was telling, B.I. followed. That is when Ahreum turned around and tried to mention being uncomfortable but her awkward wording made it come out as "I don't know why you are here?" He laughed and mentioned having to perform soon. She saw him laugh and couldn't help but awkwardly laugh along. Apologizing like she always does, he passed a note. a small ripped paper out of what could've been a notebook and he left. He gave her his number.


(Author-nim!) I need your advice since I can make a scenrio but can't really keep up so you use your magic to see if this relationship goes places or not.

interactions » B.I. is the charasmatic guy on stage, the scary leader in the dance-practice room and the awkward guy in variety shows. Towards Ahreum he is cheery. He got better than their first meeting and tends to critisize Ahreum's still awkward self around him but she is very much loosened around him as the time goes by. She shows a hate-love relationship with him at times. Hate: where she whine over text over spamming his phone to tell him to stop over spamming hers during performances making her manager complain of her vibrating cell in his bag while she is on stage. Love: where she sends her good mornings and goodnights whenever she can, being the caring 'kid-leader' she is with the girls towards him even with their sort of large age-gap difference.


Relationship status » Over-the-phone friendship & Caught-on-camera friendship(?)


last words.

comments/suggestions » Nothing at all!

scene requests » You are the magician and I'm the rabbit in the hat, do your magic author-nim ;)

password » GFriend - Glass Bead


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