02. chrysanthemums

by: sophomoric


The title is one-word and it doesn’t relate to the story, it practically is the story. It’s really nice and very meaningful, and I don’t know what else to say besides the fact that the title was very appropriate and fitting.



I absolutely loved the description. Not only was it eye-catching and it made me want to read your story very much but it also was the plan of Dongwoo. Discreetly, you practically wrote the whole plot in a matter of words and the description was short and smart and I really, really liked it.



Your grammar was very good but there were a lot of small, minor mistakes here and there that you must have overlooked. May it be a missing letter from a word, “the” instead of “they” or something else entirely. These are small and minor mistakes that I feel like you should’ve been more careful when you reread your entry or if you even reread it at all. Also, some of the words or terms you used kept repeating in the same scene, paragraph or even sentence so it made me think the vocabulary in this story was a little limited. But other than those, your grammar is really good!


PLOT: 30

Holy fu – yes, you get a perfect score because I absolutely loved the plot and I loved the boys. I loved everything about the story. Even though the chapters were short, you managed to put everything in its place and you really wrote a meaningful story. I like how this was very different, I liked how it was centered around their friendship, I liked how the description was practically the whole plot, I liked everything about it. You’re a very clever writer, I’ll give you that. Please write more fics like this! I need more friendship, slice of life fics rather than romance ones tbh. Your story gave me a perfect break from reading all these romance, lovey-dovey fics. Thank you so much for that.



I liked Sungjong and Myungsoo’s characters too, but Dongwoo was just ugh. He’s my bias and I couldn’t believe you let him be dead in the story but in the end, in his POV, you made me love him all over again. Awwwe, thank you for that. I like how each and every character got its detailed background story. I like their friendship most especially in the part where they all jumped to save Sunggyu even though he could swim. That was, omg, it tugged my heartstrings a little. Okay, a lot. Very nice job on the boys.



Your writing was good, really it was. You’ve been writing a long time I presume? It’s already good, but with more practice, I know that I can be better. It didn’t really leave much of an impact on me, your writing, but your plot and your story really did and it pulled through in the end though. For me personally, I think your writing was a bit lacking at some point but it still is good and refreshing nonetheless.


The prompt was there; the forest were the two disasters happened. You really incorporated your prompt into the story and it had fit really well, it was great!


Yes, your story made me cry in the end. Oh, my precious baby Dongwoo is an angel. And sure, the ending was cheesy but it was meaningful all the same and everything mattered. I really liked the story, it was all kinds of wonderful. Thank you so much for this gem.


TOTAL: 96/100 


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