In Need Of Graphic Designers, Trailer Makers, Reviewers and Advertisers!

We used to be only two, (meeeeeee and Syikin!) forming a team to complete poster requests in the request shop, Full Of Happiness! 

But now, things are getting waaaay out of hand and it is time for us to upgrade our shop! 

So, we are now officially opening a SITE for Full of Happiness, 

and now we are in need of staff! 

Amateurs and professionals are all welcomed~ We're accepting anyone at all! 

To those who's interested in becoming a full family with us, all YOU have to do is fill out the form and you'll be done in no time! 

The Webmissies (aka me and Syikin) will start the site soon, and not-to-worry! We're very pleasant people and reallly nice so you won't have to worry~ 

Fill out the forms NOW! 

-In need of Graphic Designers, Trailer makers, Reviewers and Advertisers~

If you have any questions, please ask Syikin! or me~ 


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