Questions ~

Got this from yanniebonniefofanni ~

Thanks ;)


1. How did you get into kpop?

I found super junior on youtube in like 2008 or something… Wait, when did they even debut? 2007? Idek but I found them ages ago and was kinda… fascinated by them. Fast forward to two years ago and I have a general interest in kpop as a whole but stan no one and then I meet people who are into kpop and I suddenly realise that I actually like it haha ~


2.  Some basic info about myself?

I’m arty on the whole; I like music, dancing, writing, making art ~

I have a love-hate relationship with sport haha ^^; Except swimming, I love swimming <3

I’m a little insane, but all the best people are ;)


3.  What are your hopes and dreams for the future?

I want to be a doctor. I’m waiting to hear back from unis.

But most of all I want to be happy. That’s the ultimate goal right?


4. Any occupational goals?

See above ^^


5. What's the story behind your username?

There is no story. I didn’t want it to obviously link to my other social media/ whatever accounts so I came up with something new and an oxymoron in itself. Being faithful and lying do not particularly go hand in hand do they? But everyone puts up some sort of front.

There’s two sides to everything.

It also represents my work a little. The style of my writing is about to change…


6. Who are my biases and why?

Okay, hold on to your seats this could take a while (mainly because I’m really awful at picking and usually have at least five OTL) *deep breath*

BTS – everyone. Seriously though, everyone. I can’t choose someone I like more than everyone else in this group so I just gave up >.<

SHINee – Taemin, Key. Like they’re so pretty I can’t, okay?

Topp Dogg – Jenissi (ultimate), Hansol, B-Joo, Xero. Basically just substitute Jenissi into the wizard line and BAM you got it. I don’t know why but I can’t get enough of Jenissi’s rap. He always sounds slightly drunk and, for some reason, I love that. I don’t care if people make noise over the rest of the song so long as they shut up for Jenissi’s rap. I will stop mid conversation to listen to him. And the other three? Well, have you seen them dance? Especially Hansol. Hansol is trying to knock Jenissi out of top spot right now and I… He’s so pretty he makes me cry >.<

Teen Top – Niel, Chunji. Their voices. Enough said.

Exo – Tao *cries*, Lay, Kai. Tao is gorgeous okay? Lay is so squishy. And Kai… Kai is a god and I die a little inside when I see him dance dammit!

VIXX – Leo, N. Leo’s sweet, quiet nature contrasts his super violent side so well. His speaking voice is so precious and yet when he sings he’s so different. Also he’s very attractive. I just love everything about N.

Big Bang – GD, TOP. Do I really have to explain? They are stunning, they slay at rapping and I love when they sing.

HISTORY – Yijeong. He looks like Niel haha. Apparently that is enough for me. Actually I like him independent of that. He’s a violent maknae but he’s also in possession of an amazing voice and is a very skilled song writer. And his interactions with Kyungil are, frankly, adorable.

Super Junior – Eunhyuk, Heechul, Henry, Ryeowook. Eunhyuk is so freaking good at dancing. Heechul is queen. Of what, you decide. Henry is adorable and hilarious and idk Amber seems determined to ruin his reputation haha ~ Ryeowook has an amazing voice.

Block-B – Zico, U-Kwon, Taeil. Rap. Looks. Voice. We’re done here.

AOA – Jimin, Choa. Both super cute, both have great voices. I swear I’m just crushing on the whole of AOA right now. And the AOA Cream teaser!!! *faints* my poor gay heart ~

Infinite – Sunggyu. Strong, lovely voice. Can’t dance. Ah, he can but he makes me laugh so much ~ Just watch him on weekly idol.

Shinhwa – Minwoo, Hyesung. I don’t even know. I just really like these two over the others, but let’s face it, they all rock!

XIA. Do you even need to ask? Just Xia guys… Come on <3

That’s enough. Probably everyone skipped this bit anyways haha ^^;

I need to go reassess my life choices *sobs*


7.  How long have I liked k-pop?

Properly? About two and a half years I suppose…


8. Where do I live?

Some of you know :P


9.  How many siblings do I have?

Some. ;)


10.  What is my name?

The nickname I use on the internet is Ally/Allycat but there’s some people who refer to me by my actual name :3


11. How old am I?

I’m sure you can guess.


12.  Am I an exo-l, and if so who do I like?

Yeah I suppose so :3 I like all of exo to different degrees. I mentioned my biases before ;)


13.  Do I have an instagram, and if so what is my username?



14. What is my favorite kpop video, and which one makes me cry the hardest?

My favourite video is Flower by XIA. Honestly it’s just so amazing and the more you look into it the more theories you end up with. I honestly don’t really want to know what it really means because being able to interpret it in different ways is pretty awesome. And the song itself is just gorgeous. Like everything by XIA *.* He is the standard *faints*

The video that made me cry the hardest is a toss up between BTS – I NEED U (original ver.) and MYNAME – Baby I’m sorry. The storyline is central in each video, detailed and well thought out. If I had to pick I probably cried more at Baby I’m sorry. The ending though… The ending hurts the most when he’s crying for his mother so pitifully and he reaches for his phone and then… T^T


15. What made you want to stan your biases?

How freaking awesome they all are *^*

*passes out on desk*


16. Which idol would you faint upon seeing?

I used to think I wouldn’t fangirl if I saw someone famous *pfft* Nowadays I’d probably faint upon seeing anyone in the flesh haha.

I’d say Big Bang. Yeah. I’d faint if I saw Big Bang. >.<

Or XIA *^*


17. What makes you sad and how do you deal with them?

Many things. Feeling like a failure. Homophobes. Feeling lonely. Being alone. Feeling like I’ve been left behind or forgotten. Feeling like I’m going nowhere fast.

I find things to do. I teach myself new things or find other people who can teach me. I make new friends and check in with the old ones. I tell people when I’m not feeling okay. I try to be positive.

But sometimes it’s too hard >.< So I just keep moving forward because there’s no other way for me to go.


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Mandarinhibiscus #1
Oh I really liked it but the only thing is could you take the babe part out I don't want people to take it the wrong way like we're dating
wow, a lot of our biases in our bias groups are the same.