Update coming soon...

So when I started writing I promised myself that I wouldn't be one of those writers that let life get in the way of my writing because just like you I AM also an avid fanfiction reader and sometimes want my story right then and there. So first things first thank you to everyone who subscribed and thank you so much for being patienst with me. I now understand the pressure that writers are under to not only produce something that makes you want to come back but also producing something in a certain length of time. Life has happened...I go to school full time (with tons of homework to show for it) I also intern and work a part time job. With all that being said I am going to update soon (I have a winter break within the next week and I'm going to churn out at least 3 chapters). Thank you again for your patience.

I also made slight changes to the story. When I first put the story up I thought that Taecyeon would be a great fit for the story especially since he's going to have his own story coming up soon but I did some late night research and found that the relationship between the two wasn't as amicable as I had originally thought. I'm not entirely sure if this is true and not entirely certain my source is reliable. Either way I could't quite find a way to piece the two of them together in this alternate universe my mind had created. So I decided that for the purpose of this story I would replace Taec with Gray and maybe I can flush out something different for later. Anyway please look forward to my update in the coming week and again thank you so much.


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