College hopes

So, many of you that actually added me to speak to me probably know my plans of double majoring in music and Arts/literature/communication.

The problem is, I don't have the musical requirements for it. The only requirement I meet is playing music, which I do. I can sing. But I can't read music. So I thought catching up wouldn't be a problem since I have basics. Today I looked at the requirements and they are not requirements I could ever meet even if I tried really hard all by myself.

Long story short, this has to be given up on.

So welcome my new program, Arts/Literature/Communication and Visual Arts. 

Cuz I'm still holding on to that double major. I have pride dang it.


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whatmakesyoublush #1
Wow that's a lot. Hope you can get what you want and do well in each major :) Seems you really like Arts in general (me too! haha)