These upvote shops are freaking testing my patience and they should be glad because they’re WINNING.

At first, I let it dissipate thinking that maybe- maybe they will learn their lessons and never ever do this kind of act. It’s cheating for goodness sake.

Then, it bloomed again. Asdfghjkl. Of course. Of. Course. People won’t just learn their lessons, will they? Pile of stories was getting their freaking lifetime credit of earning that golden star- which bit by bit is also losing its real purpose. Frustrated? Very much. Why? You tell me.

Okay. Everything’s cool. A lot of accounts have started protesting anyway and they gave their wise opinions which were so so true and relatable. Damn it. Their speeches are better than those complaining for an effing world change. I was so moved and hyped; their words were sharp- very sharp.

And yet, those rascals built a wall. But nothing can be change. No matter how you tell us that “the votes were from the upvote shop that closed and I think they haven’t yet removed the votes on my stories so I’m still featured.” And that author dared adding “ I’m so sorry. I never thought my story will be featured. “ Geez. We know that already.

The point is, you still did it. You still bought the votes that should be given by readers by. Their. Own. Choice.

Yes, I know, you were very innocent that time, only looking at upvote shop as normal as a graphic shop. Graphic shops are important, but are upvote shops? Think about it. Has the function of upvote ever crossed your mind? And do you think it is right to create a shop that will magically increase your upvotes? It’s up to you to justify what you did. Graphics are sufficient for authors like me who have zero knowledge on photo editing, so do you think upvote falls in that category? That only other can do it? Heh. Pathetic.

Nothing can be changed anyway. Haha. You pass those apologies and expect everyone to forgive you. Well, I’ll forgive you, but I won’t ever forget you. It’s not the story’s fault mind you. Stories are beautiful creatures.

I know I’m ranting too much, but my frustration is already at the fullest. What will be of asianfanfics if those cheaters continue receiving all the credits and underrated stories keep on piling up on the dumps. I hate to imagine it, but it’s possible as long as this dip continues.

It angers me in so many ways. Especially when they apologize. Argh. You don’t have to really. Just tell the truth, that’s it, understandable. You can't expect us to forgive you completely anyway. Physically- yes. Mentally- no. Emotionally? How's it feel like being cheated?

I don’t care if those votes came from a closed upvote shop. You were still featured and you got that star.
But of course it can be in God’s plan. No sarcasm intended. I just hope you learn from your mistake, maybe it’s His way of testing your honesty.

I am no high up myself but I am an author. I just don’t like posting stories here, because they’re not kpop (LOL). Anyway, good luck to the people who were struck and I wish I can hear the opinions of people who can relate to this.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day. Peace. 



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I'm afraid it never will