Thank you everyone

Thank you so much to everyone who commented on my blog from last night. All of your kind words really touched me.

Good news, the doctor thinks Im healing nicely and the sprain in my MCL should heal properly on its own, hopefully along with the tear in my meniscus disk. So theres no need to call further testings or talk about surgery at the moment.

My meniscus could give me problems for the rest of my life now  and if at any point it starts to feel like its locking up, i would need to go in immediately to then proceed with talking about getting surgery to repair it. But hopefully i wont have to cross that bridge. 

It will be another 4-8 weeks before im 100% again. But in due time! 


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That are indeed good news :3
I am glad to hear that. ^^
shulahoops #2
Try not to worry about it so much, ok. Besides, me and all your other subscribers will be there to support you if that time were to come :)
Just last night I heard my best friend rambling about her new surgery leg and she said it hurts. The same might goes to you, though. Hahaha have a nice day, hun.