Anxiety Writing

Im honestly just writing because my anxiety is taking over and it helps to voice it. 

I have my knee appointment tomorrow and its still hurting so im probably going to have to have am MRI. Im unsure. But thats what she said three weeks ago.

MRI means more drastic measures may need to be taken for me to heal. Which may mean surgery on my ACL. Which is a big deal. 

Im scared. Im nervous. I miss dancing. 

I want to be back 100% again.

I know you guys are probably tired of me talking about it, so i apologize for this. 


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lilnugget #1
You have anxiety about your surgery? I'm sorry you feel that way, but the surgery will be worth it in the end! My mom recently had a surgery on her shoulder and she had to go through the MRI process; she I'd on the road to recovery!
I know you will still feel the anxiety of it until after it has happened because this is a big moment, but things will get better!
I hope u get well.... Take all the tym u need... We gonna b there to listen... Best of luck n fighting!!
nope, nobody's tired of ur . dont worry. we love you, we'll stay here.
I hope that you can recover quickly and get back to dancing.
As a dancer myself I can feel you.
A tight warm hug to you and a <3
shulahoops #5
P.S. don't worry, I'm sure you'll be up and dancing before you know it ^^
shulahoops #6
No it's ok, it's healthy to vent out your frustrations. When I get anxiety I talk to myself and people think I'm crazy :)
no, you needn't say sorry...
stay strong and positive my friend...
i'll pray for your quick recovery...then you can dance as beautiful as a butterfly again...