Don't search this.....

I don't know why I'm even telling you this but it has gotten under my skin.
It was not long ago when a vegan friend of mine posted a video about "What is actually happening in Dairy Farms"
So guys....I'm advising you: Never look this up on the net. It's brutal.
If you wanna keep on drinking milk without feeling guilty 'bout it...better don't.
I have not bought any milk since the day I watched the video. That was a month or so ago....And I'm not eating beef.
See...this much impact.
I feel better now when I said it.
Don't mind me.

And probably some of you, as the rebels you are, are going to look it up. I'm not taking responsibility for what you're about to see....You'll scar yourself, just so you know.


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i wanna watch it but im scared..
u make me scared~ (-_-')
Ok, now this makes me not want to drink milk... I don't really do it but.. I don't want to ever again because of how you wrote it down on this blog :/
Will not search coz i'm drinking milk ^^
NOT THIS AGAINNNN! Last time you made me so upset on the phone xD YOU DIDN'T STOP TALKING ABOUT THIS!
Searches it even harder..
No but seriously lol
I don't have to watch the video to know that we are brutal to our livestock .
Are you gonna start like.. Taking supplements to get your protein and calcium and stuff?