※ luckie — erin

ERIN : eunelle cheon
-excelsis : maiaaaaa : /sighs- 6 lmao
full nameeunelle cheon
other NAME(s)
cheon jaerin ( 철 재린 )  :  korean name
☆  bagani : her classmates during her fourth year high school : It's a name of a character ( a "king" who is also a warrior ) in a drama that aired during her fourth year of high school. Her classmates during that time christened her with that name because of her boyishness and her proficiency with martial arts. Also, they're the only ones who are allowed to call her that.
☆  little tiger : her friends : she is a very, very scary gamer, which her friends saw that one time they dragged her out to play. but her looks prevents her from being completely scary, so they just resolved to the nickname 'little tiger'
birthdate12.16.1995 + 20 
birthplacemanila, philippines
hometowncity of bacoor, cavite, philippines
☆  Korean : semi-fluent : She needs some work ( or lessons ), but she can speak and write in Korean, just not as much as she can with English.
☆  Filipino ( based on Tagalog ) : native / fluent : she may have grown using filipino everyday but she finds it awkward to speak or write fully in that language. She prefers Taglish ( a combination of English and Filipino ) or English more.
☆  English : fluent : back in the philippines, eunelle suddenly became too good with the english language partly because of school and mostly because of the internet. in fact, she's more comfortable using english than her native tongue.
my bloodtype is triple a
faceclaim : yoo yeonjoo / yooa + oh my girl!
backupson seungwan / wendy + red velvet
height & weight166cm + 56kg
bloodtypeb positive
"y'know, you could stand to doll up more."
"but... but i have much more important things to do!"
small face, large-ish dark brown eyes, deep dimples and black hair that won't let go of its straightness, Eunelle doesn't stand out normally from crowds ( apart from the pale skin that most Filipino women would kill for ), but then again, most people say to her that she really just needs to develop the habit of taking care of her appearance and being a bit vain. They also argue that she looks good when made up, because then her stunning features like her ( surprisingly ) long lashes, doe-like eyes, and smooth, lively skin are accentuated.
"good lord, eunelle! you're taller than me, your own mom!"
"hah, it's dad's genes, after all~."
eunelle is tall, taller than most of her female classmates at 5'5", and her slender limbs, long honey legs and delicate, shapely figure are always concealed by either uniform or those weirdly unfitting clothes for her body type ( having a small waist, shapely hips and long legs doesn't warranty well-fitted pants, okay ). If one makes her stretch enough, however, there are glimpses of muscle that she had build up from years of training. eunelle, following the 'friendship tattoos' thing that luckie has, has a star tattoo near her left hipbone, where it can be easily concealed by clothes.
 "wow, you really look good with that ensemble!"
"wait, don't you always say that with anything i wear?"
eunelle is a fan of black and white, and you probably won't spot her without at least something black or white or both in her outfit. She also loves hoodies, pullovers, anything with long sleeves ( that goes past her fingers - sweater paws! ) that she probably would roll up later and then stretch to cover her fingers and then roll back again. She's not above wanting to look cute with her clothes, so she tries at least to make them fit her figure ( which actually isn't that hard ) but then she always has the problem with bottoms like pants and skirts and whatnot because they always look too short or too baggy on her ( like she still has a pair of "skinny" jeans that just look like they're straight-cut instead ), so she resorts mainly to shorts. She also adores closed shoes, and the day she doesn't wear them is the day that she'll just resort to slippers, because she just absolutely loathe open-toed shoes ( "They catch dust from the road. That's super uncomfortable." ). Lastly, she loves every sort of wrist accessory. Be it a watch that was probably meant to be worn by males, or a bracelet made of tiger eye gems, or even a hairtie.
it's different than it seems
traits :
positive : hospitable, wise, polite, optimistic, motherly, frugal
neutral : independent, dense,  people-pleaser, laidback, easily impressed
negativestubborn, tactless, gullible, indecisive, insecure, dissociative
Eunelle's past wasn't all that remarkable, at least that's what she thinks. She was born and raised in the Philippines alongside her younger sister by two bankers for parents. Her paternal grandparents weren't really supportive of her father's decision not to marry a Korean ( they're super traditional. plus, technically, eunelle's mother is at least quarter-korean ), so most of the time, she was estranged from the paternal side of her family. Well, except for a couple of cousins that she got along with.

She used to be an overconfident, if not hyperactive, grade schooler who rocked different sorts of contest due to her confidence, talent, and most of all, a face that most Filipinos would consider "cute". She used to be bullied in grade school but always fought for herself, like how kids would usually do. At age 12, she was already in high school, mainly due to the education system that had no middle school during her time. That time, she was also in her second year of martial arts training and had some sports trainings on the side, mainly because of her school's "One-Week-Training Period" for a Sports Festival that happens annually.Alongside the development that came along with puberty, she also had to deal with a changing environment and classmates who developed ahead of her, and thus, her still-grade-schooler-like appearance and personality ( and growing popularity ) made her even a more target of bullies, which affected her attitude and made her shy and insecure. She grew to resent her high school classmates, but oddly enough got along with her classmates in her fourth and final year of class ( explaining her bias over them over everything, even her nickname ) due to her finally maturing and knowing how to deal with how people treated her.

In the middle of her first year high school, she began to immerse in the world of Internet, joining numerous forums, websites, social networks, all that jazz. She, however, wasn't safe from bullies even online, though she did gain numerous friends and even improved her skills in English in a span of a year, gaining an edge over her classmates ( though not without the whole backtrack of immature little prepubescent kids not wanting others to step up to them ).

After high school, at 16, she decided to fly to South Korea with her father to take her college there, as a part of the deal that her father made with her paternal grandparents that, before she turns 18, she has to permanently live with them, immerse in their culture, and make her a legal Korean since she lived in the Philippines and is considered as a Filipino in all aspects. The relationship she had with her paternal grandparents were rocky, but she had a great time with her cousins, and one of them started to influence her into liking K-Pop ( she used to pass over it in high school, the time when K-Pop was all the jazz in the Philippines ). Even though she was only 16, since she has already graduated from high school in the Philippines, she decided to go with the natural route and enter college in South Korea. After all, it wasn't that rare of an occurence with Asian countries.

She was scouted a little later on, when she was still in the process of enrolling for college, while she was touring Korea with her father on her way to look out at universities. A representative of jellyfish saw her getting lost when she took a wrong turn to Seoul National University and after a small talk  ( and after she tracked down her father who got separated ), she was advised to audition for the company. She asked her father about what she should do, taking into consideration that, one, she really was in Korea for her studies and that should come first, two, she's had some thought about her talents but never explored them after those vocal lessons from when she was still a little kid, and three, she didn't know if she had it in her to be an idol. Her father wasn't also too keen with the idea because he knows the pressures that the South Korean system in training their youth has, but he made her a deal: he would allow Eunelle to take vocal lessons with a family friend who is a vocal coach and singer on the side for one year, and if the vocal coach passes her by the end of the year, he'd allow her to audition. One year later, with the help of the vocal coach and her inspiration ( 2ne1's dara and younha ) she passed his deal and got into Jellyfish Ent.
☆  Favorite color: Red and Tangerine Orange
☆  Favorite numbers: 7 ( it's "lucky", according to her ), 16 ( her birthday ) and 18 ( her parents' anniversary )
☆  Favorite food: Seafood, Vegetables, Strawberries, Avocados, Melons, Mint-flavored/Strawberry-flavored food, Sweets of all kinds
☆  Bracelets and wrist accessories
☆  Horror/gore/thriller
☆  Astronomy, astrology, zodiac
☆  Fantasy or supernatural stories
☆  Makeup
☆  Sports and Martial arts
☆  Songs with beautiful lyrics, lyric-writing
☆  anime, csi
☆  learning new things
☆  coffee and tea
☆  countrysides
☆  cute animals and children
☆  Pineapples and Watermelons
☆  People who can't take a joke and who stress her out
☆  Being deprived of freedom
☆  Pork and salty food
☆  Waking up early
☆  Being tricked into doing something
☆  No sleep
☆  Cigarettes ( Hint: she's allergic to cigarette smoke. )
☆  Coconut-scented things
☆  Softdrinks, Iced tea, juice ( except for strawberry juice )
☆  Songs with lyrics that make no sense or have stupid meanings
☆  Lack of internet
☆  Sleeping with the lights on
habits : 
☆  Raising her pinkie and her ring finger when she's handling utensils or glasses
☆  Lip-syncing songs that she knows
☆  Covering her lower face when she's laughing
☆  Writing things she needs to remember on her arms/hands
☆  exclaiming things/cursing in filipino/english
☆  she likes flaunting her filipino blood a lot if she has the chance. #proudtobepinoy
☆  her phone has a writing app where she stores a ton of lyrics she's composed. there's only a handful of people that have seen it: ravi, her vocal coach, and the luckie members.
☆  she dabbles in a lot of digital arts ever since high school
☆  her father's sister ( aka her aunt ) gave her a macbook air as a welcoming present. she can afford it because she's a chaebol lol
☆  Her mother entered her in all sorts of contests: orations contests in her second grade, quiz bees in her third grade to her fourth year, and even a beauty pageant in her sixth grade. Out of the numerous contests she went through, the one in the sixth grade was the most surprising win she had.
☆  Doesn't know how to style her hair so she usually just goes out with unstyled hair
☆  Has an IQ of 140
☆  Used to be an athlete in high school for Taekwondo and also played competitive kickball and long jump during sports festivals
☆  also knows Arnis/Eskrima because it was a lesson for a few months in her pe class but she's forgotten some moves. her classmates were scared of  partnering with her because she unconsciously had a 'tiger face' when practicing.
☆  People say that she has a high pain tolerance. Actually, she has a normal tolerance but she knows how to not react
☆  She believes in the concept of luck and soulmates. She believes that Thursdays are her luckiest days while Tuesdays are her unluckiest. She also believes that she has a soulmate and she will know that it's him when the time is right.
☆  She's always teased to other boys and she joins in on the jokes because she sees nothing wrong. Many people mistake her for the girlfriend of a guy she's usually platonically close to because of her behavior towards them.
☆  She forgets things rather quickly, that's why she writes things on her arms/hands.
☆  She has the ability to cram store-brought cheap chocolate anywhere and everywhere in her person and some people says that it looks like magic.
☆  She is a Blackjack and a VIP, and her biases are Dara and TOP. She also ships Daragon and Chandara, as well as Surong and Chohan. "One does not simply only ship one."
☆  Also big fan of Michael Jackson. She also listens to Fall Out Boy, Mayday Parade and Paramore.
☆  She gets a lot of support from the Philippine entertainment because she's also a Filipina by blood ( just like how they are with Dara, and Charice and Jessica Sanchez in US )
☆  She knows how to draw like Masashi Kishimoto, Bisca Hattori, and Amano Akira. Her style, however, is slowly morphing into a version of her favorite style, which is Tomoko Hayakawa's.
☆  She doesn't actually study or open her books or take down notes. Somehow, she just knows the lesson.
☆  Graduating Mass Communication
☆  Has a strange fascination with tigers
☆  Loves playing games such as Left 4 Dead, Chocolatier, Aveyond, he Walking Dead, and Assassin's Creed. Interrupt her while she's playing and you'll get on her bad side.
☆  she doesn't fail in randomly texting any vixx or luckie members when she's out, usually because of something awesome she sees while outside or in the internet. she's the type of person that bothers people suddenly to tell them a random fact she knows they'd be interested in.
☆  she has weird names for people on her contacts list. her father is 'appa', her mom is 'mommy', her younger sister is 'nerd', feng-unnie is 'hk unnie', n is 'umma oppa!', leo is 'leo-sunbae!', ken is 'snowman-oppa!', ravi is 'swag master1993', hongbin is 'bean-oppa!' and hyuk is 'my twin!'.
☆  Wants to own a dog and a cat. Specifically an Alaskan Malmute ( naming it Nigou ) and a Himalayan Cat ( naming it Karupin ).
☆  She actually wears glasses and has a bad eyesight ( she's near-sighted ). Jellyfish made her wear contacts.
☆  She uses "Cheon Jaerin" for introduction and such ever since she moved to Korea with her father.
☆  She easily cries, especially if she is scared or if she has upset someone. On that note, she easily displays her emotions.
☆  irritable when she's woken up. Like seriously irritable. Beware.
☆  She sleeps with a huge tiger plushie. It's so large that she can wrap her arms and legs around it and still use it as a pillow.
don't fuss over it
cheon ryungshik / richard cheon / ( fc: cha seung won ) theresa valendez / ( fc: song hye kyo ) lyra cheon / cheon rinhee / ( fc: jeon somin [ former april ] ) 
father who isn't actually as scary as he looks / mother who isn't as friendly as she looks but is dayum pretty / younger sister who has overflowing aegyo but will snap your neck if you backstab her
cheon ryungshik / richard cheon ( 46, banker ) : theresa valendez ( 48, banker ) : lyra cheon / cheon rinhee ( 18, college hotel and restaurant management student )
eunelle thinks her family is weird and crazy, but even if she cowers in inward fear whenever she has to ask her frugal-to-a-fault dad for money, even if she argues with her mom about wearing bottoms that expose a lot of her legs, and even if she sometimes overexerts her unnie powers over lyra, they all love each other unconditionally. her parents, knowing her to be the calmer of the siblings ( lyra is friendly and outgoing but if you so much as badmouth her, she will kill you, whereas eunelle won't even care lmao ), has put her in charge of her sister, which lyra doesn't mind tbh, and of a lot of house chores. theresa and lyra moved in south korea when lyra turned 16, which was three years after eunelle left.
( fun facts: ryungshik is an unforgiving jokester who makes jokes that requires some fast logic, theresa's idea of affection is playfully insulting her daughters, and lyra plays some mean volleyball and is even an athlete in school. also if you badmouth lyra and eunelle hears it she'll go tiger on u )
these sunbaes are super crazy~! but they're like older brothers, and i've always wanted one. now i have six!
ohmygod. eunelle loves her sunbaes a lot, because they're all goofballs and lil s ( except for leo but he has his moments lol ). she is closest to hyuk, who treats her like a twin because of their same birth year ( they're jelpi's twins lmao ), and hongbin, the first vixx member she met and worked with to the point that he calls her a noona ( he says it's because of her noona-like personality ). ken also likes her because she's too easy to entertain, eunelle likes to make ravi tutor her on composing, n secretly thinks she's a ball of little sunshine with how optimistic and polite she is, and leo... well she loves to ask him about stuff about him but he's still a little shy on doing the same thing so he goes to feng for it ( w/n feng's words are true remains debatable lmao ). she also has a crush on leo but she keeps mum about it, that's why he's the only one she calls 'sunbae' out of the six. worse, ravi and feng knows.
my sisters from different mothers. ah, i love them a lot!
well, erin's been with them for the past three years, filling in the gap of having no siblings around her during that time, so eventually they got close. most of them thought she was as old as their oldest member due to her personality, so at first they called her 'unnie' before she revealed her age. now they just treat her like a little sister to spare everyone else the embarassment of calling her 'unnie'/'noona'. currently she is bribing feng a lot to keep mum about a secret...
a really, really cool aunt whom i'm indebted to. she's also super cool!
min yoorin ( 44, vocal coach and singer )
yoorin is a family friend and ryungshik's former college friend who works a vocal coach and a part-time singer in a bar in gangnam after she realized that being an idol is hella tough. she trained eunelle ( whom she affectionately calls rinrin ) due to ryungshik's little bet, and she trained her with both strictness but kind words as well. they communicated a lot after the training, and yoorin would give her advice on how to survive trainee life based on what she knows from her time as one and based on basic korean behavior. whenever eunelle would thank someone, she would thank yoorin immediately after she thanks her parents. ps she doesn't take kindly to being called an ahjumma.
they are the reason i am here today, so i thank them to the bottom of my heart
park sandara ( 31, 2ne1 visual and vocalist ) / younha (27. soloist )
when her paternal cousins hooked eunelle to the k-pop world, she immediately took a liking to 2ne1's dara for their kinda-shared roots ( the philippines, where eunelle was bron and where dara first became famous ) and to younha for her versatility. 
hi hi my name is
stage nameerin
'erin' comes from 'jaerin', but it isn't the only reason she picked the name - she read it in one of the comic magazines she read during her childhood and she's loved the name ever since. 
personaeastern tigress
the 'tigress' part comes from how erin's favorite animal is a tiger ( which, in her opinion, is an animal that is as warm and caring to its cubs as it is dangerous to its hunters ), plus some of her friends from college called her a little tiger after those times they watched her play in arcades like a predator. however, the 'eastern' part comes from the english translation of the philippines' national anthem, specifically the line 'child of the sun returning', and since the sun rises in the east, she is technically of eastern descent ( or a 'child of the east' / 'eastern child' ). thus, eastern tigress. too bad, though, that she sometimes gets mistaken for chinese because 'eastern' is usually connected to china.
positionmain vocals/face
talent twins
TAlk :  park sandara ( 2ne1 )
vocal :  kim hyojun / hyorin ( sistar )
dance :  jung soojung / krystal jung ( f(x) ) 
variety :  park sandara ( 2ne1 )
trainee years4 years ( 1 with a private vocal coach : 3 with jellyfish )
There wasn't much that eunelle found rather surprising about trainee life because she's spent almost a big part of her current life going through the same thing, only that it was about sports/martial arts and not performing, plus yoorin gave her a lot of pointers and help. She was one of those normal trainees in the sense that she didn't cause that much trouble, albeit many of the trainees found her to be like an older sister so they tend to see her as one ( even the older trainees called her "-unnie" or "-noona" before they knew of her real age ). she also met the eventual luckie members during this time, in separate ocassions, and while her relationship with them didn't progress evenly ( of course, there were some who took longer to warm up to ), she still found herself having the best set of friends she could even ask for in that industry.
☆  female lead, vixx's 'error' mv : eunelle isn't actually sure how it started and how it became her, but one day, during training, she was pulled out and was toldthat she would be starring in vixx's error as the female lead, alongside their member hongbin. she was confused throughout the whole prep time, but snapped back to reality when she and hongbin met and introduced to each other. afterwards, they would carry out whatever it is that the director wanted them to do ( but the kiss on the lips was awkward for bin but hilarious af for eunelle so they had to switch it lol ), and during breaks, they would converse and get to know each other to dispel awkwardness. when the mv was released, it became a huge deal for her high school and college friends so they bombarded her with messages asking if it was really her.
☆  vixx's hongin and luckie's erin dating? : months after debut : false : this first surfaced when erin was carrying couple bears with hongbin, and then things just escalated because of some small thing like accompanying her to a cafe for her coffee fix and then people started tagging it as a date. when first asked about it publicly, erin almost gagged but eventually laughed so hard she started crying. "that's not true at all. dating hongbin-oppa would be like... like having a blood older brother and dating him. you get me?" hongbin had the exact same sentiments when asked as well. "my relationship with jaerin-noona is very close to ravi and his sister's. ravi-ah, would you want to be romantic with your own sister?" "... i love her but no." "yep, that's how i feel."
☆  luckie's erin bullied a girl online before : months after debut : true/false : it's half-true and half-false. she did fight with a girl online during high school but it was never a bullying thing, at least on her side. her sister was being harassed online by one of her schoolmates and protective unnie eunelle just snapped. not like she regrets anything. "it wasn't bullying on my part. she was bullying and harassing my sister, so i had to retaliate for her. i won't say sorry for it because i don't think i did anything wrong. if people call me a bully because of it, it's fine, but i know what i did and why i had to do it."

welcome to the interview
how do you feel about debuting after three years of training?
☆  jaerin chuckles slightly, hiding behind a half-closed fist. "exhilirating, to be honest." she says with a blush and a bright smile. "it's been a while since i've decided on the entertainment road and now it's starting to come to fruition. i'm so excited for this new chapter in my life!"
what are your thoughts about the other members?
☆  if it were possible, jaerin's smile becomes even brighter. "they're like older sisters to me!" due to her excitement, jaerin bounces a bit on her seat. "i've always liked the idea of older siblings, since i'm the eldest, and now i have awesome older sisters and another cute younger sis!"
how close are you to vixx? do you have a favorite?
☆  "yes, i'm close with them." erin nods in acknowledgement. she scoffs a bit when asked about her favorite sunbae from the group. "i wouldn't say it's a 'favorite', however, i am closest to hongbin-oppa, because of the time we've spent together, and hyuk-oppa, because we treat each other like twins due to our same birth year~."
who do you look up to as a role model?
☆  erin's expression turns thoughtful, but a small smile still played on her lips. "well, first and foremost, i really look up to 2ne1's dara-sunbaenim. she was an actress and singer back in my country during my younger years, and seeing her make her debut here in south korea sparked an interest in me to follow her footsteps. i also look up to younha-sunbaenim! she's so versatile, don't you think? she even sang for the 'my love from another star' ost!"
if you couldn't be an idol, what would you do for a living?
☆  a quiet, breathy laugh escaped at the introspection of the question. "well, even as a student, i've always been inclined for digital arts, and with my major, i think i'd be an advertiser. the production side is less tedious than tv and film production, and you get open hours usually."
what is your ideal type? is there another idol that fits your description?
☆  a bright blush forms itself on erin's cheeks, and the girl awkwardly laughs at the sidein her embarassment. "o-oh. ideal type?" she turns back, composing herself as best as she can. "actually, i've never really recognized it before, but my friends say that i'm always inclined to a specific type of person: someone whose looks do not usually match their gentle personality." erin turns thoughtful before continuing. "i believe in soulmates, so i never really think about 'ideal types' a lot, but thinking about it, with how i usually am, i think my ideal type would be someone who is perceptive and understanding. i don't really have a set ideal appearance - i'll love them whatever they look like. but i also like someone sporty because i like being active!" as for the idol who fits her description, an awkward laugh returns in the air. "actually, feng-unnie said a name before. it's... leo-sunbaenim. ohh, could you keep this from him? it might get awkward if he finds out..."
what kpop groups would you like to meet?
☆  the embarassment from before turns to an enthusiasm usually reserved for fangirls. "2ne1 and bigbang sunbaes! they're very iconic in the industry, and i would give anything to meet them! kyaah~!"
that's the end of the interview! any last words to your budding fans?
☆  a smile accompanied by eyes that almost close forms on the girl's face. "hello~! this is luckie's eastern tigress, erin! we will be sure to live up to everyone's expectations, and represent our beloved company with our best efforts! so please, everyone, support us in every step of our way! mahal ko kayo ( i love you)!" erin declares with all conviction, bowing at the end. she then throws hearts at the camera for the fans.
stop beating around the bush and skip
scotty y u no sorry! >:l loljk ilu man and this applyfic too! ugh jelpi why u gotta do dis. anyway, i hope you don't mind me recycling this nerd right here because school man school just sapped me two weeks into attenting #rip. so orange ohmygod /le casually drowns-
ps: i kinda referred to her as 'jaerin' out of habit lol
pps: i like imagining that feng likes to use erin's crush to make her do things hahahahahahaha /slapped-
ppps: 4minute on the password because feng is the perfect hyuna lel they even have the same position
scene requests
☆  luckie diary of course!
☆  erin and chanyeol meeting. oh god two dara fans in one room.
☆  erin having a duet with younha ohmygod imagine her crying out of shock and happiness i'm bye-
☆  erin loses her glasses and her contacts at the same time. imagine the chaos.
☆  feng giving wrong info about her leeeeeeeeeel bye-
☆  oh jfc one. fine. day. these girls need to go to a jungle or smth!!!
☆  hyuk being a little and ofc he drags his twin because she's exactly the type of person that is willing enough to help him. oh god.
☆  solo debut? or like a duet with a vixx member? i pick either seungyeon's guilty for the solo debut or elsie/eunjung and k.will's i'm good as a duet.
☆  oh and feng. feng pls. i see her like hyuna wtf so i'm gonna take a troublemaker feng-style to-go thank you :*
☆  luckie guesting as judges in i can see your voice and they make a tonedeaf win and duet with them oh the horror.
passwordlove letter
LAYOUT BY -switzerland


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