Why has everything gotta be so damn stressful man T.T p.s I am starting an EXO Diary


Guess who won't be sleeping tonight~ Me 

I have a deadline for my Photography class at college and everything is taking me forever to do, it's due at 10:50am on Friday and I am literally ting myself cause the work is endless *cries*

Along with all the work from that I have my English teacher giving me lots of work that is due all week and I am on the verge of having a meltdown cause I don't know what to do first like I feel the need to put Photography first since this project is worth 50% of my grade.... I am just to scared to tell my English teacher about it, like I want to tell him that I will get all the work to him for next week since I can do it all over the weekend... when I am not working of course.

I'm not the only one this stressed as all of the photography,art, graphics,textiles students are all stressing as their deadlines are Friday as well and seriously all the teachers are like use the goldfish bowl (a special area for all the art,photography and textiles students at college) to do work during free periods and stuff but due to the large amount of students (240 in Photography alone) there is never space so it is impossible to do it during my free's at college so I always have to wait till I get home or in Photography class arrhhh. I have it today and I have a plan of things that need to get done but gosh I am so sick right now and it's clouding up my brain. 

Trust me to catch something right before a deadline....


Anyway onto something super fun, I recently heard about something called an EXO Diary which is where you write about events that EXO do- new albums and your thoughts on each song, acting, tv apperances, concerts, birthdays and messages when it is their birthday etc and I honestly feel in love with the idea of actually starting one as I think it could really help with my mental disorders- I hope it could act as a distraction to keep my brain occupied! 

How awsome is that!!!! I even asked the councellor at college about it and she agreed it would be good for my anxiety disorders and she wants me to start it sooner than later! 

I have been looking for EXO stickers all over and I am struggling so if you know of anywhere I can get some please comment cause it is really important! as in chibi, fanart, and just general EXO stickers is what I need. I am going to be collecting washi tape and all sorts of adorable stickers to go inside and get some nice pens as well!!! 

I am so excited about this! 


okay I better get ready for college cause I leave in less than an hour and I am still im my Pjs hahaha bye bye 




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stay cool, my friend...
i'm sure you can manage all of them well...