i'm a masterpiece and i can paint one too. 
Knock! Knock! Who's there?
— na jooeun
— nasaengnim (나생님) + her students call her this, mostly because she forces them to. it is a combination of her last name and the word "seonsaengnim."
mandueun (만두은) + since she has round, dumpling cheeks, her best friends like to about her baby fat, by combining the words "dumpling" and her name together.
jookda (죽다) + since "jakda" means "short" in korean, her brothers decided that it was funny to incorporate her name into the word, since she's way shorter than the both of them.
Birthday & Age — 28 august 1990 & 25
Occupation — art teacher at seoul all-boys academy
Ethnicity — korean
Faceclaim seungyeon (clc)
Back-upwoohee (dal shabet)
Appearance — with round dumpling cheeks and rosy pink lips, jooeun can be described as a natural beauty. she stands at 159 cm and weighs 47 kg, so she's not exactly that tall, as most of her students tower over her, but she makes up for it with everything else. she has dyed hair that often ranges from light to dark brown, depending on how she wants her hair to be colored at the time, and despite her flat chest, she still has a good figure. jooeun has milky white skin that distinguishes her from many teachers, and a thin nose that rests above her full lips. although she's monolidded, makeup does wonders for her in the attempt to making her eyes look bigger. 
Style — because jooeun's job is more on the professional side, she dresses rather mature, yet chic as well. pencil skirts and crisp blouses line up her wardrobe, but since she is only an art teacher, wearing a skirt and an acceptable shirt is alright, according to her workplace's standards. her style when going to work is basically the same and plain in her opinion, but on the weekends or whenever she doesn't have to work, she likes to wear stylish sweaters or loose cardigans, even if it's the summer, honestly. jooeun likes wearing jeans and shorts, so you can see her adorning that moreso than skirts and dresses, and truth be told, when jooeun gets dressed on the weekend, she looks more like a 15 year old, rather than a 25 year old, and her height doesn't help that impression either. 


Spirit, Body and Soul
(+) understanding, caring, witty, reliable (-) conceited, aloof, short-tempered, stubborn
with the flip of her brown-red hair and her confident eye smile, not many would think that na jooeun was an understanding and caring female. she has a large amount of care for everyone around her, whether it be her family, her friends, or her students, and is always supportive of them. as a teacher, friend, and sister/daughter, she is always willing to listen to other's problems and complaints and is always stepping into their shoes, seeing things from their perspective. though she's not always good with advice, she tries her best to help and if there's something she can physically do to help, then she would do it. whenever her students have problems, jooeun is always helping them out, extending their due dates to an acceptable date and just talking to them about it. she's quite the reliable person, as she's someone that everyone can lean on. jooeun gets things done properly, and doesn't laze around before doing it at the last minute. if she promises something, then she'll usually end up fulfilling her promise with quality, and not just doing it in one swift motion. this is one of jooeun's more favorite traits, but she's quite witty, and she loves it. she often makes small jokes and puns (and then laughs about them because she thinks they're funny), and comes up with a lot of quirky nicknames for her friends and co-workers. 
however, jooeun is quite the conceited girl and that can be seen very obviously, although she doesn't realize it at times. she often has to compliment herself and tends to think of herself in an arrogant manner. it can be blamed on her good looks and mainly likable personality, but jooeun has an ego the size of an elephant, and although she doesn't realize it, some people in her life sometimes wonder how she's gotten to be so conceited. she also tends to be quite aloof when meeting new people, and it makes her look unapproachable. though she doesn't appear this way at the workplace with her students, when meeting people, she seems to be cold and disinterested, although that's not true at all; she's just assessing what she has better than the other person, usually. jooeun can be quite detached from others, and even her friends sometimes wonder why she's being so distant, but as expected, jooeun doesn't realize that she's being aloof either. something that grinds the gears of everyone around her is her short-temperedness and her stubbornness. they could deal with her arrogance and aloofness, but her short-temper and stubbornness is something that makes people grit their teeth in annoyance. jooeun usually gets annoyed with a lot of small things and will blow up in anger or irritation. when people are being difficult with her, she usually gets quite annoyed, and honestly, no one knows how jooeun gets mad or why she does. she just does and even if she's calm one moment, she becomes angry at another and it tends to be energy draining. her stubbornness is no joke either. jooeun often has to get her way and won't budge for less most times. if she's decided on something, it means that she's decided on that one thing and won't give it up, even if she dies. when she was picking out her dog at the shelter, she decided to pick a small dog, and although her brother recommended maybe a bigger dog, her eyes were set on that dog and she wouldn't budge, so of course, that was the dog she got. despite that, jooeun really doesn't mean to be so bad mannered, and has a lot of good traits to her as well.
— jooeun loves eating street foods and her favorite are ddukbokki, odeng, etc. 
— jooeun loves animals and every time she goes to the animal shelter or drives by one, she wants to cry and adopt all the animals there.
— her favorite moments are usually when she's hanging out with her best friends; afterall, they're the people who she's grown up with.
— although she appears like the type to only eat junk food, jooeun actually really loves fruits and always has to eat at least one fruit a day. 
— jooeun really likes good and "fresh" smelling lotions and perfumes; her favorite smells are usually the floral or fruity ones. 
— along with lotions and perfume, jooeun also really likes scented candles, as she claims that they help to relax her.
— jooeun dislikes a mess; she's always organized and cleans up after she's done doing her thing, but seeing a mess just gives her an uncomfortable tingle in her spine.
— she's not athletic at all, so jooeun would prefer not to do sports; the only thing she's remotely good at is running, but even then, it's not that great. 

— though she doesn't have any allergies, jooeun hates eating eggplants, zuccinis, and squashes. she just doesn't like the taste of them, and if you tried to feed them to her, she'd gag. 
— jooeun also doesn't like anything that tastes really bitter, so coffee is generally not her most favorite thing, unless if a ton of sugar is added to it.
— though her father is a doctor, jooeun cannot handle the sight of blood. it makes her feel queasy, so that's another factor on why she isn't a doctor now. 
— because jooeun is so in love with everything related to technology, she gets quite irritated when there's no wifi or if the wifi is slow; it just grinds her gears. 
— her favorite hobby is taking selfies, which is a little conceited, but she doesn't care because she's cute (or at least that's what she thinks 
— she also loves to facetime or skype her friends whenever she can't see them or whenever she's bored because it's enjoyable.

— even though she does it during her work hours, jooeun paints in her free time as well. she loves seeing the paint travel across the canvas and being able to convey her emotions and thoughts onto a board.
— even though she knows it's not real, jooeun loves to read horoscopes; it's like an addiction that can't suppress itself.
— whenever jooeun is nervous or anxious about something, she tends to crack her knuckles or bite the inside of . 
— she also has a habit of fixing her hair or tucking it behind her ear randomly.

— whenever she's focused on something, she will often furrow her brows and make an odd face while doing it. 
— whenever she feels confident in herself with just about anything, she will smirk in a condescending way.
— while she's painting, jooeun just has to listen to music or else she starts to feel very unsatisfied and unhappy with her paintings.
— though she will never admit it, jooeun is extremely scared of the dark and has to use a flashlight to sleep at night. 
— she's also quite scared of heights; amusement parks just aren't her thing. she even gets scared on the kiddy rides, sadly enough.

— jooeun also has a strong fear for insects and scaly reptiles; whether it's a gecko or dead fly, she is too afraid to touch them and often has to call her brother to come over and get rid of bugs that have found themselves in her home.
Fun Facts — 
— jooeun has a small dog named jjanga 
— despite being 25, she still giggles a bit at erted jokes

— she has an affinity with dyeing her hair; she loves it, but because of her job, she can only dye it natural colors. 
— jooeun only owns apple products, and samsung is a foreign world to her. 
— she started drawing when she could hold a pencil, but her drawings weren't really considered good, until she improved and won her first art contest at 15. 
— her favorite color is pink and teal, which are the colors of the walls in her two favorite rooms.

— she has no sense of direction, so it's best if you don't trust her with a map or a gps. 
— jooeun secretly has a diary that she's never told anyone about, and she likes to fill it right before she goes to bed. 
— jooeun can sleep anywhere, and can even sleep standing up, but is a heavy sleeper; she sleeps through nearly all of her alarms.
— because jooeun is still childish, she has an array of stuffed animals sitting on her bed, which she likes to take turns hugging to sleep.
— jooeun doesn't really have any other major talents other than anything involving art; she's tone-deaf, can't dance, isn't good at math, etc. 
— she declares herself as the "cutest na sibling," but it's true.
Nature's Growth and Surrounding
— unlike the big city chicks, jooeun was born in a small town in gwangju, which explains the jeolla dialect that often slips out of , even at the tender age of 25. she grew up in a small neighborhood with a couple of girls who were the same age as her, and played with her almost everyday when she was a kid. honestly, the girls have spent their whole lives together and have slept over and hung out at each other's houses as they grew up. jooeun can proudly say that these are her best friends and have been ever since she was young, though some moved in and weren't originally born in gwangju. ever since she was young, her love for art was fostered by her lazy doodles on her homework and experimental paintings with projects. she was never quite invested in the hobby, but she did enjoy it enough to pick it as an elective in high school. it was then that she properly learned how to draw from a teacher that she would never forget, whom she endearingly called jangsaengnim (which was a cross between her last name and the word "seonsaengnim"). 
after winning her first art contest at the age of 15, that fueled jooeun's passion for art, and she decided to invest more and more time into it, eventually deciding that being an art teacher was her dream (mostly because of the fact that jangsaengnim was her greatest role model at the time). though she was intelligent and had decently good marks in school, her dreams were seen as lackluster by her father, who wanted his kids to be in lucrative careers. jooeun, on the other hand, wasn't so keen on being in the medical or law business, so there was a lot of tension when she got accepted into a prestigious arts and performance school with a decent scholarship. enraged by her decision, her father kicked her out and jooeun decided to just move into the dorms of her college, while also getting a job to pay for the rest of her tuition. she worked at a small crafts shop, with a homely owner who often wanted to see her draw and praised her drawings, which honestly fueled jooeun's ego, but it's always been high anyways. after graduating, she tried to find a job as an art teacher, but there wasn't any place hiring, except one: the seoul all-boys academy. there was only one problem though. in order to have a job there, females must be married, and jooeun was desperate for a job; therefore, she came up with a fake husband to get the job. 
Current Life —jooeun currently lives in an apartment complex near her workplace, along with her dog and non-existent husband. it's been a few years since she's been hired as an art teacher, and she still hasn't gotten caught, which has fueled her ego by a tenfold, but recently, her life has been in danger because of her suspicious co-worker who has always been wary of her for some reason. the said worker has moved into the same apartment complex as her (even daring to move to the room next to hers!) and even had the nerve to knock on her door one time. luckily, jooeun saw her through the peephole, and pretended like she wasn't home, later stating that she was on a date with her husband. despite that, she has had to change up a lot of things about her life. although she still wakes up at 6:00 a.m., and arrives at her workplace at 7:15, she's always avoided her neighbor when they asked if she wanted to carpool with them. jooeun usually feeds her dog before she leaves, and comes home at around 2:00 to relax a bit, before going back to teach. her job doesn't really require much, mostly because she doesn't have to pay for the supplies herself, so she often has easy days at work, which she's grateful for. during her weekends, she usually just relaxes at home or goes to her friend's houses, or maybe even visits the shaman's kid's cafe if the girls are hanging out there. jooeun usually has a project that she's working on at home and has lots of paintings sitting in her room, and often times, they are given away, but sometimes, she'll sell them, if she's that desperate for money. however, she often reserves a weekend to go back home and visit her family or visit her older brother in seoul. 
father | na jungmin (fc: song seunghun) | 54 | doctor | seeing his daughter grow up to be an art teacher has taken quite a toll on their relationship, as he does not believe she would make an earning off of such an unstable job. jooeun, on the hand, doesn't really care, and just ignores him whenever he pleads about how she should quit. despite that, he really does care for her, albeit his stern and misunderstood ways of trying to convey it. although they had an estranged relationship in the past, it has indeed gotten much better.
mother | na yubin | 53 | housewife | unlike her husband, yubin actually aupports jooeun in her attempt in being an art teacher because for one, yubin loves art and used to paint a lot. she boasts that jooeun got her artistic talent from her mother, which isn't quite incorrect anyways, and is the one that's always welcoming jooeun to come home. she's really a doting mother, that's all. 
older brother |  na jooyeol (fc: jeong jinwoon) | 28 | dentist | if jooeun is like her mother, then jooyeol is just like his father. he's taken up a medical profession, doesn't agree with jooeun's choice in being an art teacher, but despite that, he's still her brother, so he takes care of her well (as in, calls her everyday because he's worried that she didn't eat). as time goes by, he minds her being an art teacher less, but is more worried about the fact that she's working at an all-boy's school... and lying to her bosses about her being married. 
younger brother | na jooyoung (fc: park jimin) 
| 18 | student and part-time supermarket cashier | the youngest in the na family, jooyoung is doted by everyone around him, since he's considered the "baby." he doesn't really mind (in fact, he loves it), and he's always the neutral one in all of the family's conflcts, mostly because he doesn't like conflict and is the most peaceful out of all of them. people think it's weird that he likes being treated like a kid at 18, but the whole na family is a little special at times. 
Unexpectedly A Beautiful Answer
jung taekwoon/leo (vixx)
Birthday & Age — 10 november 1990 & 25
Occupation — music teacher at seoul all-girls academy
Back-upcho kyuhyun (super junior)
(+) loyal, affectionate, intelligent (-) aloof, quiet, blunt
although taekwoon may not appear to be so, he's actually quite loyal and will stick with you until the end. his loyalty can be comparable to a dog's and people often wonder how he can remain so loyal to his friends, but don't be misguided; he's only loyal to people who he trusts and knows will be loyal back to him. despite his stern expression and stiff frowns, taekwoon tends to be quite affectionate at times with people he loves. with a girlfriend, he'll usually cover her hand with his, or he'll carry her around, but that level of affection usually comes with extreme comfort and trust. he's not outwardly affectionate with everyone and won't just hug any stranger randomly, but it's enough affection that you know that he likes you. as if his good looks weren't enough, taekwoon was born with a brain, and is actually quite intelligent. he scores quite highly on tests and does work effortlessly. studying is one of his main points and he does it well; taekwoon is not one to say stupid things or have idiotic thoughts, mostly because of his intelligence that although he doesn't flaunt it around, everyone knows that it's there. 
despite his affectionate self, he can be quite aloof when he first meets someone. he's not outgoing and tends to always have a stiff expression on his face, so people mistake him to be mean, but it's just that he's slightly detached and not quite so forthcoming. despite that, once he gets to know someone, his aloofness seems to disappear, but his quietness doesn't. jung taekwoon is not a man of many words and would prefer to convey his thoughts in the least amount of words as possible. he finds it easier to keep his mouth shut and never really has much to say about anything, often preferring to nod his head. although he's quiet, he's not shy, despite people always mistaking him to be. whenever he does speak, though, his words come off as "blunt." he doesn't hold back and is always honest with his words. he's very straightforward and will tell anyone his true feelings, whether someone asked or not. they usually come in short sentences, if they do come, and jung taekwoon is not a man who cares about sugarcoating his words. whatever he says is whatever he really means. 
Background — jung taekwoon has been a quiet boy for practically all of his life. he was an only child and the son to two musicians. his mother was a professional pianist, but stopped performing to become a piano teacher. she taught in the comfort of her own home, while his father remained a professional pianist that performed all over town. ultimately, his father went on tours and did gigs all over the world, meaning that taekwoon didn't see his father for a while at times. his mother was home, though, so he wasn't completely alone. as expected for having musician parents, taekwoon was shortly forced to take up piano lessons from his mother after his fifth birthday. though she was loving, she was strict on him when it concerned the musical instrument, and at first, taekwoon hated it; he wanted to play with his friends and enjoy computer games all day, but his mother disagreed with that. she made him practice the piano everyday for hours, practicing his mistakes and technique during the duration of it. however, as he grew up, taekwoon started to have a growing interest in the instrument, mostly because his first crush was obsessed with piano music. it was her passion to listen to various pianists, and taekwoon wanted to impress her, so he was extremely motivated to practice everyday. he was just a teenager at the time, but he truly did like her a lot. however, right before he finished learning her favorite song (which he found out about on her social media), she had to move away because her parents had found a better job elsewhere, so in the end, he never got to confess to her. despite that, she was the one who founded his present interest in music, and because of her, he grew a strong love for piano and music. he then attended an arts and music college, and after graduating from there, he struggled to find a good pianist job. because he didn't like travelling too much, he wasn't keen on being a performance pianist, but while on the search of finding jobs, he found out that the seoul all-girls academy was hiring. there was only one problem: he wasn't married. taekwoon desperately needed a job though, so he it up and bought himself a fake wedding ring, declaring him a "married" man. luckily, he was hired, but one problem: he still wasn't married.
First meeting — taekwoon and jooeun actually go way back to their college years. the two were acquiantances with each other and although their friends were friends with each other, the two never really hung out because of how quiet and intimidating taekwoon appeared to be, which effectively scared off jooeun from attempting to befriend him (though she did think he was kind of cute back then). despite that, jooeun would always visit taekwoon while he was practicing the piano because his piano playing was heavenly, even back then, and it would really relax her right before big assignments were due; sometimes, she even painted him playing the piano just because of how soothing it looked. she first discovered his talent for playing piano when she was looking for inspiration in the music department, and while walking through the hallways, she stumbled across him playing the piano. after weeks of listening from outside the door, taekwoon finally caught her listening onto him when he opened the door to let in some air and there she was, sitting outside the door. after that, he just let her in without a word, which pleased jooeun because now, she could listen to him playing from a closer range. however, they didn't talk to each other much because he wasn't quite the one to be talkative and jooeun was always awkward when they talked, resulting in them not keeping in touch after the two graduated. 
Interaction — when they're around people, jooeun is usually very touchy, often wanting to hold his hand or wrap her body around his arm to show him off as her "husband." since they're newly wedded, or are supposed to be, she feels that they would be quite lovey dovey with each other and plays the part of an affectionate wife well. taekwoon, on the other hand, is quite shy with his new "lover" and doesn't do much pda with her because of that, leaving jooeun awkwardly trying to appear like she can't get enough of him. even on her phone, she named him as "my hubby," lined with heart emojis, while for her, taekwoon had it as "wife joo," but that's because she was the one who put it in. despite that, he'll occasionally put his arm over her shoulder after she's been nagging him about not doing pda, and although he's not one to generally show much affection through hand holding or hugging, he does watch out for jooeun and makes sure she's happy and comfortable with life. he's always considering her feelings and after he pretended to get married to her, he's neve decided something without first thinking about her. after some time with her, though, taekwoon does get more affectionate with her, since he originally is an affectionate person.
How both got into agreement — years after their graduation, leading up to now, they were both invited to a reunion amongst their friends, and although it was a given that jooeun was going to go, she was shocked when she saw taekwoon at the bar. he wasn't one to go out that much, and in college, he often had to be bribed to go somewhere, so seeing him was quite the pleasant surprise. it turned out that he was teaching music at her school's sister school, which was a shocker because she didn't think he would be married. of course, she stayed on guard because she wouldn't dare let her secret out. jooeun lied to her friends and told her that she was married and didn't have a ceremony, which they believed, much to her relief. after three hours of indulging in drinks, the gang decided that it was enough partying one night, and designated a sober person to drive the drunkies home. jooeun was given two people, one of which lived close to the bar, so it was fine, and taekwoon, whom she found out lived quite close to her (probably because their workplaces are close to each other anyways). the whole ride was really awkward for her, mostly because she was trying to make sure the two didn't barf in her car, but after joking around with taekwoon, she said "jeez, your wife is probably super concerned that another female is driving you home while you're drunk," and was shocked when he confessed that he didn't have a wife (in the most coherent way possible, of course). he spilled that he told his bosses that he was married, and to jooeun's pleasure, she finally figured out who could be her fake husband, especially with her coworker running loose around her apartment building. she dropped off taekwoon at his house, and the next day, she came back to demand him to "marry her."
     taekwoon: what? i'm already married.
jooeun: no you're not! surprise, surprise, i know your secret, and i'm here to fulfill your desires of having a hot wife and a job at the same time!
     taekwoon: i have no idea what you're talking about. my wife is real...
jooeun: listen, i need you because i don't have a husband and i could possibly lose my job because of my dumb co-worker, and i know that you don't have a wife, but you also need your job, so work with me here!
     taekwoon: ...fine.
Are you ready?
Nickname — shu
Activity rate — 9/10
Comment/Question/Others — i'm so sorry for taking so long on this app! inspiration hasn't hit me and it was so hard to do this app because i had no imagination, but thank you so much for the extention, though, & i hope you like jooeun :) 
Scene Requests — sorry i have none right now :((((((


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