『방탄 소녀 단』— 주슬희

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FULL NAME : andrea seulhee choo reséndiz
✖「   CHOO SEULHEE 주슬희  korean name and middle name on birth certiifcate, she goes mostly by this name since it's way easier than her original one, and also because she's living in korea.
✖「   CHU / MISS CHU  because of the sound of her lastname, by love interest. given after apink's mister chu was out cause yeah bambam is a dork. 
✖「   HURRICANE  given by members after she almost destroyed the dorm by setting a fire in the kitchen while trying to cook ramen. and yes, since then she has been banned from the kitchen. also because her room is pretty much war zone. when asked why they call seulhee this way, they just say ''she messes everything that getsi n her way''.
✖「   LISPY BABY  because of her slight lisp, as well as mocking her calling her 'theulhee'. mostly used by her friends when they want to make her mad, earning a punch from seulhee on the head. 
✖「   SEUL / SEULIE / HEEHEE  nicknames that come from her name, the most abused one being 'seul'. called usually by members and friends as therms of endearment. however, bambam is the one that calls her 'heehee' the most.
✖「   ANDY  coming from 'andrea', also as a term of endearment. this is often used by her family in mexico, members she's closest to, her best friend brianna and bambam. 
✖「   SEOULHEE CITY  since 'seul' means 'seoul' in spanish actually it's 'seúl' but yeah. she thinks this is really lame but likes it anyway. it's even part of her name account in instagram (@seoulhee_city96). given by one of her friends back at mexico.
✖「   PEEBLES just a codename for seulhee between got7 members when they're talking behind her back or just randomly mentioning seulhee on the dorm, so pretty much she doesn't know about this nickname. comes from the flinstones, because, bambam, peebles... you get it? yeah, pretty damn lame but they couldn't think of anything better.
BIRTHDATE : june 27, 1996 & 19 years old
BIRTHPLACE : guadalajara, jalisco, mexico
HOMETOWN : guadalajara, jalisco, mexico
ETHNICITY : korean-mexican
✖「   FLUENT SPANISH she's obviously fluent. seulhee loves talking in spanish, and because she practically has her face buried on a book whenever she has time, she has a really long and fancy vocabulary that is even difficult to understand for native speakers. and not just in normal words, but also in cursing words. she knows a lot of cursing words in spanish and she used to talk with them out loud, not caring about her ''girly'' image.
✖「   SEMI-FLEUNT KOREAN she has good grammar, but her pronunciation and hangul is just a fail. she can't read hangul properly and often gets words twisted with all the symbols and korean characters. her pronunciation is kinda better, but she has that thick mexican accent and sounds kind off robotic when she's nervous. when she doens't know how to say a word, she just says it in spanish or english and ends up talking in spanish. 
✖「   SEMI-FLUENT ENGLISH seulhee is pretty much self-taught in english. she had english on her school but because of the internet, she just started learning more and more, to the point where her english is almost perfect in gramatical matters. she's good pronunciation-wise, but she has problems with long words and speaks with a thick mexican accent. she's good enough to keep up with the mischief of after school club in a future and holding conversations with english-speaking members and friends.
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will you tell me your name?
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 155cm & 46kg
✖「   CALL ME SHORT AND YOU'RE DEATH MEAT seulhee looks like a foreigner to the korean eyes, the main point giving her out being her wide and unique eyes. when mexicans are more on the tanned side, seulhee's skin is very pale and it's difficult for to get a good tan. however, she doesn't really mind about this and likes her pale skin. seulhee wasn't born with a perfect straight hair, nor was it curly. her hair is just naturally a little bit wavy and pretty darn wild at the mornings. her color of hair is a natural clear brown that she likes a lot, even though it's pretty common. her skin isn't that fair and without make-up you can see some pimples and darkpoints in her face, mostly in her forehead and nose. she has a scar on her chin, resulting from a fall she had when she was 5, it's practically unnoticeable with make-up, but without it it isn't. she has a mole in the eyelid of her right eye. another mexican feature of her appearance is her shortness, she stands not so proudly at 155 cm tall, making everyone rather coo at her petite frame or making her the target on endless bullying from her members and friends (they do this with love, obviously). seulhee reaches the line of a propper weight with 46kg. the reason why seulhee doesn't look as skiny as others because she has a rather round face and chubby cheeks that she blames to baby fat. seulhee has really good legs because of all the dancing she used to do (mexican folk dance requires a lot of feet work) and does.
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✖「   WHY DOES IT MATTER? being honest over here, seulhee couldn't care less about her clothes, and she doesn't understand why being stylish is just so important lately. seulhee is not really the one to be following the fashion trends all the time, nor does she have an impressive sense for dressing and shocks everyone with the outfits she wears at the airport, but she still does make a little effort on not looking like a beggar. seulhee's closet consists principally of winter clothes, just because she thinks they're a whole lot more comfortable than those shorts or tank tops that girls use, and even thoguh not said, seulhee just feel like she has to hide her body from the others, because she has a lot of insecurities regarding that. but that'll be explained later. seulhee just normally uses jeans, jeans, and jeans, combining them with cute, over-sized sweaters. as for practice, she keeps the sweaters, but sometimes she switches her jeans for denim shorts. for dorm she just doesn't give a damn and wears whatever she wants, since it's her bandamates, and they wouldn't criticize her for her clothes. at dorm she normally carries around thick-rimmed hipster glasses with her hair combed into a lazy bun with a hair band, or just any bracelet she's wearing that day. she also goes around without makeup because, and i quote, 'yolo'.
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no matter who tries to stop me
i will go my way
SHE'S COOL outgoing, funny, extroverted, spontaneous, genuine
SHE'S unCOOL over-dramatic, annoying, loud, lazy, insecure
✖「   I'M THE FUNNIEST PERSON EVER, THANK YOU seulhee is your typical type of girl who's extremely outgoing, always making new friends on her way. she's talkative and loves to hold conversations with people, practically she doesn't seem to get out of ideas to satart conversations about. seulhee is oftenly described as a bouncy girls who's energy is never out, she just loves to run around everywhere while yelling any nonsense that crosses her mind and goes out through , and creeping out people with endless questions trying to be friends with them. she's really energetic and loves spreading her energy as if she's the sun that lights up the room. seulhee is practically the group's clown, always in the mood for cracking out jokes that make people rather crack up in laughter or cringing while shouting at her to be sensible with her words. she has one great sense of humor, and even though it doesn't have much wit on it, because she's totally not a person to think quickly, seulhee just brings laughs through her somewhat dark humor with some dirty jokes here and there due to her somewhat erted mind, as well as accompanying it with weird faces and body gags (kkap dance master, yup yup). the thing that seulhee loves the most is making people laugh, so there she is, not minding that she often ends up embarrasing herself in front of everyone, jsut because when she make speople laugh, she feels she's making them happy, which makes her feel really good and somewhat the other's happiness is her happiness. 
✖「  ☁ I'M AS CUTE AS A DYING PENGUIN seulhee's face features would normally give you the aura of a really cute and sweet girl with her cute smiles and deer-like eyes staring off into space, but after you spend some minutes with her you'll know that this is a complete mistake. seulhee is nothing but a little devil. she´s practically a compulsive liar. even when she doesn't want to. it's almost a habbit that she can't stop. she doesn't even know why she does it, lies just come out from . and even though some consider this as a quality beacuse ''it's practically the same as being good in acting'', seulhee just doesn't stand this part of her personality. she gets stressed really easily, even if it's just a minor thing. her head would start hurting like hell and she'll became a grumpy monster when this happens. she's messy and careless about everything, with its corresponding exceptions. she practically doesn't take anything seriously. even when she's getting scolded, she'll still be laughing in her mind thinking of some random thing or how funny the manager's face is. she acts like a child sometimes with her loud screams of joy and devilish smile while she's planning jokes. 
✖「   WHAT YOU CAN DO TODAY, LEAVE IT FOR TOMORROW now, let's now talk about seulhee being the hurricane of destruction she is. seulhee just practically has a fixation with breaking anything that crosses in her eyesight unconsciously. but she normally breaks things by accident, it just takes a distraction or a bad movement of her hands to her to break anything that's near her body ratio. this is another aspect that seulhee doesn't really appreaciate beacuse yeah, no one likes feeling like they destroy anything they touch. out of her unluckiness regarding breakable objects, seulhee is just really, really messy. she just doesn't really care about having to manage her things at the dorm. her room is basically a mess, it's just untidy all the time with snack packages (and hidden snacks under the ebd but shh), cds and mostly clothes scattered all over the floor. entering seulheee's room is practically like entering a war zone. the members that share a room with her practically lives a nightmare (except if she's just as messy as her, then it's a totally different story). seulhee is just really lazy about having to clean her room and just everything talking honestly, the only things she's not lazy about are practicing and eating. 
✖「   AM I BOTHEIRNG YOU? WELL, YOUR EXISTENCE ALSO BOTHERS ME, BUT I'M NOT SAYING ANYTHING, AM I? she's straight-forward and can get very sassy when she's not on her mood, letting out some pretty darn . she curses a lot, in the 3 languages she knows, but preffers doing it in spanish since no one understands it. she finds really hard to express her gratitude, so she's always labeled as 'ungrateful' or 'disrecpectful brat', also because she's not completely used to honorifics. she's the biggest drama queen ever, makes a big fuss out of any little problem. seulhee always exagerates any bad situation and her mentality will always make her believe that it's the end of the world when something doesn't go the way she planned it to go. she may just make a tantrum at the supermarket if leader doesn't want to buy her a bag of chips, or just whine endlessly much to the member's misery. seulhee is naturally over-dramatic and tragic, but sometimes she just does it to annoy the hell out of everyone.
   I'M ALWAYS THE SAME, ON AND OFF CAMERA on stage, seulhee gives mostly an aura that's full of charisma and iness, but as soon as she's out the stage the reality changes. seulhee is always herself in the shows and interviews, she doesn't like to pretend she's someone who she's not just to see the netizen's delight, she's genuine to herself, her members and the fans, keeping herself out of the fake image that some idols. and even though seulhee is mostly charismatic, she also knows when to let out the beast. she has one great sense of variety that would always get her some compliments of mcs, as well as becoming the fan's source of information since she likes revealing some dirty little secrets about her members, obviously not crossing the line of actually giving the fans their exact direction or phone numbers, but still enough informatioon for becoming the fan's personal spy. seulhee is just usually the type to bluff, rant, yell and whine like a kid on the show, as well as doing failed aegyo just to annoy the rest of the members. she's always the same already mentioned crazy and energetic monster she is. other contestans can get usually annoyed at her and tell her to shut up, because honestly, a hyper choo seulhee is an annoying choo seulhee. seulhee is spontaneous and normally acts out of impulse, always being her natural self not acring about anyone around her. 
✖「   I'M SITLL THE MOODMAKER, HONEY even though members get annoyed by her, they love her because of the beautiful person she hides on the inside. when everyone is feeling tired of practices, she would start dancing and singing for motivating the others, even when she's tired and feells like she can't move anymore. she would always listen to her members when they have a problem and comfort them if she has too. when the group fights, she'll always be the first one to lighten up the mood and get rid of the tense and awkward atomosphere around the girls. she just has a hidden caring side in her personality that barely gets out. she'll always put the member's safety before her's. she doesn't care if she doesn't get to tell her problems to the members, if they're okay, she's okay. she has enough with seeing their smiles. this characteristic of her would often get her some pretty darn harsh criticism, because she's in a competition, yet she cares more about the other contestans than herself. always screams a 'fighting!' before any performance or anything to motivate the members. so yeah, that kinda makes her the mood maker also, along with her outgoing and loud side. now, it's not that's she's the type to hold back tears all the time, because seulhee is a really emotional person who would always cry at the smallest things, but she just prefers to listen to her members and keeping all the problems to herself, not really wanting to be a burden dor the rest of the girls. 
✖「   THANK YOU... she really cares about her fans and what people comment about her, that's why she's always answering twitter and constantly follows her fan's acccounts. if she sees a fan who's feeling down, she'll send him or her a comforting message. she's the one to do lots of fanchats through twitter and be the queen of fanservice. she likes to smile to cameras at airports, and often gives autographs to the fans she finds on street and loves taking pictures with them. she also thanks fans a lot. she'll keep doing this because she tends to feel lonely really easily, but seeing all the suport makes her happy and it shakes off the feeling of loneliness for a little bit of time, even when it's still there. when she's sad, her way of shaking it off is writing lyrics and singing along with her keyboard until sun rises again. even when she doesn't show it, she's still a bit insecure of her body , singing skills, personality, and overall as a person. leave it out of feeling fat and ugly, because she knows she really isn't. but sometimes she'll just think that she's not enough for the group, and that her personality is troublesome for the members, or that she'll end up loosing at the end of everything even if she puts all her eforth on it. and despite trying to change her flaws and trying to express her feelings, she's just unable and keeps all her insecureness to herself, which does absolutely no good, because it becomes stress and stress becomes into over-working herself. she tries to ignore the comments from haters and acts like she doesn't care, and even talks about how the haters are just jealous and butthurt, but she does care, very deep in her heart. nobody has really noticed this side of her, since she's extremely good at hiding her sadness. maybe you wouldn't exactly call it ''depression'', because seulhee thinks that that therm is extremely strong and should not be treated as nothing, she wants to think of it as bundle of hidden insecureness and fears.
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✖「   WHERE EVERYTHING STARTED  for seeing choo seulhee's life story, let's start way before she was even planned. firstly, in the year of 1990, choo heejun, a young yet succesful man from gwanju making his life as an accountant for an international company, was transferred from seoul to jalisco, mexico (most precissely guadalajara) due to work matters. after working some months there, he met the mexican woman pamela reséndiz through a common friend he made in mexico. and for not making it cheesier, let's just say thing happened and after some time of getting to know each other, they started dating at late 2011. they had an extremely beautiful relationship that made people around rather coo at their cuteness, or just stare with jealousy. they got married not too long after that, maybe rushing things a little bit too much, but they loved each other deeply, or so they thought. pamela and heejun got married at early 1993. they lived a happy marriage full of liove, rainbow and happines for 2 years, but on december of 1995, they got the news of pamela being pregnant with 2 months already. this already brought even more happiness to their relationship, as they were both craving to have a son of their own. 
✖「   THE BIRTH OF THE HURRICANE  finally, on june 27 of 1996, with ten days later than expected, was born the one and only andrea seulhee choo reséndiz, lovingly called 'andy' by practically all her family. the first years of seulhee passed swiftly, between her endless mischief and her grandfather taking care of her mostly, because her parents had busy work life and couldn't spend as much time with her as they wanted, but it wasn't like seulhee minded. she enjoyed being with her grandfather and her parents always made an space between schedules on weekend and spent quality time with them nonetheless. seulhee had always been a really outgoing and bright kid, even though it got her a lot of scolding at kindergarten because she was way too hyperactive and energetic for the rest of kids that were normally creeped out by her, also because of her ethnicity. however, with the time they got to learn better about seulhee and ended up being friends with her, falling for seulhee's undeniable charm (not really, they feel for wanting seulhee to stop creeping them). seulhee practically lived with her grandfather because her parents were always busy and she stayed all her days on her grandparent's house that was just a few blocks away from hers. seulhee didn't really mind not seeing her parents often, because she got to spend a lot of time with her grandfather, who always read fairytales to her and put classical music that seulhee really enjoyed. 
✖「   THE DIVORCE  heejun and pamela's marriage was going downhill fast. they had their problems before, but just when seulhee became 3, the problems grew and when seulhee was 4, they finally came to the decision of a divorce. now, seulhee didn't really mind about the divorce. she had already expected it, because even thoguh she was loud and zany, she had a more mature mind than what people would expect, and came to the knowledge that her parents didn't love each other anymore and that their love story was over. the divorce was quick since both pamela and heejun had no troubles signing it, and in less than five months, heejun was already lying back to korea in a plane since pamela had won the custody of seulhee. pamela knew that seulhee was okay with the divorce, but she still felt bad about the four year old kid, so she practically forced seulhee to go onto extracurricular classes. seulhee started going to mexican folk dance because her mother wanted her to learn soemthing different. seulhee enjoyed these classes a lot, and she soon found dancing as some sort of refugee. she took some more dancing classes including ballet and jazz.
✖「   THE START OF A PASSION  seulhee still spent most of her time with her grandfather after the divorce, since her mother had to work even more after heejun's partition. seulhee's biggest passion were books and music thanks to her grandfather. the both of them enjoyed watching concerts by andré rieu and analizing gabriel garcía marquéz', mario benedetti's and horacio quiroga's literary work. at the age of 10, seulhee had already read at leats half of her home's library as well as some other books, and had decided to become a writer. however, when she was 10 and her uncle miguel taught how to use a computer, seulhee's love music grew wider and wider. she mainly listened to her uncle's folder of music that included cassic rock bands and some classical works by beethoven or mozart. while she was listening to some random songs by acdc, she came acros super junior's twins (knock out). that video started her eternal love for kpop. she watched the typical; dbsk, girl's generation, wonder girls. she just loved how upbeat and original the songs were, and unknowingly foound herself dancing and singing to these songs. maybe it was because of her korean descendance, but she just fell in love with kpop like she never did with any othermusic genre. her mother noticed this, and encouraged her new passion by taking her to singing, guitar and piano classes. 
✖「   THE ACHIEVEMENT OF A DREAM  seulhee decided that she wanted to go to korea when she was 14 years old in the year of 2010, and so she did, even though her family was hurting and so was seulhee, she wanted to pursue her dream of becoming a singer. all of her family were pretty supportive, even if they didn't want to let her go. pamela contacted heejun after years of not speaking, and told her about seulhee's wishes. heejun gladly accepted that seulhee moved to his house. so, after a heartfelt goodbye full of tears at the airport and 23 hours of travel, seulhee found herself arriving to korean land. she started going to school normally, and in school she met the one and only yook hyemi or brianna yook, a korean-american girl that arrived to korea with the same mindset that seulhee had, they became best friends right away, fighting against the bullies together. hyemi was some sort of emotional pillar for seulhee, because seulhee had an awkward relationship wih her father, so hyemi always welcomed her to her house and she was always the one to support seulhee through everything. after moths of knowing and preparing each other, hyemi and seulhee finally auditioned to the company of their dreams: jyp. both of them got to the company luckily enough. seulhee moved to the company's dorm. at jyp, seulhee managed to become good freiends with bambam, youngjae and yugyeom. however, she quit jyp because of some issues with few trainees. as soon as she quit jyp, she searched for companies and came across bighit. she auditioned inmediately and luckily was accepted after few auditions. the rest of seulhee's life is history that is yet to be built and told, but it is definetely nowhere near the end.
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✖「   COFFEE  seulhee just practically has an obsession with coffee, claiming that she can't live without it. she loves coffee with all her soul and is usually theculprit for the disappearance of the coffee at the dorms. she enjoys coffee mostly with two sppons of sugar and a little bit of milk. she also really like starbuck's, specially the frappuccinos. 
✖「   SKINSHIP  seulhee is just the clingiest person you'll ever meet. she just loves clinging onto people like a kaola and shower them with her love, as she likes to call it. skinship normally comes naturally for her. 
✖「   MUSIC if seulhee didn't like music, then her whole idol career would be a total life. she just thinks of music as the scape of her life, her source of happiness. she listens to all types of music, from classics like beethoven and vivaldi to more hardcore music like paramore, black veil brides, sleeping with sirens and such. she's pretty open when it comes to genres, the only thing she doesn't listen that much are ballads, because she's normally the one to preffer upbeat songs more than the calm ones and she preffers r&b. 
✖「   MEXICAN FOOD was born and raised in mexico, lived there most of her life, so it's pretty damn ovcious that she would like mexican food. she just claims that mexican food that is sold in korea is not the same as mexico's. she's pretty darn strict with her country's food, so yeah. she misses mexican food a lot, especially tamales and tacos (real tacos. mentioning 'taco bell' near seulhee is just a sin). 
✖「   READING seulhee has always been a huge bookworm, having knowledge of all kinds of books from old spanish books from 1550 to the newest releases of rainbow rowell (she loves her books, by the way). even her stage name comes from a book. mainly reads in spanish, but enjoys contemporary books in english. she enjoys principally classic literature. her favorite writer ever is gabriel garcía marquéz, author of chronicle of a death foretold, which is also her favorite from him. she also loves harry potter, it just makes her so happy and smiley while reading it. 
✖「  ☁ RAINY DAYS these are probably the only thing that can make her relax when she's completely stressed. rain just makes her smile everytime she hears it pour, and seeing seulhee under the rain is quite a sight to behold. she just becomes a child under it, jumping and yelling animatedly with the happiest smile. 
✖「   BTOB, B1A4, VIXX, SEVENTEEN, INFINITE  her favorite kpop groups overall. she just loves them so much and fangirls endlessly, as well as probably fainting if she ever meets them. she loves belting out their lyrics at noraebang. she also reads fanficstion about her respective otps, but that's a secret so shh (she ships myungyeol, hyukbin, penjae, JICHEOL, JIHAN AND VERKWAN on an spiritual level). her ultimate favorite groups are infinite and btob.
✖「   MAKING PEOPLE LAUGH she just really loves making everyone laugh and see their eyes lit up with her lame jokes and funny body gags. she just feels a whole lot better with herself.
✖「   PERSPIRING  it's ridiculous, because yeah she pends all her time dancing her legs out, but let's just say she just perspires a lot and it make sher feel disgusting and sticky, with the raging urge of taking a bath or just standing in front of a fan whhile eating ice cream. 
✖「   ALCOHOL  she doesn't even understand why people love alcohol so much. she proved it once back at mexico and she just hates the flavor of it. it feels like your throath is burning and it also makes people do stupid things. not to mention, it also does horrible things to your health. 
✖「   SHOPPING  she hates shopping. she hates it. with a burning passion. the word itself makes her feel stressed. 
✖「  ☁ SILENCE  being the loud, bright and obnoxious girl she is, silence just seem something unbearable for her. it makes her feel really anxious, and she cringes a lot if there's an awkward silence in a conversation. that's why she always breaks the bad mood in tense situations and why she hates akward pauses. 
✖「   MAKE-UP  it's just so annoying having to wear it every single day of her life. probably the thing she dislikes the most about being an idol. she has always found make-up uncomfortable and her face feels heavy when she wears it. at the dorm she just goes around without make-up and isn't afraid of showing her bare face to cameras.
✖「   SUNNY DAYS  claiming that the only solution for hot days is sitting in front of a fan while in winter you just wrap youself in some sweaters, she hates when days are extremely sunny, it just makes her perspire and the sunlight makes her eyes hurt. 
✖「   COOKING  as mentioned already, seulhee almost burnt the kitchen when trying to be a good donsaeng to her unnies, and let's just say cooking was never seulhee's forte. she can only cook some ramen and ham sandwiches. enough to survive. but she still has been banned from the kitchen (that's why shee keeps . 
✖「   CATS  as she quotes: ''those little and stupid balls a fluff with cute deceiving faces plot world domination. i'm 100% sure of that. did you know that cats are really sensitive to vibrations and can detect an earthquake? but do they tell us anything? no. because cats are s.''credits to 9gag
✖「   COMPOSING  just for fun, she claims. 
✖「   WRITING LYRICS   it helps her drown the sadness and stress from the day-by-day.
✖「   THE ACHIEVEMENT OF A DREAM  she's addicted to them. her favorite variety show is weekly idol, survival-wise she likes no.mercy and mix&match. 
✖「   SEARCHIGN ON INTERNET FOR BTS  she just wants to see what netizens and international fans think about the group. 
✖「   LISTENING TO MUSIC   it makes her happy and relaxed.
✖「   HITTING PEOPLE TO SHOW AFFECTION  she just can't help it. just ask one way, bambam, youngjae, yugyeom and hyemi. their arms are really bruised because of her. 
✖「    HER LIPS  she literally her lips before and after speaking any word. it's kind of a famous habit between the fans. 
✖「   PLAYING WITH HER BANDMATES HAIR  she does this when she's nervous. she stands at their back and twists their hair in her fingers. many fans have noticed this during music shows, and even make some memes and inside jokes about it.
✖「   CURSING   she curses a lot in the three languages she knows, but specially in spanish because yeah no one understands. 
✖「   SNAPPING HER FINGERS  this is when she's on her diva mode mostly, but sometimes when she feels worried, awkward or wants something to be done quickly she starts snapping her fingers repeatedly.
✖「    her name is so long because in mexican names and just spanish names in general, you get two names and the lastnames from both parents. her korean name is her middle name. 
✖「    her stage name zyanya means 'always, forever', which is a shortened version of the full meaning: 'a declaration of one´s undrying love and respect for each other'. it was featured on the book aztec by gary jennings, which she read when she was 13 years old and her grandfather originally wanted her to be named like that. it's pretty meaningful to her and she wanted to have a part of her herritage in her stage image.
✖「    tends to put nicknames to people under animals. for example, she named bambam guinea pig,  GIRAFFE minah, hyemi red panda, yugyeom frog, and the list goes on.
✖「    she was forced to learn mexican folk dance this since she was 4 years old. she knows at least 25 choreographies including el jarabe tapatio (cause she's tapatia), las brujas, la bamba, el son de la negra and others. she also danced in a few ballets, including the nutcracker, don quixote, a midsumeer night's dream,  the sleeping beauty, etc.
✖「    thanks to her uncle who introduced me to the oh-so beautiful world of coffee, she knows a lot about types of coffee and her favorite one is colombian coffee. 
✖「    when she gets excited she starts talking in spanish without noticing. 
✖「    her caligraphy is really bad, in both hangul and normal writing. it's just unreadable. 
✖「    she has a slight lisp, but noticeable enough for her to have people making fun of her. 
✖「    she hates doing aegyo, and hates it when people do in excess and don't know how to do it. she has really awkward aegyo and ends up looking scary instead of cute. 
✖「    she says 'omo', 'aigo', 'oh my god', 'whatever' and 'anyway' all the time. and  'god damnit' when she's mad or stressed. also, she screams ''no mames'' all the time, which in spanish literally means ''don't ''. it's a pretty darn vulgar expression.
✖「    knows how to play piano and guitar, and is learning how to play the drums (kind of hard though, because of her lack of time). her favorite instrument is the guitar, and  treats hers as if it is her own child (she even named it 'nayeli', which means 'i love you' in zapotec, and also one of the few zapotec names used in mexico nowadays, along zyanya)
✖「    she normally drops honorifics with everyone. 
✖「    she's kind of close with all the got7 members, but not as close as she is with yugyeom, bambam, youngjae and jinyoung. 
✖「    she loves spicy food with all her life. 
✖「    instagram: seoulhee_city96 // twitter: zyanya_chu // kakotalk & snapchat (private): huricane_hee 
✖「    her favorite kpop songs are b1a4's how many times and who am i, boyfriend's goodnight and standing with u, SEVENTEEN'S 20 AND JAM JAM,infinite's going to you, wings and rosinante, vixx' from now on you're mine and btob's hello mello, why, and happening.besides kpop, then it's paramore´s all i wanted and brick by broing brick, the killers' mr. brightside, simple plan's welcome to my life and perfect and fleetwod mac's go your own way.
✖「    self-claimed guitar hero and boygroup dances queen. she loves guitar hero with all her life and half of her musical knowledge regarding rock, punk and etc. comes from said game. as for boygroup dances, she knows a lot of them which is normal, considering her hobby being fangirling like an idiot.
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we're closer than that
we were happy just by laughing
edith-g%C3%B3nzalez-330x350.jpg fc: edith gonzáles, mexican actress edith-g%C3%B3nzalez-330x350.jpg 
 mother ✖   pamela lucía reséndiz ramo  52  lawyer 
✖「   YOU'RE STILL MY MOM AT THE END OF THE DAY  seulhee and pamela aren't that extremely close, maybe because pamelas always had job matters going in font of her so she couldn't spend as much time as she wanted with seulhee. however, they noth know that they love each other deeply even though they don't show it, even though they had a lot of arguments regarding seulhee's attitude back at school and all the pranks she did at home, like when she painted the walls with permanent markers, wih drawings of butterflies and flowers. pamela and seulhee still contact each other constanly, and she's always asking how seulhee's doing on korea. she has always supported her on her dreams.
fc: kwon sangwoo, korean actor fc: kwon sangwoo, korean actor fc: kwon sangwoo, korean actor
father  choo heejun  53  lawyer
✖「   UHM... HOW ARE YOU?  with the short amount of time seulhee lived with her father, they didn't really speak to each other, except the typical 'how was your day?' and such. it was a really awkward atmosphere and she always felt suffocated whenever she was with him, which resulted in her spending most of the time in hyemi's house. after she moved, they contacted a little bit. and now the don't really contact each other, maybe just one text per month and things like that.
fc: luis gerardo méndez, mexican actor fc: luis gerardo méndez, mexican actor fc: luis gerardo méndez, mexican actor
uncle  miguel ángel reséndiz ramo  27  accountant 
✖「   HEY, WANNA GET INTO THE LAUNDRY CEST?  more than being a responsible uncle, miguel carried seulhee around like his toy. literally. he was somewhat young when seulhee moved with them, so he always played with her and even made seulhee put her hair in the freezer for ten minutes because he sad it would make her smater. seulhee and miguel are extremely close, loving each other's company and having a lot of adventures to tell about their early years. more than being uncle-niece, they're more like big brother and little sister. miguel pampers seulhee a lot. out of all her family, seulhee contacts with miguel the most.
fc: josé alonso, mexican actor fc: josé alonso, mexican actor fc: josé alonso, mexican actor
grandfather  eduardo reséndiz arana ✖  76  retired literature teacher 
✖「   THANK YOU   eduardo was practically the one to raise both seulhee and miguel after his wife died not too long before seulhee moved with them and with pamela and her long work shifts. seulhee and eduardo both love each other, and seulhee doesn't even call him 'grandpa' or something like that, she just calls him 'daddy'. seulhee's biggest role model is eduardo and she's extremely grateful to him, becaus eif eduardo hadn't shown her all the music cds, she wouldn't ahve discovered it, they conatct each other a lot and seulhee has bought him a lot of presents during all her years living in korea, just so when she sees him again she'll give them all to him.

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ultimate bestfriend  brianna hyemi yook  20 ✖ trainee (jyp)
✖「   YOU'RE UGLY   hyemi and seulhee met back when they were freshmans at high school. hyemi had been a trainee on jyp since 2010. when she met seulhee, they instantly became best friends, with their similar loud personalities and equal diva-ness. hyemi was the one to practically drag seulhee into jyp with her since she discovered seulhee had some sort of talent at singing while they were at an improvised karaoke party, as well as being aware of seulhee's real reason to going to korea. hyemi understands seulhee a lot, since she's korean-american, born and raised in america, so they could communicate with each other on english. hyemi and seulhee are usually looking like crackheads when they're together with their loud shenanigans. they were usually pranking at everyone in jyp and being troublemakers, but having fun nevertheless. their favorite hangout place is the café that's across the jyp building. tumblr_static_7dtcvqehg3s4008oo4ckg40oo. f6f12f58e188d26201fff5cdd16379b4.jpg tumblr_n7pujb7yS71tt02fpo1_1280.jpg
her favorite son  kim yugyeom  17  idol (got7)
✖「   YAH! KIM YUGYEOM!   when bambam is seulhee's punching bag, yugyeom is her little baby and claims him her son. seulhee is way too over-protective over yugyeom ever since he met him when yugyeom started being good friends with bambam (because the guys weren't really fond each other at first). seulhee loves pampering yugyeom and would do anything for him. yugyeom usually takes advantage of this, making seulhee go and buy him any sort of things. however, sometimes yugyeom can get as bratty as bambam and teases seulhee constantly, earning loud screeches from seulhee and arm flinches, causing yugyeom to laugh at the older's loud voice or just at her weakness. 
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her awkward baby  choi youngjae  18  idol (got7)
✖「   HOW ARE YOU, BABY JAEJAE? AIGOO, SO CUTE!   seulhee's motherly side doesn not only go out with yugyeom, but also with youngjae. seulhee has been over-protective of this guy ever since they met, it was like motherly-love at first sight. seulhee became extremely proective of youngjae just because of his adorably awkward and clumsy personality. seulhee normally pampers youngjae by buying him any sort of things, as well as saying sweet words to him and always ask about how he's feeling. at first youngjae felt disturbed by seulhee's actions, but he got used to it by the time and actually appreciated the older's treatment toward him. however, bambam din't, and he did have some problems with youngjae because he became jealous, but both of them sorted it out with yugyeom's help and now everything's rainbows and sprinkles. 
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fake boyfriend  park jinyoung  20  idol (got7)
✖「   LEE SEUL AND UIBONG  jinyoung and seulhee met when they were both filming dream high 2. they had a loveline in the drama, and just for having more chemistry, both of them got to the agreement of becoming good friends so they would portray their characters in the drama in a more realistic way. seulhee and jinyoung got along inmediately, and it wasn't that hard to enjoy each other's presence. jinyoung and seulhee are pretty close despite not being able to see each other very often. they often contact through funny messages full of emojis and random selcas. seulhee normally calls jinyoung her fake boyfriend because of their roles on dream high 2, much to bambam's disgrace (he still loves jinyoung umma dearly, tho). 
fc: danna paola, mexican actress and singer fc: danna paola, mexican actress and singer fc: danna paola, mexican actress and singer
her beloved giraffe  ryu minah  23  idol (bts)
✖「   WHY ARE YOU SO TALL?!  Seulhee and minah are pretty much like daughter and mother. Minah was the first friend that seulhee made when she came into the company, and she really respects the fact that she’s been training for so long yet hasn’t given up. She really loks up to her and Minah just loves taking care of Seulhee. Her protective side always comes out whenever she’s with seulhee, and minah is probably the only person seulhee doesn’t insult all the time, and she also doesn’t . She just lets herself be pampered by minah. However, if she ever teases her, it’s because of her height, but then again minah makes harsh comebacks about seulhee’s height and she shuts up. Seulhee tends to call her giraffe because yeah, those 15 of height difference are very noticeable.
fc: danna paola, mexican actress and singer fc: danna paola, mexican actress and singer fc: danna paola, mexican actress and singer
childhood friend  alejandra gonzáles rojas  19 ✖ university student 
✖「   FROM HATE TO LOVE  alejandra, preferably called 'alex' or 'ale', has been friends with seulhee ever since they were on kindergarden. seulhee and alejandra used to hate each other's guts, because if seulhee is a diva, then alejandra is also a diva, but multiplicatedby 100, as well as being kind of arrogant. despite all of this, they started being more comfortable around each other when they were 11, and thus becoming really good friends. alejandra knows all about seulhee's dreams and has always supported her, even when she decided to go to korea. they still contact oftenly through skype. she´s also responsible for the lame nickname of 'seoul city'.


fc: danna paola, mexican actress and singer fc: danna paola, mexican actress and singer fc: danna paola, mexican actress and singer
the love of her life  hansanghyuk  20 ✖ idol (vixx)
✖「   CAN I JUST BUY HIM, PLEASE?  」If there's someone that seulhee could fangirl all day all night about, then that person is undeniably han sanghyuk. she has been seulhee's bias in vixx ever since mydol, and he became her ultimate bias right after vixx debuted. seulhee just thinks of sanghyuk as the world's most perfect and brilliant person, and claims to be in love with him and that someday they'll be finally together against adversity. seulhee owns around 5 postes of hyuk and 4 signed albums, as well as having a folder dedicated to him on her cellphone's gallery. she spazzes extremely everytime she sees sanghyuk doing one of his cutesy-like actions. seulhee even went to around 4 vixx fansigns just to see sanghyuk (and to have her albums signed). if seulhee and sanghyuk ever meet, let's hope that seulhee won't jump right into sanghyuk's arms and scare the living out of him, or just let's hope that she won't faint in the scene. 
fc: danna paola, mexican actress and singer fc: danna paola, mexican actress and singer fc: danna paola, mexican actress and singer
girl crush  lee sunkyu  26 ✖ idol (snsd) 
✖「   NO ONE CAN BE LIKE GODDDESS SUNKYU  sunny has been seulhee's role model ever since she saw girl's generation's videos for the first time. she just admired how cute and pretty she was, as well as loving sunny since she was just as short as her. seulhee loves how sunny is so confident and down-to-earth, yet she has her funny and outgoing moment that'd make anyone crack out with loud laughter. sunny's aegyo is probably the only aegyo that seulhee can take, and actually loves it. seulhee wishes to be like sunny someday, and wants to have her radio program too. if she meets sunny, she'll tell her how much she admires her.

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burn it up
burn up every moment
STAGE NAME : zyanya    pronounced as zee-ah-nee-ah, explained in trivia
PERSONA : the never-ending hurricane
POSITION :  지민   vocalist, dancer  ✖   호석   rapper, dancer
FANCLUB : nayeli it's the name of seulhee's beloved guitar, and as mentioned before, nayeli means i love you in zapotec ✖  desatured cyan, #88d1c4
rapping jo kisum hyeryeong  ✖  in case she's chosen by her backup plotline
TRAINEE YEARS : 4 years (3 in jyp, 1 in BIGHIT)
✖「   HATERS TO THE LEFT  even though idols normally describe their trainee lifes at as the worst, seulhee couldn't agree less with them. yeah, she had a bad time with all the dancing and singing and all her injuries, but she always found her ways to have fun with the rest of the trainees. she normally hung out with yugyeom, brianna and bambam around seoul right after their practice schedule ended. and even though it was hard, seulhee always kept the positive thought of being a step closer to her debut. her trainee years passed swiftly, except for som inconvenients she had with some trainees form the company that talked at her back and criticized her for anything she did. seulhee decided to just ignore them, becasue ''haters to the left''. she never bothered the girls and they neever bothered her, they just talking trash about seulhee, but she never really minded about that. if seulhee ever saw any sunbae, she would just greet them and if the other half offered it, have a little conversation. she held conversations mostly with miss a's min and 2pm's chansung, but enevr really accomplishing the status of 'friends', since she tried to be really respectful to them. as for park jinyoung, seulhee just bows uncontrollably everytime she sees him. the only time suelhee felt lonely was when got7 debuted, because even though she had hyemi by her side, her babies weren't by her anymore and she just felt lonely without the afternoon that they chinese fast food and lazed around in the practice rooms. 
✖「   OF LONELINESS AND CHANGING COMPANIES  seulhee lost her battle to the sort of bully girl around febreaury, 2014. they decide to pull an ''innocent'' joke on seulhee, sliping a bottle of water while seulhee was dancing alone in the practice room around 1 am, causing her to sprain her ankle when she fell. even though seulhee didn't want to quit, she decide she had had enough of those es' attitude, so she decided to just quit. however, when park jinyoung knew about seulhee's decision, even though he wanted to persuade her (oh, because seulhee didn't even tell him any other easons to quit jyp except that the company wasn't her style), she was unflexible. he recomended seulhee to audition to BIGHIT, a smaller company. seulhee did it and she was thankfully accepted after few auditions. even though she felt lonely when she was at the company since hyemi wasn't by her side, she still saw her when they had fee schedules and texted more often with got7 members, so she didn't feel as lonely as she felt before. also she made new friends at BIGHIT AND she liked hanging around with the female trainees, since at jyp she was more with the male ones.
✖「   BACKUP DANCER, 2011 AND 2012  she was a back-up dancer for some jyp nation concerts, as well as a back-up dancer for some miss a performances. 
✖「   ACTING, 2012  appeared on dream high 2 as lee seul.
✖「   ACTING, 2014  appeared on high school: love on as kim jooah
✖「   BTS' ZYANYA IS CAUGHT CURSING  mid-late 2016, true
bambam uploaded a video at his instagram of him, seulhee and yugyeom hanging out in the practice rooms from 2013. on the video it shows yugyeom and seulhee playing around throwing a botter of watter at each other, then the camera being shifted at bambam making weird aegyo. it was just a random, cute video very much appreaciated by fans of both groups, but at the very end of the video, the spanish-speaking fans with good ears heard seulhee yelling at the background 'puta madre' when the bottle feel down, an spanish slang which most accurate translation in english is 'holy ' or 'mother er'. the notice arrived to the k-netizens, and they made a huge scandal out of this, saying that seulhee should be more conscious about her words, or just calling her vulgar because of her language. BIGHIT had to put their hands into this, making seulhee do a public apology. seulhee uploaded a post on instagram apologizing for her language and explaining the situation since she actually didn't know that bambam was filming them and yugyeom, saying she'd be more concious with her words from now on. seulhee wa sort of hurt with this because of all the hateful comments and even stopped cursing for a some months, but she went over it with the support of her groupmates and got7 and went back to her cursing self, just being a little more conscious if there's anyone filming her.
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i'm happy enough
even though i can't get you
LOVE INTEREST : got7's kunpimook bambam bhuwakul
BACKUP LOVE INTEREST : got7's choi youngjae
✖「   BBUING BBUING?  kunpimook bhuwakul has gained his title as got7's cutest member at pulse. bambam is the one to just throw aegyo and pairs of puppy eyes at everyone while making a high-pitched voice. like, seriously, who wouldn't fall for those big eyes, fluffly hair and cute baby cheeks? exactly. bambam loves joking around with everyone, giving a really playful vibe when you first know him. he's really extroverted and loves making new friends in his way. now the big deal: bambam is actually cute, yes, but in reality he's just as bratty and sassy as seulhee. this little fellow enjoys annoying people way too much, specially his dear hyungs and choo seulhee. bambam is really loud and outgoing; as well as kinda weird in his own way. people just tend to think he's straight crazy. bambam always seems kind of sweeter and softer on the tv, while he's in reality a whole lot sassier, brattier and ier. but at the end of the day, bambam is a person with a genuine heart and good feelings for veryone. he just seems unable to hate someone, unless said someone messes with something that he's possesive of coughseulheecough
✖「   I'M MANLY!  despite his bratty self, bambam can get sweet and caring when he wants to, and also has this romantic side of him that only get out of certain situations, making him say some pretty darn cheesy things from time to time or just lame pick-up lines that creep the hell out of seulhee. the problem with this is that he doesn't know to express himself or his feelings very well, which tends to end in fail attemps of looking manly and ends up being what he naturally is: cute. but out of trying to look manly, bambam is just unable to voice out his feelings, having once again a trait in common with seulhee. however, while seulhee is more on the ''i don't want to be a burden'' side, bambam is more like ''i want to say what i feel, but words don't come out''. when bambam is having a hard time, she just keeps it to himself and cracks our smile for everyone. aart from this, bambam doesn't really show this side of him, but she's an extremly greedy person that gets jealoud easy, as well as being over-protective at what he considers as 'his', and, why should we deny it? he's really possesive about seulhee, to the point where he used to have some problems with youngjae when he joined their group.
✖「   UHM... DO YOU SPEAK KOREAN?  seulhee and bambam's first metting was nothing special, it was rather boring and cliché even. when seulhee had just started training and hyemi left her to go to the bathroom when they were already exiting the company because the training schedule had already finished, seulhee was walking absentmindedly and bumped into a cute small guy. after they both gave their apologies, they introduced themselves, and after talking for some minutes, they discovered that they both had something in common; neither of them could speak korean properly. after hyemi arrived, bambam introduced himself once again with awkward korean. hyemi cooed at his cuteness, and said that they should hang out someday in the future. at the following days, bambam, hyemi and seulhee kept having having random encounters. they decided to hang out together after their schedules ended, and seulhee and bambam found themselves clicking quickly and adapting to each other's personalities pretty damn fast. bambam and seulhee became the greatest best friends after some days, and with only one month of knowing the other one, they already knew everything about each other. even though bambam and seulhee didn't have any sort of ''spark'' or ''fireworks'' when seeing each other for the first time, these sparks and fireworks grew with the time.
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✖「   WHAT DOES THAT DRAWING MEAN, BAMBAM-AH?  the first thing you have to know about bambam and seulhee is that they're the bestfreinds ever. seriosuly. ever since they met, these two's chemistry is so epic that they became best friends literally after meeting each other. seulhee and bambam's personalities just complemented each other. they felt comfortable around each other at the very first moment they met. bambam just loved how chill seulhee was and how unique her sense of hmuor was, and seulhee just loved bambam's cuteness and broken korean. their relationship at the start was quite a sight to behold, because both of them were pretty short and looked like two little kids hanging out. seulhee and bambam had difficulties comunicating with each other at the start, becauseboth of them had broken korean and bambam's english wasn't as good as seulhee's. they often comunicated by hand movements, facial expressions, acting, weird body gags and silly drawings (they carried notebooks just to draw). seulhee became bambam's favorite noona undeniably. when their korean got better, they had more fluid conversations and the god damn notebooks were finally ditched. bambam and seulhee enjoyed strolling around the streets of seoul and doing their oh so well-known spicy food contests. bambam just became seulhee's punching bag. seulhee is walways rather hitting or mocking bambam, but obviously she does this with all the love she has for her dear donsaeng. on another situations, seulhee treats bambam like her baby and acts like a mother around him, but she'd also be the type of mother that nags at her child endlessly. they were one cute pair of young childs with one a year difference that wouldn't be noticeable if bambam didn't call seulhe by 'noona'. they were really playful around each other, and you could find them rather dancing and yelling nonsense or giving piggyback rides to each other.
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✖「   SEULHEE NOONA!  after nearly one year of being best friends, bambam came to realise that his feelings for seulhee weren't just plain friendship. he didn't want to call it love, because he was just 15 and ''love'' was too much of a strong word, but she knew she liked seulhee on a whole different level. maybe it was her hidden caring side, her funny sense of humor, her eye smile, her big eyes, or just seulhee's whole existance. after hen realised this, bambam became a bit shy around seulhee for some months, but after seulhee scolded him for being so damn awkward lately, he returned to his old self around her, the only difference being that started being more touchy-feely and full of skinship, going to the point where they cuddled once when bambam visited seulhee's dorm. bambam usually takes advantage of seulhee's skinship-loving self just to be closer to her. even though bambam and seulhee fight a lot and seulhee just loves to mock eveything that bambam does, they are still the bestest friends. however, bambam can get somewhat insecure regarding the seulhee topic, because he feels like seulhee would never see him as anything but a little lovely donsaeng, and that she'd never like him the way he likes her. and even though yugyeom and hyemi do their best just so bambam gets the guts to go and confess since they swear that seulhee has feelings for him, bambam turns them down and ignores their pleads.
✖「   WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?!  now, on seulhee's side of the page, she claims that her feelings for bambam are merely best friend-ish everythime she's asked, but ever since got7 debuted and she couldn't see bambam as much as she'd like too because of their hectic schedule, seulhee's heart clenched a little when she saw her baby all grown up and cool on stage. let's say she had a whole mixture of feelings, between loneliness, envy, happiness, desperation and most importantly, her heart started beating faster at the thought of bambam. seulhee just felt how all of her world fell down, because she did know this kind of feeling, and she felt like bambam was becoming more than a donsaeng. she entered to a state of panic that creeped the hell out of hyemi, because seulhee became a lot more anxious of everything around her, flicnhed everytime someone tried to touch her and mumbled things to herself in spanish. seulhee was alwayd weird, but not thaat weird. and when hyemi confronted suelhee about this, she just started ranting about how she didn't want to fall in love, she didn't want to like bambam, because love meant pain, and specially on these situations, and seulhee wasn't ready for a heartbreak. hyemi literally slapeed some sense into her and got seulhee out of her panic state, but still, seulhee's ineractions with bambam became less and less. seulhee only started talking normally to bambam after she got the feelings out her heart, or so she thought. and even though they are currently the same they've always been; with seulhee's motherly yet agressive side and bambam's obnoxious aegyo and brattines looking like a newlywed couple, they carry a some relationship even when they're both in denial about each other's feelings, because yeah, bambam doesn't think that seulhee likes him and seulhee doesn't want to fall in love.
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never, never fall
don't go far away
COMMENTS : hiya!<3 rainy hereee. so, hope you liked my little dumb seulhee. i hope you don't mind i added some color and changed the quotes! and the quotes are bts songs, if you didn't notice by now... sorry if you see any grammar or mispelling mistakes, i'm not a native english speaker. so yeah, i really hope that you liked her and i'm totally loving this idea. it's gold. and i've never finished an app this quick, seriously. it took me like one hour and it's usually one week lol
✖「     seulhee getting mad and exploding with spanish cursing. 
✖「    seulhee giving bts spanish lessons in which she just teaches them random sentences and basic pronunciation. 
✖「    seulhee meets hyuk at the backsatge of some random music show and ends up rather screaming or fainting when hyuk recognizes her as one of the fans at their fan meetings. 
✖「    seulhee and bambam having a random duet in a radio show or just without any cameras filming them. 
✖「    bts goes rather to noraebang or bungee jumping. bungee jumping would be pretty damn epic. 
✖「     bts goes to after school club, seulhee sees a mexican fan and gets way too excited while singing mexico's national anthem.
SUGGESTION(S) : none atm!
PASSWORD : literally everyone  and my jam is a performance that you should totally check out, bye
LAYOUT BY -switzerland


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