So, is anyone else studying for exams?! I am and I am currently under a lot of stress and pressure since I want to mantain my 90+ average in ALL my courses and i haven't finished any of my review notes yet!! 

My science teacher is killing me! She gave me 120 questions to do over the weekend to get ready for exams next week but I only finished not even half of them because they aren't easy questions either. 

Anyway, I am dying. I am literally considering faking my death to avoid exams (sick sherlock reference). If I fail my exams, it's gonna bring my entire mark down and I won't be considered as one of the top students and I will actually beg someone to fling me into the sun. 

Does anyone want to give study tips? anyone wanna cry with me as we both suffer because of school? 

this is just me ranting ok peace out


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whatmakesyoublush #1
Study for 20-30 minutes then take a break for 5 minutes, not every 5 minutes. hahaha :) You'll do good I bet :)
NANA34 #2
DUDE chillout, you're gonna be frickin fantastic. I wish I could maintain those kinds of grades in all of my classes, legit on my exams I got staright B+'s. And that did virtually nothing to my grades. If you're exams are worth twenty percent of your overall grade and you get above let's say an 80%, dude you're solid. Hahahaha, and as for study tips, I'd say don't over study cuz you're gonna psyche yourelf out, and that would . Take some breaks, you know the material if you're getting A's in all your classes, so just listen to some good KPOP and relax a bit.