Mr. Blue || Application Form
Pyo Jin Hyun
Date of Birth: Febuary 14th, 1997
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Korean
Hometown:Seoul, South Korea
Language (s):
Korean (Lived in Korea all his life)
English (Basic, learnt Korean all his school life)

Height: 184 CM
Weight: 66 KG
Style: Jin Hyun's style is always different. He likes to try out as many different styles as he can and often dresses to how he is feeling that morning.
Casual: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Dorm / practice: 1 | 2 
Formal: 1 | 2 
+ Hard working, Thick skinned, Kind, Passionate, Bubbly
- Loud, Blunt, Messy, Clumsy

Jin Hyun has always been very passionate about singing and has always been very hard working when it has come to singing or anything really. He is very thick skinned, always taking anything bad said about his singing with a grain of salt and using it as fuel to become better. He is kind to everyone, especially his hyungs and noonas, always taking any advice they give him or helping them when he is asked to. Jin Hyun is very bubbly, always appearing to be happy and trying to bring cheer into every practice, event or anything.

Even though Jin Hyun is very bubbly, because of this and without even realising, he will often become very loud, and having a slightly louder than normal voice only makes it worse. He is very blunt, always saying what is on his mind, he thinks honesty is the best but sometimes it really inst. When it comes to Jin Hyun walking or doing anything really he can be very clumsy. Even when he is walking on flat ground he seems to find ways to trip or knock things over. At the dorm Jin Hyun's room is a mess. He has no problem cleaning his room but whenever it does it only takes him  about a day before it becomes a huge mess again.
Jin Hyun was born and raised in Seoul where he lived with his mother and father in a two bedroom apartment. From a young age Jin Hyun was always very happy and cheerful, making friends with whoever he could. He would always go to the park in front of the apartment complex where he lived to play with the kids from around the complex. When Jin Hyun was about 10 he started to take vocal and dance classes after begging his parents for ages, it was at this time Jin Hyun also started to teach himself how to play the guitar. Jin Hyun would always sing no matter what he was doing and it would drive his parents crazy. Jin Hyun had always been hard working when it came to anything so it was no different when he went to school. He always did the best he could no matter what he was studying and just like with singing, with school he always wanted to be the best and was always at the top of his class.. While in school, Jin Hyun would always enter any talent shows he could to show off his vocal and dance talents (even winning a few times.).
When he was 15 Jin Hyun had decided he wanted to become an idol and would do anything he could to achieve his dream. When he was 16 and after he convinced his parents, he would go around auditioning for any agency he could. One day when he went and auditioned for Pledis his dreams came true when he was called back for a call back. After the lengthy audition process of singing and dancing and then more singing  Jun Hyun because a trainee at 
Pledis with his parents blessing. Jin Hyun still attended high school at this time as he would be thinking realistically and wanted to have a fall back in case he could not achieve his dream but deep down he knew that not acheiving his dream would not be an option.
Cute animals
His Guitar (Who he named mini Jin)
Nice weather
Food that is too spicy
Waking up late
Food that is too sweet
Playing his guitar
Copying other groups dances (especially girl groups even though he wont admit it)

Humming / singling softly all the time
Squeazing his hands together tightly when he is nervous
Going back to bed after he has been woken up
Trying his best no matter what he is doing
Failing anything he tries
Bugs and insects
Not being able to aceive his parents expectations
No matter how many times he  is woken up he will always try to fall back asleep
He wants to get a pet for the dorm
He thinks he is the king of aegyo but doesn't how it much
Jin Hyun has gotten the nickname Giant Maknae
from fans
Mother | Pyo Min Hee | 50 | Due to training
Jin Hyun dosent get to see his mother much
Father | Pyo Min Ki | Same as with his mother, Jin Hyun does not get to see his father much.

The members of Kaleidoscope | Jin Hyun hopes to become very close to the members.
Entertainment Connections
Jun Hyung sung in a few ost's before his debut.
Delicious for Let's Eat 2
I Can't Stop Loving You for Blood
Till I Reach Your Star for Hogu's Love
Stage name: Jin
Plotline: Mr. Blue
Position: Lead vocalist, Dancer
Fanclub name: Royals 
Fanclub Color: Royal Blue #0000FF
Training Experiences
Jin Hyun started training at Pledis the month he just turned 17 years old. While Jin Hyun was a trainee he would spend as much time as he could with the dance and vocal instructors. He was always working hard and even recalls passing out one time from lack of sleep. After that Jin Hyun learnt that he should start taking better care of himself, spending some more time sleeping and not over working himself. That being said, he still would work his hardest and spend a lot of time there, but less than before.
Even though training wasn't easy, Jin Hyun would always keep a bright attitude and try to spreed the cheer to the other trainees around him.
face-claim #1: U-KISS' Jun
photo links :

face claim #2: BTS' Jungkook
photo links :
I feel like this application isn't as good as Mr.Red but I hope you will like it. And I also hope you don't mind I used another U-KISS face claim.
None at the moment!
pathcode #1004 © all rights reserved



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