So I went to Infinite's concert in NYC on the 19th. I had been looking forward to seeing them again for the past 2 and 1/2 years. And sadly.....I was horribly disappointed with this concert.

Let me explain. First off, it was freezing cold, with the wind chill, it was below 0 degrees Fahrenheit in the city. I stood outside for 7 hours, the only good part about it was they let us inside at 5:30 because I had an early entry ticket. That didn't help though because I was still about 7 rows from the front.

Then during the concert, the fans were SO incredibly rude. They kept pushing and shoving. I almost lost my balance and fell, I almost passed out more than once. I felt like I was being suffocated because it was that freaking hot in the venue. Thank god for my Sunggyu fan I bought because I would've never made it through without it. I almost left a few times because it was THAT bad.

Getting to the performances; I could barely see what was going on. Now granted, I COULD see them clearly, but getting good videos was difficult because people had selfie sticks and they kept raising their cameras and phones WAY up high and my arms cramped up trying to hold my camera above them.

Now I was not disappointed by the performances or Infinite themselves. No, they did a fantastic job and were amazing and super nice as always, but the fans ruined it for me and now I will NEVER get a GA ticket for another K-Pop concert again.

The only highlights of my night were Hoya waved at me almost at the EXACT same part where Sunggyu waved and smiled at me at OGS in Maryland during Entrust, right before they all get down and sing "I love you my girl, I love you my girl", I have a fancam of it, but some stupid girl's phone blocked my view just as he waved.

During the ending, I threw hearts at Woohyun and he threw them back at me, Sungjong waved to me, and I think Dongwoo did too.

All night I was trying to get Sunggyu's attention and I kept calling his name, and he noticed too, but that little tease smirked at me like he was saying, "I know you want my attention but I'm not going to give it to you."

I wouldn't say it was my most favorite concert, OGS is still my top favorite, but I loved seeing my boys again and they were amazing as usual.

If you want to look at some of the pictures I took, you can view them on my Instagram right here.


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