↻ REWRITING 9MUSES ⋮ main vocal ↔ ahn mi-jiseul


replace with fc
ahn mi jiseul.
_suga_kookies_ // kookie // 10
about mi jiseul


Full name: ahn mi-jiseul


princess + she's often called princess by the fans as she's pretty much the princess-y type of the group.

miji + the girls call her this, and so does she, because it's a shorter version of her name

angel + because of her birthday being 1004, which in korean sounds like angel, she's been dubbed the angel maknae.

Birthdate : 10-04-98

Birthplace : korea

Hometown: gangnam district

Ethincity : korean

Nationality: korean

Languages: max. 2 languages fluent.

korean + fluent + she's korean.

english + fluent + she studdied english since middle school, learning it up until she finished training

japanese + conversational + she's been learning japanese during training just in case the girls end up having a japanese version of something or a concert there.




Faceclaim: arin + oh! my girl

Backup:  binnie + oh! my girl

Style: x

Height & Weight:  165cm and 49kg + b

embracing my inner self


Personality traits: 
 brilliant, aspiring, determined, bright, charasmatic, captivating, clever, 
clumsy, anxious, childish, blunt, careless, fanciful, gullible and fiery.

Elaboration: jiseul is usually a very nice and cheerful spirit, always trying to cheer people up if they're down. mainly the mood setter of the group, she takes her position as the bright one very seriously. careless, fiery and blunt at times, jiseul uses her charasmatic and captivating personality to hide how anxious and clumsy she truly is. fanciful, aspiring and determined, she is sure to achieve her dreams and capture the hearts of people everywhere whilst reaching for the stars. although childish and gullible, she is also known for her brillant way of thinking and her bright smile. jiseul often tries to mask her anxiety out of fear it would make everyone else angry, not wanting to upset those around her or even worse, disappoint them if she ever messes up. despite taking her main vocal status very seriously, she can be careless when attempting dances or the like and end up hurt somehow. even though she doesn't show it she's a sensitive girl who just wants to be reassured and comforted by those around her.



Jiseul was born on October 4th, 1998, to her mother Seo Jinyuk and her father Seo Minkki. She was a very bright and passionate child, getting into music at a young age when her mother first introduced her to Korean Pop at the age of six. After that, Jiseul was obssessed and wanted to be put into singing and dancing classes and her mother being the supportive woman she was allowed it after speaking to her husband. Jiseul did fairly well for a six year old in classes for dancing and singing, quickly picking up her skills as she grew. Her classes continued on till third grade at the age of nine when she heard TOP MEDIA. would be holding trainee auditions and begged her parents to let her audition for a spot as a trainee, her parents having a very long discussion until it ultimately led up to them agreeing because they wanted their daughter to be happy and live out her dreams hopefully. After hesitance and mustering up the courage to send in her audition tape, Jiseul waited a few weeks till they got back to her with the surprising news that she'd been accepted as a trainee. From then on, Jiseul's life and schedule had gotten hectic and she barely had enough time to keep friendships going at school so she decided she'd try to be friendly with the other trainee's there. Her training proved very difficult though, and despite Jiseul having a great amount of control over her vocals, she had trouble with working with the others and that made her mess up a lot. After a long period of training time, she was able to work well with the others, her whistle notes were impecable . Her schedule though became less hectic when she decided to school in the training room with a tutor, having more time for training, telling her parents that if her dream didn't take off she'd end up going back to highschool instead, though she was pleasantly surprised when there were rumors of trainees being picked to be in a new debuting girl group and this drove her to work even harder, determined to get a spot in that group.

Trivia: jiseul owns almost 50 plushies. jiseul hopes to make friends with the members of the group. jiseul has very powerful vocals and a distinct voice. she was the first member to have her sns account and she uses it all the time. she absolutely loves cutesy teddy bears and pastries and pastel colors. she is friends with got7 and some of seventeen, which are two of her favorite groups. she also hopes to befriend bts.


*only include the important ones*

— Mother | Seo Dana | 42 | House wife | Caring, motherly, kind, soft spoken, outgoing | She doesn't really speak to her mother and father much due to how busy she is but when she does she makes sure they know she loves them a lot.
— Father | Seo Minkki | 45 | Businessmen | Blunt, caring, self assured, work-a-holic, loving | 



stage name: yoobi

persona: angelic maknae

plotline: geumjo

position: maknae, main vocalist


trainee years: 8 years

trainee life: training for jiseul wasn't any walk in the park, honestly. she'd been one of the girls with only some experience prior to auditioning and getting into to media to train. at first they had been a bit harsh to her, with her being very young. but they helped her learn better and she quickly became a favorite of theirs.  she made lot's of friends and could be seen as a social butterfly when it came to her status there. she often would hang out with the older girls , wanting to get advice from them.



vocals twin: seohyun - snsd

performance twin: arin - omg

rap twin: ---

talking twin: arin - omg

variety: arin - omg


predebut activities: // 


sns account(s): mijiangel_9


Comments: meh idk ;; 

Questions: neh

Scene requests: neh



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