Nothing important just needed to write a bit

I'm tired both mentally and physically due to stress and other stuff. And I'm cold, really cold. My feet and hands feel like ice and I still have (training)shoes on, ofc that might not be good but the only option right now. Even my legs are cold. Outside it's -10 and inside it's 20. We have snow and there are snowflakes on the window looking like little stars.

I don't like to write about my life here but I do have problems that causes me to be late to update, which I'm sorry for but it's still my own fault, so again I'm sorry. I'm not really writing to anyone in particulor (and sorry for typos, grammar mistakes and misspellings) I just need to write for a moment since I could be better.

Something I heard, really had a big impact on me, maybe it's that I have been in a similar situation, I know how easy it is to make mistakes, that makes me feel how easy it could have happened to me. A life so easily destroyed, taken away in the split of a second's distraction. Not only one but several lives thrown into despair.

Yes I know a lot of bad things happen in this world and so many tragic things, war, starvation, abuse and so on. But one can't think of it all because I don't think it'd be possible to live on if one could realise all the hurt and pain caused by either other people or by nature. It's one thing hearing about things, another one to actually experience it or having people you know to have gone through it. Maybe I'm stupid, maybe I'm weak or maybe I'm just tired.


Or maybe I'm all of it.



Humans are resilient creatures but I honestly don't think I'd be able to live if something like that happened to me.



Really no good writing in this kind of mood, is it?





Well I guess there's at least one positive thing, my beta finally came back and I missed him. Now I have no excuse for not posting Cat obsession anymore, only need to fix a few things first.

I hope anyone who may read this are doing well <3 Take care <3





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si7ver96 #1
Whatever you're going through, be strong and believe things will eventually get better, okay? :)
Also, stay warm especially when you're outside. Don't catch a cold.