May : MAYa kim
WeSetOff : Elisa : 10
full name : maya kim
other NAME(s) : kim min young (korean name)
nickname(s) :
birthdate : November 5th, 1999
birthplace : Melbourne, Australia
hometown : Seoul, south korea
ethnicity : Korean-italian
languages : English - Fluent - Lived in australia until she was 11
                                      korean - fluent - she had a basic understandind of korean before she moved to korea + after she moved she took korean lessons.
                                     Italian - semi-fluent - she would speak to her grandparents (on her mothers side) in italian since thet would not understand english
Paint me like one of your... Korean-italian girls? Wait, What?
faceclaim : Oh My Girl's Arin
backup : Oh my girl's binnie
height & weight : 164cm &  46kg
bloodtype : O
appearance : Maya has long dark hair and always seems to have bangs. Whenever she does her own make up she mostly goes for the natural look  (eyeliner only on the top lid, natural blush and lip colour.) She always keeps her hair up in a high pony tale when she is practicing but when she isn't she likes to keep it down.
style : Maya MOSTLY GOES FOR THE feminine look, but not always. Her style changes day do day based on how she is feeling. X

Doing me, just doing me
traits :
+ Shy, timid, bubbly, sweet, protective
- Loud, over protective, straight-forward, clingy
personality : when maya is around people she doesn't know she appears to very shy and timid, she won't talk much to strangers and often clings around the members in situations like that. but when she is alone with people she know's and gets along with she is the complete opposite of  that, she becomes very loud and bubbly, she has even been known to do aegyo for her unnies from time to time and is overly sweet and cheesy towards the members. she is rather protective of the makane and doesn't notice but will sometimes become overly protective of her. she is very straight forward too, always telling her unnies what she is thinking and never hiding her emotions around them.
background : Maya was born and raised in Melbourne australia to her korean father and italian mother. Maya would describe her childhood as a little odd, she grew up learning and following two very different cultures, one day she would be making salami with her grandmother and the next she would be making kimchi with her father. But other than the big cultural differences between the two halfs of her family, maya lived an average life foo a kid.
She took up dancing and vocal classes when she was about five, when she was younger her dream was to become a "world famous pop star ballerina". Maya was very shy as a child (and still now) but when she would sing or dance all that would disappear. She felt her happiest when she was on stage and as she got older she realised just how much she belonged on the stage.
When maya was 10, maya's father took her on a two month trip to korea, to meet her family and to learn more about her korean culture. One day when she was at her grandma's she was watching tv when music bank came on. Maya was memorize by all the groups dancing and singing, it was nothing like the music she had listened to back home in australia. She started to research the groups agencies before she asked her father if she could audition. Her father was hesitant at first but agreed after days of Maya telling him how much she wanted to. Maya then went around, auditioning at as many agencies  as she could. after a while of no call backs, it was almost time to return to australia when she finally got one call back : JYP. After a long talk with her father and mother over the phone she accepted it wit her blessing. not long after, her father returned to australia while Maya started to live in the trainee dorms and started training at the end of 2010.

likes : Cute things, plushes, flowes, anything pastle, dancing, singing, fashion, drawing, reading, butterflys, sleep, sleep and more sleep.
dislikes : Lack of sleep, bugs big and small, snakes, any insects
hobbies : sleeping, baking &  cooking italian and australian foods, reading
habits : Talking to herself before performances to calm herself, clinging to the other members when she is around people she doesn't know, waking up early, blaming anything weird she does on being australian.
trivia : Even though she is korean-italian she looks more like her dads side of the family, she has a cat named limbo at home, if she had to pick one food she wished they had in korea it would be (meat) mince pies, She likes to cook italian style food for the members

Blood is thicker than water
family : Kim Seung Hyun | father | buisness man | Maya is very close to her father and would always ask him to teacher her korean when she was back in australia. Now that she is alone in korea she misses him a lot.
Mother | Kim Maria | unemployed | Maya is also very close with her mother. Her mother used to always teach maya how to cook italian food along with her grandma
friends : Since Maya is so shy, the only real friends she has in korea are the members of the group.
others : lorem ipsum
i wanna be like that unni
stage name : May
persona : Small dance machein
position : Mina - Mian dancer, vocalist
fanclub : Months
talent twin(s) : lorem ipsum
Vocal : Oh My Girl's Arin
Dance : nine muses sojin
trainee years : Five years
TRAINEE life : As  a trainee, maya would often get picked on by the other trainees because of being half foreign. At the start it, this used to hurt maya a lot and she would often spend times wishing that she was back  home. But after a while maya decided to stop feeling sorry for herself and start pushing herself to become better than those people who would pick on her. She worked hard, spending extra time in dance practices and as much extra time with the vocal trainer as she could. After a few months of not being a part of a trainee group, in 2011, maya was added to the twice/sixteen trainee group. At first she was terrified of meeting new people. The first girl she met was also foreign, having come from Taiwan. mAYA QUICKLY BECAME FRIENDS WITH TAIZYU AND THE OTHER MEMBERS.
predebut : n/a
scandals : N/A
love interest : Qiu taizyu
backup love interest : None
personality : 
background : 
relationship : Maya never hid the fact that she liked taizyu, but then again it wasn't that obvious. Maya would often hang around taizyu at practice and in the worm and often hug her and do skinshp with her but because that is the norm in korea, no one noticed. Maya started acting a little more sweet towards taizyu than she acted towards the other members hoping that taizyu would notice. One day after practice maya asked to speak too taizyu alone and asked her "You know that I like you, right?"
everything is so awkward
comments : Since I applied for another one of your apply fics I tried to make this application very different and i HOPE IT TURNED OUT THAT WAY!
scene request(s) : cAN'T THINK OF ANY RIGHT NOW
suggestion(s) : None
LAYOUT BY -switzerland


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