Pyo Min Ah
( wesetoff / elisa / Very active / イッカク。 )
the basics
( full name ) : Pyo min ah
( nicknames ) : 
• Minnie / Sweet version of her name / Friends, family
• My love / love / affeconate nickname / Her ex-boyfriend used to call her that.
( gender ) : f
( dob / age ) : december • 19 • 1997 (#)
( birthplace ) : Seoul, south korea.
( hometown ) : Seoul, south korea.
( ethnicity ) : Korean
( languages ) : 
• Korean / native language / fluent
• English / She has taken english lessons at school her whole life / conversational
( height ) : 165cm
( weight ) : 45kg
( appearance ) : Hyemi has very has facial fetures and a little bit of a baby face, wich she things plays well into what style she likes. She always has Longish light dyed gair with (kind of) see through bangs. She has a slim figure and long legs, giving her the apperence that she is taller than she actually is when you look at her. As for make up, she tends to keep it simple with some eye makeup and sometimes some lipstick.
the face
( fc ) : Nine muse hyemi 1, 2
( backup fc ) : Nine muses Keumjo 1, 2
( style ) : Min ah has a very femminin style. She loves skirts and soft pastle colours.
( extra? ) : 
the deep end
"What's the point of trusting people when you die alone anyway"
( personality traits ) :
Before she lost her trust : Happy, Bubbly, Optimistic, Caring, Loving
After she lost her trust : Distant, Cold, anxious, snarky, pessimistic
( elaboration ) : 
From a young age, Min ah was a very outgoing girl, she would always talk and make firends with everyone, she was a real social butterfly. she held a strong belif that you should treat others the way you would like to be treated, because of this she always liked to see the good side to people and situations, even if it seemed like there were none, and she was very trusting to people. She had a very optimistic outlook on life. she was very bubbly to the point that yoou knew when she was around because she could actually be rather loud. her firends referd to her as the "mood maker" because she was able to keep the mood from becoming gloomy or if it had been she would be able to cheer ui up again with some bad jokes and laughter. all in all, she seemed like a very happy girl and she honestly felt like one.
Until one day when she realised she could no longer trust anyone. her optimism had turned to pessimism and she no longer saw the good side in people. She decided to believe that no one had good intentions and everyone was just selfish, only wanting the best for themselves. She started to distance herself from her family and friends. She cut ties with all of her high school friends and became a loner. She would constantly act cold to people and give snarky replies when they would try to talk to her. it always made her anxious to think that if she ever trused someone again so easily, it could cause her this much pain.
( background ) : 
Pyo MiN Ah was born and raised in seoul where she lived in an apartment with her mother and father. min ah grew up as an only child, but never had issues making friends. When she was about five, Minn nah met another girl called nabi and they became friends right away. Min ah would often go to nabi's to play and sleep over. Slowly she started to get introduced to five other people and as she got older, Min ah could not think of her life without them. Min ah was an average, healthy teenager she could not be happier with her life the way it was. She had five amazing friends that she thought she would have by her side forever.
She had no idea how it happened, but when high school rolled around, she started to lose contact with those friends she held dear. She had begun attending a different high school as them and started to forge a new group of friends. On white day, the year of her senior year a boy (Lee Min hyun) that Min ah had liked since they were children confessed to her. Min ah was so happy, she didn't know what to do besides accept his confession. As the year went on Min ah and Min hyun started to date and slowly slowly became boyfriend and girlfriend. Minah was happy when she was around him, it reminded her of how she felt with nabi and the rest of the gang when she was younger.

One day, after they had been dating for a few months, Min ah was waiting near his locker to meet him so they could walk home together when she overheard the conversation of a few boys the recognized to be his friends. They were talking about Min ah and Min hyun and she couldn't help but to smile at the thought of other people talking about them that was until she heard what came next "You know, it was all just a bet." Min ah stood at his locker motionless. Her heart sank, and that was when everything started to change. Min ah and min hyun got into a huge argument and they broke up.

After the break up was when min ah really started to change. The bubbly girl that everyone knew was gone. She started to become distant from not only her friends from high school but also her parents and started acting cold towards everyone. By some weird coincidence during this time she got a call from Nabi, asking her to run away with her. Before even thinking about it properly she said yes and so begun the adventure.
( trivia ) : 
• Nabi was the first out of the group of friends that Min ah met
• Has little trust in anyone anymore
• She is rather snarky towards people

the family
"What are we even doing anymore?"
father | Pyo Min Ki | 51 | buisness man | stern, harsh yet loving 
Mother | pyo Hyu na | 48 | un emplyed | Loving, caring
Min ah used to be very close and have a good relationship with her parents. Event though she was a young lady (more like teenager) she would always be sure to spend time with them and maintain their good relationship. unlike some teenagers, being close to her parents was something that used to be very important to her. but after what had happened, she began to distance herself from everyone, including her parents.

Childhood friends | nabi & the others | 18 (I think) | Though min ah distances herself from others she tends to trust nabi and her other childhood friends

others )
Ex-boyfriend | Lee Min Hyun | 18 | Student | Mean hearted, rude | Min ah and Min hyun used to be pretty much inseparable. They would try spend as much time as they could together. They would offten study together and go out on days off and jusst walk around on the streets. It was all min ah had dreamed a relationship would be like (since this was her first). but then that happened. Min ah and Min hyun had a huge fight and min ah has come to hate him.
the human you are
Min ah was a loving, bubbly, bright girl all her life, even after she had lost contact with her childhood friends, she always moved forward with an optimistic mind. That was until she had her heart shatter into one million tiny pieces and had lost all her trust for (almost) anyone. She became cold and distant from her friends and family and nothing like the bubbly girl she was before.
the goodbye
( comments ) : This was the most fun application I have ever done and my first au type story, so I hope you will like it!
( questions ) : None!
( concerns ) : None, this story loosk like it will be amazing!
( scene suggestions ) : 
• The group being reckless.
• Maybe some drinking and mucking around (I know underage drinking is horrible and I don't like it but I think it would match the story very well!)
( turn-in ) — ( cheat sheet )


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