✖ F[I]RE & [I]CE : Hidari Ryuutarou : [I]CE ✖


takuya takuya takuya takuya 
lovekiller_tsuna : MIN : 6/10
full name : 히다리 류우타로 / hiDARI RYUUTAROU
other NAME(s) : 左 粒太郎 / ヒダリ リュウタロー / ひだり りゅたろう
nickname(s) : 

Taro | friends : they joke around as 'Ultraman Taro' TV series are popular at Japan once before.

Hida-kun | Sanghyun : when they meet for the first time, Sanghyun calls him, Hidari because of his first name. In Japan, they call their first name for respect. After they get close, Sanghyun starts call him, Hida-kun.

Ryu | group mates and family : it's easy to call and short. Later, it's become his name stage.
birthdate : october 15th, 1996
birthplace : tokyo, kanto, japan
hometown : Tokyo, Kanto, Japan
ethnicity : Japanese
languages :
Japanese | native : this is his first language and he has Tokyo dialect as his parents grew up at the central of city.
English | fluent : having a mother who is teaching English language, it not so hard for him to speak English. He spent three years at US for his rehabilitation after the accident.
Korean | conversational (not-so-fluent) : he still studying but it's so perfect. His Korean sometimes tend to has odd dialect.
takuya takuya 

like a mannequin
faceclaim : Cross gene's takuya
backup : akanishi  jin
height & weight : 183 cm + 70 kg
bloodtype : A
appearance : 
he has hot body with good body ratio. having small head-size while having tall body always make he confident with his appearance (South Korean said a smaller head size is good looking one). besides having cold image, ryu has manly image too. he clearly give the mysterious and muscular vibe when he stay still because he has  a good body built. but it's different when he opens his mouth. once he looked very knowledgeable, but sometimes he will be like a fool. he has a birthmark at his right wrist and an indelible scar. the scar is aftermath effect because of his stupid desicion. his good body built make he good in any type of clothes. he want to try blonde colour on his hair.
style : Ryu is not a fashionista. But his fashion is simple and comfortable. His colour always black and white but it's look good on him as he's tall. The colour also make him looked intimidate. he will wears a wrist band or bandana to cover his right wrist.


why am i like this?
traits : 
+ considerate | responsible | clean | affectionate | hardboiled | straight-forward
- cold | silent | hot-tempered | not-so-funny | lame | straight-forward
personality : 
Ryu is a quick-wit. He always observed his surrounding and he has hawk-eyes. He can catch up if someone lies to him or pulling a prank. Even his Korean not so perfect but he can detects something wrong with them.
He is leadership type. He has sense of responsibility towards s even he is not a leader. He always take care of his group mates and someone who close to him. His action already explaining how important his group mates to him. He always considerate toward the group mates.
Next, he is an introvert .He usually will let s to talk and he only speak when needed but his group mates always joke around that he is boring. They with pretending fall asleep when he start to speak. He has a cold outside and warm inside personality. the more you know him, the more fun.
Ryu is a perfectionist-not-so-perfect. He will do something until perfect. For him, a single mistake cannot happen during any circumference. But he always do in his speech. Sometimes, he just lets out a weak smile to cover the mistakes.
Ryu is having his trust issue for awhile. It's not he doesn't trust anyone, it's because he trust someone too much. Once he opens to that person, he will give all his trust to that person. However for his group mates, he choose to ignore the issue. They been together not too long but he wants to  trust his group mates and hold the amity between them. He hopes their amity will be forever.
Ryu is straight forward person. Even he is introvert but when he displeasure about something, he will instantly says about it. If he feels unstatisfied, he will says. Everyone knows that everything what he says is his inner though. He will not lying. But he's too bluntly. Sometimes, he will says without thinking. But no harm from what his saying. 
background : 
growing up in a quite rich family, he trained to follow the protocol. his father is a businessman and have a big company at japan. start from he still a kid, his parents send him to piano and violin class (music class). it's a must for a rich boy. doesn't want to be a disobey son, he follows his parents order. his mother dreams to be a dancer but her family had a financial problems, so she had to forget her dream instead being a lecturer. at first she apply to take dance course but get rejected. she continued with taking english course. his mother met his father for the first time at their college. it's like fairy tale story, a pauper and a prince. but their love is stronger.
their parents get him after two years they get married. his younger brother born after eight years. actually, it an accident between his parents. ryu who always adores other people who had siblings, he quite happy when his parents announced that he will get a younger brother.
going to ballet class, he really hate it because for him, it for a girl and he is a boy. luckily for him. his mother didn't give up and want him to continue the class. later, he grew to like dancing and he tried all kind of dance. his parents realize at their son liking, they make him taking dancing class. he entered a dance competition for the first time and won for the first place. he was very happy and make his dream to be a dancer, a popular one. 
always alone and lonely, he really like crowded even he is a quiet type. standing on the stage with having audience is his favourite pace. it's because he can see that he is not alone. this is one of the reasons he want to be a popular dancer. at his middle school, he is popular with his dancing skill and his good-looking face. he really love attention.
actually he has a very good voice. everyone will give their attention to him when he start singing. he start singing after his brother born. he used to calm his brother using his emotional voice. start from that, he realize that he has a voice that can luring another people into him and melt their heart.
his father never forced him to be like a businessman. he always gives him choices to become what he wants. his mother is happy with whatever he wants. even he born in happy family, but he always lonely. his father is busy with meeting and his company and his mother is busy with her students. sometimes, if they had a free time, they will spend time together but it's never end happily. his father always had to go first. that's why when kentarou is born, he feels like his world is alive again.
he really loves kentarou. he didn't blame kentarou after he got into an accident when he wanted to save his younger brother. that accident make both of his legs are paralyze. it's happened when he wanted to save kentarou who was crossing the road as a car passing by. after he woke up after the accident, he know that he can never walk again because his legs were paralyze. it's totally got him because his dream to be a dancer got crashed. he tried to commit suicide that day. fortunately, the nurse in the hospital was checking him after he cut his right wrist. he still can be saved. the wound on his right wrist left a deep scar.
he fall in depression because of the accident and the almost suicide incident. he totally forgot about his beloved brother. kentarou cried so hard when he saw his brother was lying down on the bed and hurting. his parents brought them to U.S to make ryu recover from depression and the paralyze things. his father wants to find a doctor who can make he can walk again. he stayed at U.S for three years for rehabilitation
his family never told the little kid about the almost suicide incident. one day, when he was hospitalized, he and kentaorou were spending time together and watching television. that was the time kentarou told ryu that he want to see his brother on the tv. it make he sad at first but after the little kid praised him about his voice. he feels there is a light in his world. he feels very stupid to commit suicide before.
likes : 
+ chocolate
+ burger
+ anime
+ J-pop
+ rain
+ listening to various kind of music
+ sleeping alone
+ waking up the members because he's not sleeping
+ taking care of his group mates
+ listening to others than talking to them
+ playing piano and violin
+ blonde
dislikes : 
+ aegyo and being cute
+ being sick because he cannot even get up from the bed if he gets sick
+ stand at height place. He has height phobia
+ bug and insects, has bad experience before
+ coke
+ snow, too much white for him
+ someone borrows or takes his things without telling him first
hobbies : 
+ playing puzzle and rubic cube
+ dancing and singing to various kind of  music
+ reading books
+ collecting headphones
+ composing songs
+ playing tongue-twister
habits : 
+ he will add -yo in every sentence he speaks (to show respect)
+ blurts in Japanese or English when he cannot find the right word in Korean language
+ play his wrist band (or bandana) when nervous
trivia : 
+ he is southpaw
+ he and Sanghyun have a pre-debut track
+ he'd like to do a collab with sunbae solo artist such as Juniel, Kahi and IU.
+ he will call someone who are cute with -chan behind their name because it will make they will more cute, he thinks
+ shut his mouth automatically and pretending not knowing what they are talking about when he didn't want to (lack in Korean languange)

+ everyone know about his birthmark at his right wrist but not the scar except for the closest people to him including stylists noona
+ he hates being cute but he like cute things or cute person
since he is tall, he is really good at basket ball
+ sweating when smell or eat something spicy
+ his face become red when someone praise him (overload)
+ become a music teacher if not become an artist
+ "Don't wait for the perfect moment. Take & make it perfect!" This is his motto.
+ he is a fan of Arashi before
+ his favourite solo artist is Ailee. He wants to do a collaberation with her too.
+ his favourite girls group is Kara and he like to dance 'Mister' song.
+ he learn ballet dance when he is four and he took violin and piano class afterwards
+ got into an accident when he tried to save his only younger brother
+ almost commit a suicide when he know his legs cannot be use like before
+ when someone asks, "why you so cold?" Ryu will answers, "I'm an Ice."
+ "Annyeossu" is his trend mark. Annyeossu is a combination of 'Annyeong' (Korean for hello and goodbye) and 'Ossu' (a Japanese greeting)
you're too harsh
family : 
father | Hidari Sakurai | 50 | bussinesman 
Ryu gets his cold personality from his father. For his father it's only black and white, there is no grey. At first, his father opposes his dream to be an idol but after he promises to his father that he will never get hurt again or commit a suicide if he didn't get to be an idol, his father accepts it. The accident really left a deep scar in his father's heart as his beloved son tried to do something that he never thought.
mother | Sawada Ayumi | 45 | lecturer 
His mother is the one who suggests him to take ballet class. At first he hates the class but after his mother encourage him, he starts to like it. His mother wants to learn ballet during her childhood but cannot make it as her family cannot afford it. So she wants her son to succes her dream. Besides, she sees the potential in Ryu. When Ryu won the first medal during his middle school, Ryu really thankful for his mother to encourage him to attend the ballet class. This make his dream to be a dancer at first before crashed because of the accident.
youngest brother | Hidari Kentarou | 12 | student
Kintarou is his only sibling. Their gaps age don't make any less in their interaction. Ryu loves his youngest brother too much until he willing to give everything for him. He got into an accident when saving his brothers six years ago. Kintarou is the main reasons he become an idol. Kintarou wants to see him on the tv when the kid still five years old. That's happened after he get better from his depression.
friends : 
best friends |  sana, mina (twice's japanese line) | idol
they met when they start training at jyp ent. having friends with native language easy for them to communicate. they who already fluent in korean always teach him the Korean language. sharing the same dream to be an artist in korea, they surely get along easily.  Besides, they always spend time and hang out together during they trainee time.
group mates | members of f[i]re & [i]ce | idol coming soon
they are sharing the same dream to debut together. Ryu a bit left out when the first time they met. sanghyun is the first one greet him. later, he get along with them but he always his mouth silents as his group mates already loud. sometimes, he annoyed with the loudness but sometimes, he joins them.
senior | members of s&s | idol
he respect the senior idol who debuted before him.  although they are senior, but they never discriminate among each other. s&s members always help them and of course some of them are couple with f&i members. the senior idol who are the same agency with him always take care of the junior group.
others : 
rival | got7's youngjae | idol
ryu and youngjae first encounter is when both of them start training at jyp ent. they become the trainees almost at the same time but he never thought that youngjae is the one who will debut first. both of them have almost the same singing skill. unfortunately for ryu, youngjae's effort more recognized by the jyp make he left behind but he never give up. he know his dance skill is still lacking. for youngjae, he also thinks ryu as his rival as for him, ryu has voice that can touched people's hearts. they are rival but at the same time they are friends with same age.
takuya  cross gene takuya takuya

i wanna be like that hyung
stage name : ryu
persona : the emotional voice
position : lead vocals, face of group
fanclub : ryuholic #7F00FF
talent twin(s) : singing:  Teen Top's Niel
trainee years :  three years and half (jyp ent) and a month and half (saseum ent)
TRAINEE life : 
it's start when his beloved younger brother told him that he want to see he on the tv. already have basic dancing and have a good voice, those reason make he strong enough to become an artist. HE FLEW TO kOREA TO DO AN AUDITION at jyp. he passed the audition. he almost have evrything but he lacked in effort and passion. he can sing and dance but his lacking make he didn't choose for debut. he continued his training at jyp together with his japanese friend, momo, mina and sana there. 
to be the truth, he didn't other reason except want to be an artist because of his younger brother. got7 debuted and he still a trainee. he spend most of his time to practice. he trained very hard to make he recognized by jyp but it's look like no avail. he almost debuted as day6 but jyp dropped him from the list of group.
one day, he wondering around hongdae and found sanghyun. it's because he talked in japanese and sanghyun was helping him. they have a drink together and knew that they were a trainees. there, he knew that saseum was finding new trainees and he offered want to be a trainee there. he dropped out from jyp when he got accepted and continued training at saseum.
predebut : Spice - shake it mv
scandals : 
rookie group member Ryu tried to commit suicide before debut? | false and true |
a fan noticed a deep scar on his right wrist when the bandana or hand wrist loose and misunderstood his cold persona as depression. He never tried to commit suicide except seven years ago after the accident that make his legs paralyze and cannot be use anymore. At that time, he still in Japan, not before debut.
Ryu's dating rumor? | false | some fans saw Ryu with some idol from JYP Ent (Twice's Mina) hanged out together. The fact is they are best friends. Actually at that time, he hang out with the Twice's Japanese line but Sana and Momo are not in the picture because both of them are buying snacks. JYP agency already know their realationship deny the rumor.
momo momo momo momo

i've dreamed of a romantic movie
love interest : Twice's momo
backup love interest : G.friend's yuju
personality : 
momo is a pretty girl but she not a snob type. her friendly persona totally get ryu to more fall in love with her. momo is a bright girl. her smile always lighting his days after his youngest brother. besides, momo's determination always make ryu looking forward everyday with her.before she debut, she had a hard time with some of her fans. but she never back out from her place. she still give a bright smile like nothing happened. she is a girl who will give all out once she told to do so. she will never give up until the last moment. next, she being herself. she never tried to change any  of herself. living her life with positive thinking, it's surely give ryu a positive light too. one of her habit is never wasting any food. she will eat the last piece of food without caring about her image.
background : 
first sight of love. that explaining ryu's love. they know each other when they start training at JYP Ent. both of them are japanese make their communication more easier. to be the true, when ryu is looking at momo for the first time, he thought he already dead and met an angel. he's so lucky because it's not one-sided love. momo is sharing the same feeling with him. they known as friends from japan. 
he saw by his eyes how hard the girl practicing herself. too bad for him, he cannot dance as good as her after the accident. but momo always support him. having momo by his side, making he feels like home. when he just want to give up, momo will hold him together. when momo about to fall down, ryu will hold her. they hold to each other and promise to always hold to each other forever even by their heart.
 nobody know their love story except for sana and mina because there are nothing different between them. however, they had to break up when mina announce that they will be debut. ryu heartbroken but he know better. their priority is to debut as an artist, so he hold their promise to each other in order to succes first. later, they become best friends along with sana and mina. their realationship become history between them.
during her survival show, sixteen is showing, he always cheers for the girl. he feels very sad when the girl announced to be eliminayed from the group but he know momo need someone stronger to lean on, so he provides his shoulder to her. after they break up, momo is having hard time becuase of the aftermath of sixteen show. ryu still provide his shoulder. he still love her even after the break up.
relationship : they are friends that become lover. later, they had to break up for debut purpose. they maintain their relationship as best friends.
everything is so awkward
comments : 
it's took me long enough to finish this >_<
I really want to join this kind of story but I never get more motivation to complete the blog. mostly, it will stop half way. i completed it!
hope you like ryu.. ^_^
last but not least, if i couldn't get be a member, can i be the almost member? i mean, almost debut but drop out from the group just before debut?

scene request(s) : 

+ Ryu involes in composing and producing one of the songs from the debut album

+ Ryu caught in another person's scandal who doesn't has any relationship with him. It's just only because of a picture

+ Ryu bring someone from his group mates when hang out with twice's japanese line

+ playing truth or dare game XD

+ weekly idol scene!

suggestion(s) : 
+ ryu and some members from [i]ce hang out at club
+ ryu and mina flashback their happy time whe they still together
+ a lot of happy time!
+ weekly idol scene!
password :  " I promise to become the pillar of group and never back out from the group for any unreasonable purpose. Let's become hot like fire but melt like ice, melting every single fans' feeling with our charms."
"Don't wait for the perfect moment. Take & make it perfect! Annyeossu!"


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Holy crap!!!!
HIS BACKUP : akanishi jin!!!!!
OH MY GOWD⊙△⊙⊙▽⊙