New piercing~

So apparently when you buy a needle with the idea of piercing your ear alone...You gotta keep in mind that you gotta push hard to get it through the flesh in one go.
 I didn't know that so the needle went in and didn't want to come out from the other side. But then I pushed harder and the magic happened. But still it's not the most pleasant thing to see the IV needle filling with blood because - veins. :D
Then the earring didn't want to come out from the other side so my roommate had to push it through.
But after all the 'suffering' (meh I actually like to pierce my me a masochist)

Are you proud of me mom? :D
I actually told her after piercing my ear because she wouldn't have let me do it alone... Hahaha :D



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Your piercings are gorgeous, I legit want as much as you have but I'm a wuss so the only piercings I have are the ones I had when I was baby.
I don't know how you were able to do that alone and suffer that much, you deserve a medal XDDD
noloveintheworld #2
hehe.. I wanna get a belly piercing but piercings aren't allowed in my religion v.v
And those piercings are so pretty!! *^*
I want to get one, aside from my original piercings, but my mom won't let me.
she said it's not decent -_- I can't get anything done with my life because my mom meddles ;;