tzuyu : qiu taizyu
_suga_kookies_ : kookie : 10
full name : qiu taizyu
other NAME(s) :
nickname(s) : 
♚-baby bee | all of the members call her baby bee because it's a cute nickname for her being the "baby" of the group
-bunny | her favorite animal is the bunny rabbit, and she can often be seen with items relating to them so she was given the nickname bunny, as well as queen bunny
-rosie | chan calls her rosie because "she's beautiful and elegant like a rose, but rose is overused and rosie is cuter".
birthdate : 11-02-00 + 16
birthplace : taiwan
hometown : tainan, taiwan.
ethnicity : taiwanese
languages : 
-taiwanese |fluent| she's taiwanese.
-korean |fluent, seoulite accent| because she and her mother moved to seoul when she was around nine.
-mandarin |fluent| it's a given.
-english|fleunt| she's still learning english during training since there are a lot of words in the english vocabulary, but she can pick up on it very well, although her speech is still accented here and there, she tries her best to succeed in reading, writing and speaking it well.
faceclaim : tzuyu, twice
height & weight : 170cm & 48kg
bloodtype : b
appearance : taizyu can usually be seen with her long hair down and her lips only glossed or tinted lightly, although there are times when she'll use harsher tints like dark reds and brighter pink glosses. she has a small beauty mark on the back of her left wrist as well as her left ankle, she also has a few bruises and markings on her arms and legs do to her falling or getting hurt often. 
style : x
I Hope you're happy
traits : clumsy, anxious, brilliant, aspiring, determined, blunt, bright, charasmatic, captivating, clever, childish, careless, fanciful, gullible and fiery. 
personality : taizyu is usually a very nice and cheerful spirit, always trying to cheer people up if they're down. mainly the mood setter of the group, she takes her position as the bright one very seriously. careless, fiery and blunt at times, taizyu uses her charasmatic and captivating personality to hide how anxious and clumsy she truly is. fanciful, aspiring and determined, she is sure to achieve her dreams and capture the hearts of people everywhere whilst reaching for the stars. although childish and gullible, she is also known for her brillant way of thinking and her bright smile. taizyu often tries to mask her anxiety out of fear it would make everyone else angry, not wanting to upset those around her or even worse, disappoint them if she ever messes up. despite taking her golden maknae status very seriously, she can be careless when attempting dances or the like and end up hurt somehow. even though she doesn't show it she's a sensitive girl who just wants to be reassured and comforted by those around her.
background : taizyu was born to her mother and father on the 2 of november in late 2000. she was raised in tainan, taiwan and her parents loved her dearly. taizyu had an interest in singing around the age of three, and had developed her own style of singing as well as what she called dancing, which both were just screaming nonsense and jumping around on furniture. when she was five, her parents decided to put her in ballet and gymnastics, and a cute little singing class that accepted her age group. although taizyu was a bright child, she had trouble learning some things as she was more focused on her interests than learning how to add. her parents told her that she needed to be able to manage her interests while learning, because if she ever wanted to continue her 'dream' of becoming a famous ballet dancing singer who also went to space like barbie did, she needed to know her addition and subratction. it wasn't long until taizyu became very gifted in her studies, having the hard working determination to be a good student to fulfil her dreams. but tragedy struck her at the age of eight when her father fell ill with lung cancer, and at the time there weren't many treatments for it. her father ended up passing and left taizyu and her mother deeply saddened. for a good portion of her eighth year living, she spent it in and out of therapy, talking to a professional about how she felt with the whole thing. the therapist helped her realize that her father wouldn't have wanted her and her mother to feel so miserable, and instead would have wanted them to continue their lives and be happy. at the age of 9, taizyu and her mother moved to korea; the gangnam district in seoul, and lived quite comfortably. she resumed her studies as well as singing and dancing classes and had even attempted to pick up rapping when she first got into the wonder girls, her bias in it was yubin and she dreamed to be able to rap like her. she had a lot of trouble with rapping though, as she couldn't pronounce certain words and many of the children in her class would jokingly and help her with it. soon she was able to speak better, and her rapping improved, but it wasn't till the age of 11 when she heard from a few girls in her class that sm was holding auditions again that her interest in music really spiked up. she told her mother about it excitedly and although her mother knew it would be a long, hard and stressful process for taizyu, she also knew it was her dream and there'd be nothing holding her little girl back when she was filled with as much determination as she had on that exact day, so she helped her with her audition, bought her a recording camera and helped her practice what song she'd sing and rap to, and then sent it in for her, waiting a week or two for the results which were that taizyu had been accepted as a trainee for sm. both taizyu and her mother were excited and it was a wonderous day for them, taizyu feeling pride for herself because if her father could see her now, from way up in heaven, he'd be as proud as her mother was.
likes : make up, singing, making other people smile and brighten their moods, blue and white, soft themes, stuffed animals, girly yet tom-boyish fashions, fashion, sailor themed outfits, jelly shoes, thigh high socks, tall poppy's, vanilla ice cream, plain or strawberry milk, strawberry or vanilla pocky, ice cream cake, oreo flavored sweets, covering songs, lady bugs, girl groups, acidic foods, salt and vinegar chips, salty foods, popcorn, chedder and mozarella cheese, drawing, art, sketching, painting, arts and crafts, crafting, got7, seventeen, bts.
dislikes : bugs, butterflies, spiders, strawberry fruit, orange fruit, too many sweets, when others are sad, feeling like a failure, disappointing others, making others feel bad, crying, breaking things because of how clumsy she is, getting hurt which happens too often.
hobbies : singing and dancing to got7, bts and seventeen music, hanging out with her friends and baking.
habits : taizyu has a bad habit of fidgeting when shes nervous or anxious, chewing on her lips, tripping or falling over nothing, breaking things by mistake, accidentally hurting herself, getting bruises and scars for no reason.
trivia : taizyu owns almost 50 plushies. taizyu hopes to make friends with the members of the group. taizyu has very powerful vocals and a distinct voice. she was the first member to have her sns account and she uses it all the time. she absolutely loves cutesy teddy bears and pastries and pastel colors. she is friends with got7 and seventeen, which are two of her favorite groups. she also hopes to befriend bts.
it hurts
family : 
♚-qiu jolin | mother | teacher | jolin and taizyu are very close, as a mother and daughter should be, especially after her father passed. jolin knew that it was time her daughter flew away from the nest and she helped her audition for sm at the age of 11.
♚-qiu yao | father | deceased. | before he passed, taizyu was and still will always be, a daddy's girl. they were even more close than she and her mother, she was absolutely devastated when he died but she knew he would have wanted her to keep smiling and live on her life, working on her passion. 
friends : 
-kunpimook bhukawul | got7 | they're the most close out of got7 and her, being that he took to her like ink on a paper and coddled her the most on each set of their mv's. 
♚-jackson wang | got7 | the second closest member, of course jackson also coddled her and probably brings her up everytime the boys talk about a music video. // fun fact: he almost really did run her over in girls girls girls, and apologized right after he commented on how petite and dainty she looked.
♚-mark tuan | got7 | mark is sort of like her second mother to be honest, and he is another close member to her, who usually texts her just to remind to eat although that really isn't a problem. 
♚-park jin-young | got7 | at first they were very hesitant to become friends as they were both awkward around each other, but they got to talk more during many of the filmings of their music videos and became pretty close after. 
♚-choi youngjae | got7 | youngjae is like mark, but less serious when it comes to mothering her. he's literally an angel around her just like he is usually, and he helps her with her singing, giving her lot's of tips.
♚-kim yugyeom | got7 | these two are trouble when next to each other, being the adorably evil maknaes, they cause their members lots of hardships and always run around childishly together.
♚-im jae-bum | got7 | jae-bum is more of a father figure to her and she goes to him for a lot of advice, especially in dating and such although the poor guy doesn't really have all the answers to her questions, he is very good when she needs to vent her frustrations about training and such. 
♚-kim yerim | red velvet | back when yerim was a trainee, they would hang out a lot but they usually just text and are often compared to each other being the maknaes of their groups, but the differences between them are quite a lot.
♚-park sooyoung | red velvet | originally, sooyoung had been the maknae of red velvet and they were quite close, but they drifted slightly when the girls got busier with their debut and taizyu got busy in her group placement.
♚-lee chan | seventeen | they met on the set of manse and of course had quickly became friends, eventually leading up to them becoming more than friends, with a few scandals here and there.
♚-chwe hansol | seventeen | taizyu and hanol aren't the closest, but she does have a friend in him and asks him for advice in rapping, since the boy is almost alway rapping about something.
♚-boo seungkwan | seventeen | seungkwan, or as taizyu likes to call him, divaboo are pretty close, usually sharing their singing techniques with each other and occasionally going out to eat as friends.
♚-xu minghao | seventeen | minghao and taizyu are also close, him being very quiet and taizyu being quite loud, they get a long nicely and share imilar interests in things. he was shy around her when filming the music video which taizyu found adorable, and she told him just that, which led up to him warming up to her and becoming more talkative.
others : lorem ipsum
you think you're real cool
stage name : tzuyu
persona : golden maknae
position : maknae, triple threat - seohyun
fanclub : bunnies
talent twin(s) :
-singing: tzuyu [ x x x ] seohyun [ x x x  ]
-dancing: tzuyu [ x x x x x  ]
-rapping: chaeyoung [ x x x x ]
trainee years : four years
TRAINEE life : training for taizyu wasn't any walk in the park, honestly. she'd been one of the girls with only some experience prior to auditioning and getting into sm to train. at first they had been beyond harsh to her, with her being still learning korean and the pronounciations at the time, her accents and the way she spoke was incorrect to them as well as how she sang and rapped. despite the rudeness of instructors and management, she made lot's of friends and could be seen as a social butterfly when it came to her status there. she often would hang out with the older girls and yeri from red velvet, she wanting to get advice from them.
as she grew older, sm would offer her to other companies to be in their mv's to help her gain a bit more popularity, as she'd grown in with better looks than when she'd aduditioned. around the age of fourteen she had been casted in got7's debut music video, girls girls girls and after, stop stop it, as well as a and then later on, just right.
another music video she was casted in was seventeen's manse, in late 2015.
predebut : 
-she has been in many of got7's music videos.
-she was also in seventeen's manse.
scandals :
-"tzuyu of snsd and dino of seventeen spotted together?" - true-confirmed by both sm and pledis that the two maknaes were seen together on a casual get together.
-"tzuyu of snsd and jungkook of bts seen kissing?" -false-  tzuyu hasn't ever hung out with jungkook of bts, even though she really loves the group, she hasn't at all been around them.
-"tzuyu of snsd and dino of seventeen dating?" -true- confirmed by pledis and sm that the two maknaes were dating, on september 20, 2016.
do you love me like the way i love you babe?
love interest : lee chan, seventeen
backup love interest : lorem ipsum
personality : lorem ipsum
background : lorem ipsum
relationship : dating
baby i'm so lonely..
comments : the reason some stuff is crossed out is bc i want people to collab with me ^^ especially for the love interest since dino is just a place holder and if i dont get a love interest he'll just be my love interest and i'll fill it out.
scene request(s) : //
suggestion(s) : //
password : read the cheat sheet c;


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