✾ Cookie and Milk Studio ✾ Coverist Application



Name: Yumi Hwang ( 황유미 )

Position: Vocalist

Birthdate: September 30, 1999

Bias: Eunhyuk of Super Junior

Active: 7

Microphone Quality: 3.5

Harmonies: Both, preferred is low though.


✖ shortie  obviously because she stands at only five feet tall

cupcake  a self proclaimed sweet tooth's connoisseur

✖ iseul — another name she goes by meaning "morning dew"

Fanclub Name: Truffles 


✖ doing tumblr or pinterest DIYs

✖ making caramel oreo's popcorn

✖ shopping for lush's bath bombs

✖ putting up polaroids in her room

Favourite Colour: Sapphire Blue

Face Claim: Yui Aragaki

Audition Link: 

✖ first  ariana grande's the way

✖ second  taeyang's eyes, nose, lips

Password: All of them ^o^



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cookiemilk_studio #1
Please answer these three questions while we are proceeding making your profile~
1. What's colour is HaChan's profile?
2. Lynn's nicknames?
3. What is Hyun-Ki positions?