Back to being pink haired yeeeeeeeeeeessssss


Throughout the day I go from feeling like an anime character to a kpop idol.

why did I ever stop coloring my hair pink? Looks better than my blonde tbh.

Kpop Idol Mari. 

I can dig it.


Thats all. Im just really glad to be pink again and I wanted to share. 
So tell me how your day was or something!


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ozwalkr #1
Yeah..not going. They are forcing you to get 2 tickets and the good ones are already gone. Ah well...maybe next time
ozwalkr #2
ozwalkr #3
Tickets go on sale 7 pm tonight...
ozwalkr #4
Been browsing the concert site.. NO PHOTOS OR VIDEOS!! 8( SM is getting chicken . EXO's FIRST US tour and NO PICTURES?! No High touch, no meet & greet...the US EXO fans get NOTHING!
Oooooolala so prettiful ♡
Your pink hair looks amazing * ^ * what other colors are you planning to do?
I currently have red hair, mixed with ash blonde. Maybe I'll do a metallic color next.
I have the same thoughts as you. The feeling of an anime character to a kpop idol XD
ozwalkr #7
OOOOHHH!! It looks GREAT on you! I know the feeling though. I need to do something with my hair now that the Jiyong Red has faded. Since I may go to Exo next month...perhaps Kyungsoo maroon....or Kai platinum....or Sehun cotton candy lol...
Totothepig #8
Oh! Love it!!!!! I wish I can dye my hair pink...... But I work at a bank, so that wouldn't work too well.... Hehe...
I like how the pink matches your skin tone and everything. I'd look like one of those people who botched a self dying job even if I go to a hair salon because my hair doesn't take to color well. I'd have to do it like Sehun's with a black undertone if I got my hair dyed. Anyways, it looks really nice! ^^
That looks just so cool *-*
I think I love pink hair :D
shulahoops #11
Is does make you look like a Kpop Idol, I'm jelly :)
It looks very pretty ^_^
lalophobia #13
I wish I could color my hair tbh but red isn't a color you can casually color