I Miss My Friends

In freshmen year, I've lost important people in my life. No, they aren't dead. I'm just not all best friends with them anymore. There were many disagreements and more. I was 'cut' out of the 'group'. I am not going to put 'why' because that would be unfair since 'they' wouldn't be here to type up their side of the story so I would not do say mines. Anyways. I just want to admit this. I miss them. A lot. I did have some past issues with some of them but I still miss them. Sometimes, I have urges to just sit at their table. Sometimes I have urges to come into their conversation of they talk anywhere near me. I still have old habits of calling them by their nicknames. But that's at times I do. Hmmm... I wouldn't ever tell them I miss them though.. I feel like they wouldn't believe me if I ever did tell them.. Or I'll just make a fool out if myself in front of them.. 


I do wish to be back to good friends at least. When you could just talk about anything instead of talking when you need something. But I guess this is how it is. And I shouldn't be complaining. Well there you have it.. me missing my old best friends. . Because inside of my heart, I never stopped feeling like that towards them. 


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