missy : choi min ah
btshoc : jia : 8 out of 10
full name choi min ah.
other NAME(s)none.
CHEF MINAH: her cooking skills are crazy and boy, her signature menus are usually fish, meat, and noodles. her mother is the owner of a successful restaurant in seoul. what do you expect? she inherited mom's skills.
birthdate march 23rd, 1996
birthplaceseoul, south korea
hometownseoul, south korea
ethnicity fully korean
nationality korean
NATIVE KOREAN: being born and raised in south korea where the official language is korean, it's only nature that she knows how to speak korean.
CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISHshe had english classes at school as a mandatory subject and took some english classes at the company.
CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH: one of her biggest dreams is to live in france some day so she's currently learning french by herself through school books she buys.

 mama made me the way i am 
faceclaimmiss a's suzy
height & weight165cm & 48kg
THERE'S NO WAY YOU'RE A RAPPER WITH THAT FACE: mina has heard this phrase thousands of times and eventually got tired of explaining that her face has nothing to do with her rapping skills. she is a naturally skinny person which she's very thankful for. besides being naturally skinny, mina spends a large amount of her time dancing or exercising which explains why her body is so slim and toned.  
IF YOU LIKE IT, WEAR ITmina never had a specific style. she wears whatever she finds in the closet. yet, she has a very good fashion sense so there's no way she can commit a fashion terrorism. mina loves to wear crop tops and skinny jeans, showing off her amazing body and toned stomach. when it comes to make up, she doesn't wear a lot of make up but it's not usual to see mina without make up. when mina is seen without make up in public is probably because she was too lazy to do it.

OOH SHE'S GOOD: kind, humurous, friendly, loyal, responsible, confident
OOH SHE'S BADharsh, strict, perfectionist, loud, overly-concerned
I'M THE only me: having the looks of a goddess, minah's attitude definitely does not match her appearance that seems pure, innocent, and naive. being funny without trying, minah likes to entertain or add in her own un-filtered comments and unintended gags. minah is usually understanding and patient, but push her buttons or push her off the edge and you will meet a choi minah who is violent and scary ( and everybody knows that's when you're screwed ). having negative thoughts here and there, minah is the type of girl who sees the world black and white; black being bad, white being good. she thinks there's no in-between. but even so, minah is a honest one, even if she cold be a bit blunt or frank at times. in the end of the day, minah is someone who can be a really good friend if you let her open up a bit. 
oh yes i'm confident: if you ask arround about the one thing everyone know's about minah, they'd answer that she's confident. from the way she walks to the way she talks, you can't deny that she's just full of herself. she hardly cares about people's views on her, and has a very tough skin for offenses; minah knows how much she worked to get where she is, and she knows her strong and weak points, so even if she can take constrctive criticism well, her mind knows how to set apart what's useful and what's not. she has this aura that exhales self-assurance, a aura that'll convince people arround her that her confidence has all the fundation. 
I'M THE LEADER, I CAN'T LET MY GROUP DOWN: as the leader of the group, minah has the responsibility of guiding the group into the right path which brings her a lot of worries and sometimes she feels burdened by being charged with such responsibility. but when she's standing on stage, performing for her fans, she knows it's worth it. mina is also a stone for her members. she might have her own flaws, but if you approach her with a open heart, she'll listen to you and give her truthfull advice. she's someone anyone can relay on and trust with your worst secrets, because she won't tell anyone. the least likely person to ever betray anyone, for that notice. 
NOT GOOD ENOUGH YET: since minah is a perfectionist, sometimes she can be very harsh with the other members. she wants to be perfect in everything. she hates lazy people and gathers half results, and she'll push everyone to their best if necessary. she's not one to let things slide under her watch, and can be quite a nag as a leader. your all is the minimum minah will take.
in the spotlight: minah, in front of the camera, is the female equivalent of lee teuk or heechul. taking over the variety program universe with her quick wits and sass, it doesn't surprise anyone when they see haeun in variety shows here and there. it is her jokes and personality that got her so many love calls. minah is a ball of sunshine and sass in front of the camera or in a variety show. the public anticipate her contribution to variety shows and well, many variety shows try to invite her to their show. minah and music is a different case, though. minah is serious about her music, which she has expressed many times on camera. she is usually seen putting off a very serious face when dealing with her music and would be very serious about it. but even so, that side of haeun's is what the public love. her passion and love for music brings in fans. 
i'm a good friend: minah is that friend who would drive you home when you're drunk and would buy you food. minah is a very loyal person, but she knows how to tell if her friends are using her. she will defend her friends and family if the situation calls for it. when minah gets mad, you are proclaimed to be officially screwed.
MINAH'S LIFE, TAKE ONE: at certain point, minah's life was kind of boring. her family wasn't rich but she had a comfortable life, her parents loved her (even though her father wasn't most of the time at home, he tried his best) and she had many friends. she had just an average life. her life became less boring when she started to spend her days with her mother at the restaurant but after some time, it started boring her as well. she needed something that would make her excited and that would make her happy. that's when she found music.
MINAH'S LIFE, TAKE TWO:  minah fell in love with rapping when she saw a street performance of an underground rapper and that was how she started getting involved in underground hip hop. she'd sneak out from her parents at night saying she'd sleep over at a friend's house, and just go. although she wanted to attend gigs, her age didn't allowed, so she'd just go to battles. only a few months after she started battles, mina was already getting plenty of attention and admirers because of her incredible rapping skills that totally contradicted her appearance. eventually, her parents found out about it, and although they weren't happy at first, they allowed it as long as she could remain with her grades (something she surely did). 
MINAH'S LIFE, TAKe THREE: minah wasn't planning to be a rapper in the future, actually she was planning graduating high school and go to the university. however, fate had something more planned for her. during a rap battle, the ceo of midnight entertainment himself scouted her and offered her a chance to audition and join the company. minah was a little hesitant but after thinking about it, she accepted.
MUSIC: If minah didn't like music, then her whole idol career would be a lie. she just thinks of music as her source of happiness. she listens to all types of music, from classics like beethoven and vivaldi to more hardcore music like paramore, black veil brides, sleeping with sirens and such. she's pretty open when it comes to genres but she preffers r&b and hip hop music. rnb music is full of emotions and it litterally wants her to fall in love over and over and over again. she can't get enough of it. hiphop music has to many sub-genres that she loves. it can go from hard to slower. the beats are addicting, plus extremly powerful messages are hiding behind.
COFFEE:  minah just practically has an obsession with coffee, claiming that she can't live without it. she loves coffee with all her soul and is usually the culprit for the disappearance of the coffee at the dorms. she enjoys coffee mostly with two sppons of sugar and a little bit of milk. she also really like starbuck's, specially the frappuccinos.
messy people: she's a very neat and organized person who can't live in the mess. some of the members are crazy messy and it only takes one trip to chasing dreams' dorm to see minah loudly screaming things like "you either clean this right now or i'll clean it with your face!".
EXCERSING IN THE MORNING: minah is a morning person and she'll always wake up early and do some excercise to keep her body on check.
playing with her hair: she can't stop it.
SKIN: preferring sincare over makeup, she pays many attention to her skin and has a bunch of skincare products scattered around her dorm. that's why when she's barefaced, she's looking quite fine with her clear complexion and acne-free face. 
driver mina: she has a driver's license, of course. she got hers when she was twenty. she rides a black audi a5, which was a birthday present from her father and hyesung ( her father picked the car and hyesung paid for it ) for her twenty-first birthday. her brother bought her a bear doll set to decorate her new car and a bigger bear doll for her to hug.
trainee ancestor: she's considered as a senior trainee, having trained since under midnight entertainment since 2011. that makes her training period 5 years. many new female trainees would be told that minah is the girl everyone needs to respect.
minah says here.

 MAMA said family is always family 
my dear mother: choi hyunyoung / 44 / owner of a restaurant / minah is very close to her mother. ever since mina was born, her mother has always done her best to give her the love and attention she needed as a child. also, her mother would bring mina along to the restaurant so they would spend moret time together. so when mina told her mother she was accepted into midnight entertainment, it was a big shock to her mother. she had an idea how the training period worked so she was both worried and sad; worried because she was afraid that mina wouldn't be able to handle the intense and harsh training, and sad because it would mean that mina would have no longer time to spend with her mother. but her mother always supported mina and her dream, giving all the support and encouragement she could give.
friends relation / name / age / occupation / interactions
othersrelation / name / age / occupation / interactions

 MAMA said to believe in my dreams 
Chasing dreams contains the most talented girls from all around the world. How do you feel knowing you're one of them?
there's no words i can use to describe the feeling. the most talented girls from all around the world? wow. i don't know what to say... huh... i want to thank the ceo of midnight entertainment for such oportunity, and i promise i will do my best do not let you down.
why did you decide to become an idol?
i started as an underground rapper just for the fun. so i wasn't really planning becoming an idol but when the ceo made an offer to join the company, i tought i should give it a try.
how do you feel about finally debuting?
i feel like my 4 years of taining are finally being paid off. i wasn't sure if this was the right path for me though. there were a lot of uncertainties about wether i should walk in this path or not but now i have sure that this is right for me.
if you weren't an idol, what would you be?
i would probably work at my mother's restaurant. and maybe, i would still be an underground rapper.
what was the hardest part about being a trainee?
not being able to visit my family as much as i'd like to or spending time with them. my family is very important to me so not being able to be with them was really hard for me. luckily, i have a 2nd family now called chasing dreams and i'm very happy about being part of it.
what is your ideal type?
oh, i'm very picky when it comes to guys. i like a guy who's tall and has a nice smile and fluffy hair. someone manly who can protect me and understands the type of life i have since being an idol is not easy. he has o know how to cook so we can both cook at my mother's restaurant. *laughs* my weakness are guys with broad shoulders, i really like when a guy has broad shoulders.
would you date a fan?
yes, i really wouldn't mind as long as he isn't some crazy obssessed fan. 
where do you see yourself in 20 years?
old? *laughs* i want to keep producing music. and i'll be leading my mother's restaurant too, at least, i hope so. but if i take the leadership of the restaurant, music will become just a hobby. maybe i'll go back to being an underground rapper. who knows.
 MAMA said i was born to fly 
stage name missy / explain.
persona here / explain if not obvious.
position main rapper.
talent twin(s)
singing & rapping: lucky j's jessi
DANCING: twice's nayeon
trainee years : 5 years at midnight entertainment.
trainee life here.
pre debbuthere.
scandals : scandal here. (true or false?) | explanation.
 nothing really matters 
love interest kim jiwon
backup love interesthere
personality include traits and summarize.
historyhow they met, how they became what they are now, etc.
interactionshow they met, how they became what they are now, etc.
Actual relationship actual relationship.
future RELATIONSHIPfuture relationship.
 MAMA said to not say goodbye 
scene request(s)here


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