9&10 January 2016; an event to remember forever.

These 2 days will forever stay in my heart for as long as i exist. Why? Because it was the days i got to meet EXO for the 2nd & 3rd time! Yup! I attended The EXO'luXion in Singapore for 2 days^^ and i can tell you that it's a concert worth to go for. It's already 3 days past the concert and i still can't believe i met them haha. One thing i want to say is, i feel honored and lucky to get thr best seats ever^^ day 2 was so close to the stage that i thought i wasn't gonna survive the concert haha i was so close Jongin's BDC stage;;; sekai danced so passionately during BDC and omg~ sehun.... I caught a full fancam of sehun's BDC stage (i guess...) and also sekai partnered for playboy for the 2 days^^ i was so happy! 

The best part was obviously DJ PART! Omg this was the segment i was waiting for since the launch of EXO'luXion~~~ i was so happy that i got to experience it twice😭 I thank god that concert went by plan and so happy to spend the moments with my friends;; i love it! 

I think i caught full cam of sehun and kai for both BDC & playboy and sehun's time! I was so proud of myself that the angle was so good, sekai were both in the shot😭 How any better can that become?! Anyways, i will have the full fancam on youtube very soon. When i have the time to upload and all haha i apologize in advance for the shot angle because i shot it sideways.. Like 45degrees:( because of the securities. But everything is quite clear and hope you enjoy haha^^

P.S. If any of you want to go for EXO'luXion. GO FOR IT. YOU SILL NEVER REGRET GOING. Although i agree it'll be very expensive for some of us like students, but it's a once in a while experience. You may never know that this could be the last time attending a concert or even it might be the first and last time exo will come to your country. So i would say just go for it, and you will enjoy it:) 




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hellobts1003 #1
Wow yes, its very unique and I love it! <3 But sadly, I dont watched them fully of EXO'luxion //cries// but I have watched them a bit only..
Happy Kai Day!!! My bae~~~ lol haha XD
Exoluxion is a creative name