Underdogs 》Katherine Romanoff

   If we're expected to win or lose, i feel like we beat the odds  ...

Katherine Romanoff
MinRin04 || Minnie || activity rate: 9

other names: Katerina Romanoff (Russian Name), Anastasiya Dmitrieva (Birthname)

— Kat ( It's a shorter version of her name, nearly everybody call her like that because it's shorter than Katherine. )
— Kit Kat ( It's a play on word with her name. Tony and Clint call her like that to . )
— Kitty ( It's a play on word with her name, Kat. Her best friend calls her like that. )
birthday & age: December 27, 1997 & 18
birthplace: Moscow, Russia
ethnicity: Russian

— Russian ( Native - She was born and raised in Russia until she was 6 years old. )
— ​English ( Fluent - She lives in the US.)
— ​French ( Fluent - Natasha knew the language so she taught her when she was a child. )
— ​German ( Conversational - She started to self-taught herself a few months ago. )

faceclaim: Katherine McNamara 1 2
back-up face claim: Daisy Ridley

appearance: Kat was born with blonde hair that she dyed a bright red-orange color. She has green eyes and a fair complexion. 

style: Kat has a casual style. She prefers wearings pants instead of skirts and dresses because she feels more comfortable that way. She only wears dresses when she has to go to formal events or when she goes to a party (which is really rare!). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

height & weight: 160cm & 43kg


It all begun on a snowy day
Katherine was born on a snowy day on December 27, 1997. Her biological mother gave birth to her in a hospital in Moscow. When the nurse asked her biological mother what her name would be she answered: 'I don't know, I was going to leave her to adoption because I can't take care of her'. The nurse seemed shocked at that statement but she replied: 'Eventhough you have to give her a name for us to make the file for the adoption'. That's when her biological mother gave her the name, Anastasiya.
After her biological mother abandoned her, Kat stayed in the hospital for about 6 months. Then she has been put in a orphanage. She wasn't really happy to live there but she wasn't super sad either. There was a school in the orphanage so she studied there. She has always been an average student. She always has good grades in English, Litterature and Arts but she is really bad in Maths and Science. During a shopping trip with the nannies of the orphanage, there has been a shooting in the street, and Katherine might have been hurt if it wasn't for a certain woman. At that time she was 6 years old.

I chose you to be my mother
She was saved by Natasha Romanoff from a bullet that could have hit her. Natasha took Kat somewhere safe and told her to stay there until she comes find her. So Katherine waited for what seems like hours. Natasha came back and asked her what was her name and where she lived. She replied that her name was Anastasiya but that she didn't like her name because it was the name her biological mother gave her before abandoning her. She also said that she lives in an orphanage. After that Natasha took her back to the orphanage and when she was about to leave Kat held on to Natasha saying 'Mommy, Mommy'. One of the nanny tried to pry her off Natasha but she wouldn't let go, she started crying and screaming. Natasha took her in her arms and Katherine instantly calmed down. Natasha decided to take her to live with her. The director of the orphanage didn't agree at first, saying that you couldn't adopt a child just like that, that there was a procedure to follow. Natasha replied to her that she was asking nicely for now, but if she didn't get what she wanted she would take it no matter what. The director finally agreed to let Natasha adopt Katherine.

From Anastasiya to Katerina, My new life begins
After she was adopted by Natasha, she asked her to choose a new name for her. Natasha chose Katerina. She explained to her that she always wanted to name her daughter, Katerina. Natasha went to the city hall to register Katerina as her daughter. That's when she officially became Katerina Romanoff. Natasha told her that she was ex-Russian spy and that now she was working for S.H.I.E.L.D. She also told her that if she was in Russia at that time it was because of a mission but that she lives in America. Katerina left Russia with Natasha and since then she lives in New York. Now that she lives in New York, she is called Katherine instead of Katerina because it's the English version of her name. As a child she did gymnastics and ballet, just like her mother. At the age of 9 she came accross her mother training. Katherine asked her mother to teach her how to fight. One morning, when she was 10, she woke up and all of her belongings were floating in the air. She was terrified so she screamed. The moment she screamed all the objects dropped on the floor. Her mother came into her room after hearing her scream. She asked her what was wrong and Kat explained everything. After that first manifestation of her powers, it started to happen more frequently. She started to hear voices in her head, later realising that it was their thoughts. She also discovered that she was able to make objects levitate or move them with her mind. As she grew up, her powers grew with her. She was becoming more and more powerful but the more powerful she became the harder it was for her to control it. 

Introducing Russian Doll, the daughter of Black Widow
When her mother was asked by Nick Fury to help recruit the Avengers, Natasha brought her daughter with her. While Natasha was in India recruiting Dr Banner, Katherine stayed on the helicarrier to help S.H.I.E.L.D. agents find  Agent Clint Barton and Loki. She received the training that S.H.I.E.L.D.agents receives, because Nick Fury judged that she needed to train in case she had to fight against Loki and his army. She met the Avengers (minus Thor) when they arrived on the helicarrier. At first she was shy because she didn't knew them but they put her at ease and now she considered them as family. She met Thor when the Avengers captured Loki. Thor was very kind to Katherine. She saw Clint after the attack of the Helicarrier. She already knew him because he is her mother best friend, and for Kat, Clint is like her uncle.  She was relieved knowing he was safe and that he escape from Loki's mind control. After Loki's escape, the Avengers went to fight in New York and Katherine went with them. She didn't fight but she helped putting people somewhere safe. When she was taking a little girl to hide, a Chitauri came behind them and try to attack Kat and the girl but Kat used her powers to fight the Chitauri. She managed to put the girl somewhere safe but she nearly lost control of her powers and blew up half of the city. It was her mother and Steve who managed to calm her and make her be in control again. She then went to the Stark Tower to help deactivate the Tessaract but before she could reach the Tower she has been knock out by a Chitauri. Later she woke in the medical aisle of the Stark Tower, she didn't have major injuries, only scratches and a bump on her head. Tony told her that it was Thor who brought her to the Tower after she fainted. After winning against Loki, Kat went back to high school. After months without fighting the Avengers had to fight against Ultron. Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver joined the Avengers  during the battle against Ultron. Katherine still lives in New York with her mother and she was accepted to the Brooklyn Academy of Art. 

Biological Parents | Andreï & Evgenia Dmitrieva | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Kat has never known her real parents because they abandonned her when she was a child. She doesn't feel the need to find who her real parents are because, for her, if they left her it was because they didn't want Katherine in their life and she doesn't want to know people who don't want her. She knows who they are because Natasha searched for them but Kat never wanted to met them.


Adoptive Mother | Natasha Romanoff | 40 | Avengers/S.H.I.E.L.D. agent | Calm, Kind, Protective, Cold | Faceclaim: Scarlett Johansson | Natasha and Kat have a really close relationship. They truly are like mother and daughter. Natasha is over-protective over Kat and she tries her best to keep her safe. When Kat said that she wanted to learn how to fight, Natasha was the one who taught her. They have girls night in from time to time where they would just watch a movie while eating ice cream, and talking about everything and anything. 


'Uncle' | Clinton 'Clint' Barton | 44 | Avengers/S.H.I.E.L.D. agent | Witty, Trusting, Childish | Faceclaim: Jeremy Renner | She knows Clint since Natasha adopted her. He act like an uncle with her and she trusts him a lot. 



Best Friend | Simon Hill | 18 | College Student | Funny, Loyal, Kind  | Faceclaim: Alberto Rosende | Simon is Maria Hill's son. Simon and Kat met on the helicarrier. They instantly became friends  because they have a lot in common. They are very close and have been together since they met,  they go to the same university. They understand each other without having to talk. They don't need to say anything when they feel sad or super happy because the other will automatically know it. They just senses it.  Simon is Kat's confident, she knows she can tell him anything and he will always cheer her up. Their personalities complete each other. Simon doesn't have any powers.


Best Furry Friend | Sophie | 6 Months | Being a Puppy | Playful, Cute | Sophie is Kat puppy. She got her as a present from her mother. Kat really loves Sophie and she takes Sophie with her everywhere that she goes (well, except when she is going to school).



Close Relationship | Avengers | Various | Various | Various | She met them on the helicarrier before the battle of New York. She is very close to them and considered them to be a part of her family.

personality traits: (+) Calm, Kind, Caring, Honest        (-) Cold, Shy, Threatening, Cruel
I Can Be Sweeter Than Honey
Katherine is a calm person, she usually doesn't fight with people because she thinks that it's more important to talk about the problem than to yell at each other. She likes to sit in her room to read a book or to draw. She is kind and caring with the people she loves and cares about. She is a great listener and she is always here when her friends needs her. She is really protective over the people she loves. 

Don't Mess With Me
Never mess with her or you will regret it. If you try something against her or her family you must be prepared to face the consequences. She isn't afraid to use her powers against someone who hurt her or her family or friends. Once she broke someone's leg because he made her friend fall without apologizing. If she's anger or hurt she can be very cold and harsh towards people. If someone talk trash about her mother or her friends or the person she considered family, she will make sure you regret saying those words. When someone mention to her that she was abandonned and that she's not worthy of being Black Widow's daughter she loses her mind and she started insulting the person, throwing things and yelling at the person.  That's when she loses control over powers and can really hurt people or herself. She can become nearly hysteric. She can give the cold shoulders to the people who betray, lie to her. She isn't afraid to threaten people if they have done something against her. 

Don't Take My Silence For Arrogance
Katherine is shy when meeting new people so she doesn't talk much to them until she becomes familiar with them. She has trust issues, she doesn't trust people easily because she is afraid that they will abandon her or betray her. Her trust issues has to do with the fact that her biological parents left her. She is quite insecure to, she wants be as good as a mother and for that she pushed herself to hard on training, sometimes ending injured in the process. 

I Care About You
She is honest and always tell what's on her mind without sugarcoating it. For her relationships are based on trust and honesty. Telling the truth to a person is always betterthan lying because even if the truth hurts it's always easier to deal with than a lie, that's what she believes in. 

— ​Coffee
— Chocolate
— Music
— ​Drawing

— ​Movies
— ​Snow/Winter

— Spiders
— Dark Places
— ​Storms
— Liars
— Betrayal

— Cinnamon
— Waking up early

— She likes to draw on everything, whether it is her drawing notebook or a tissue.
— Reading Novels.
— Spending times with Simon.

— Playing with Sophie.

— She needs a little bit of light in her room to sleep.
— Biting her lips when she is anxious.
— She goes to her mother when she doesn't feel well.
— She is really hard to wake up in the morning.
— She drinks a cup of hot cocoa before going to sleep.

— She has a major sweetooth, sh especially loves chocolate.
— She reads a lot of books. Her favorite is Harry Potter.
— She loves to draw. She draws on everything, whether it's a notebook or a tissue.
— She doesn't like being in a dark place because she can't what's in front of her.
— She has arachnophobia since she is a child. If she sees a spider she has a panic attack. 

— She can stay awake late at night but she has a hard time waking up in the morning. 
— When translated to Russian, her alias means Matryoshka.
— She sometimes switch from English to Russian.


alias: Russian Doll

power: Kat possesses the power of Telekinesis, Telepathy. Those powers have levels. Kat mastered the basic levels but the other levels are harder to master for her because she doesn't have much control over her powers. She can use some of them but if she uses them too long or under a too strong emotion, her powers became out of control.
Her Telekinesis powers includes :
Basic Level
Binding (Keep an object/human/animal from moving)
Levitation (To lift an object in the air)
Telekinetic Bullet Projection (To project Telekinetic energy or objects as bullet)
Telekinetic Grip (To hold an object firmly in place)
Telekinetic Push/Pull (To pull an object towards/push an object away from her or someone)
Advanced Level
Elemental Manipulation (To create, shape, manipulate the basic elements of nature: water, earth, air and fire)
Object Manipulation (To alter an object's inner working: eg: unlocking a door)
Telekinetic Blast (To emit telekinetic energy to make a blast that destroys anything in her path)
Telekinetic Compression (To crush something: eg: bones or a chair)
Telekinetic Destruction(To make an object explode)
Master Level
Psionic Explosion (This is the 'upgraded' version of Telekinetic Blast. She can create and discharge a destructive psychic energy accross a wide range.)

Her Telepathy powers includes :
Basic Level
Mind Reading (The ability to read/sense the thoughts of others)
Psychic Communication (The ability to open up secret conversations and relay convert informations)
Telempathy (The ability to communicate through emotions)
Telepathic speaking (The ability to speak telepathically)
Advanced Level
Emotion Manipulation (The ability to make someone feel any emotions whether happiness, joy or anger)
Illusion Manipulation (The ability to manipulate what others perceive, such as making them see something that isn't real or not see something that is real)
Memory Reading (The ability to read someone's memory)
Mental Inducement (The ability to temporarily push someone's mind into the wanted mental state. It causes short term changes in emotions, sensations and memories. She can induce pain, serenity, insanity, laughter...)
Mind Control (The ability to manipulate someone's mind.)

limits: Kat has very strong powers but she lacks of control. She is often overwhelmed by the amount of powers that she has. When she is under strong emotions whether it's stress, pain, sadness, fear or anger, Kat loses control of her powers. She can be very dangerous to anyone who is around her or for herself (Once she lost control of them and she wiped clean the memory of someone that was in the same room as her and she temporarily rendered him insane). She can't use her powers against someone who has telekinesis immunity, she can't move an object that she doesn't see. She can only move objects that she can physically move. Psychic strength may be proportional to the user's capacity, it means that if someone is stronger than her, then her powers may uneffective against them. Someone who can absorb psychic energy can negate her power. For Telepathy, her powers doesn't works on mindless beings (corpse, animated objects, robots...). She can only use it on a certain number of target/people at once. Her power is constantly active, so she constantly hear thoughts (which gives her very painful migraines and she has to isolate herself from everyone) and so her powers can be ineffective in big crowds, and the more intense the thought is, the louder it becomes. She can read impulsive actions. And also users of psychic shields are immune or higly resistant to her powers. She can get really overwhelmed by too many thougts. Her powers are useless against someone who thinks in another language (one she doesn't speak) or encrypted codes, because she can't understand.

abilities: Beside her powers, Kat has been trained to hand-to-hand combat. She also knows how to fight with a sword and she knows how to sharpshoot with a gun. She received that training mostly from her mother.


Mentor: Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch - Wanda is Kat mentor because they have powers that are very similar. Wanda helps Kat to control and to learn how to use som of her powers.


Character's Name

back-up love interest: (well who?)
faceclaim: (if you have a OC for a love interest or if the name is different from their actual name.)
— nickname ( reason )
— nickname ( reason )
( add more if needed, use shift+enter )

birthday & age: (ex; August 4, 1995 & 19)
birthplace: (Anywhere)
ethnicity: (Anything)


power or ability: (Idk man, it's up to you. Do they have one? If not then cross this out or delete this.)


first meeting: Bump into each other? Grew up together? Dared by a friend to say something to them and boom, it all happened from there. Whatever comes to mind.

interaction: How do they act around each other? Bicker like an old married couple? Are really in love? Are like two best friends?

relationship status: Couple? Friends with Benefits? Friends with Feelings? One Sided Crushes? Do they even know each other?

comments/suggestions?: I hope you'll like my app ^-^ Sorry if there are any mistakes, English is not my first language. For the love interest, I would like he be another applicant. If it's not possible, I'll create an OC ^-^ 
scene requests:
- A scene where the team get together for the night. Something like a pyjama, where they would watch movies and learn more about each other.

password: Hello by Adele 

layout coded by luminous_star @ ice waffles | do not steal or remove credit



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