Winter's Bone 雨泽

Yuze Li
BluSyndrome / Blu / 6
width is 268
lee minhyuk
NAME / 李雨泽 (Li Yu Ze)
: Wildcard Prince- If there was anIce King at the school and a fiery Queen,then Yuze is the one who is crowned the wildcard throne. His nocturnal lifestyle and odd habits make him hard to approach, so even the teachers can't get out more than a word or two whenever somebody asks. Though there are of course obvious areas that he excels in, most of what he does is cloaked in an air of mystery. The more brash and arrogant considers him a joke, while the other indefinitely wiser people keep away at the first sign of Yuze approaching. After all, in a school where power is everything, the most fearsome enemy in the one you don't know.
:Vampire- A pale figure, porcelainin some lights but deathly blue-white in others. Grey eyes, with such a glare that they might as well have been red.Just those facts alone could have convinced the supersitious students that Yuze was a vampire. Then you factor in his nocturnal habits and love of a certain red drink (cranberry juice)... Well, nobody's really surprised that vampire is the name that's whispered behind his back in the hallways.
BIRTHDAY / 080197 (18)
GENDER / male
UALITY / biual; but he's not particularly fond of dating.
ETHNICITY / Chinese/Egyptian
    : Fluent Chinese- Chinese is his mother tongue, and even though he doesn't get many chances to use it, his skill is still flawless. Compared to others, his chinese may sound odd- Yuze uses ancient proverbs and sayings, unused to the 'trash' language (as he calls it) of the more modern day teenagers. Still, he speaks with ease and his tongue is sharp, so don't try to mess with him.
:  Moderate English- Having been forced to communicate with others in a foreign land, Yuze's English is fairly well, though you shouldn't expect him to write you a paper on English.
: ??? Latin- Every good student knows the ancient language, but Yuze's almost perfectly fluent in the tongue. It is the preferred language whenever he works, healing, foresight or otherwise, but he also likes to curse in latin when something doesn't go his way. Oh- sometimes he mutters gibberish under his breath, just to see if he can't scare the younger students.
APPEARANCE /Ghostly. Vampric. Faery. Unnatural. The list goes on and on,but one would get the image that most people see him in. In reality, Yuze is quite a piece of eyecandy, just in his own way. At a height of 179cm, he's tall enough to catch the attention of girls, yet brushes just under the doorways to avoid hitting his head. He's slender- a body that never puts on fat, no matter what he eats (which wasn't much to begin with). In his preferred out of school, tight fitted clothing, Yuze's figure could be a model- moderate shoulders, a waist that curves in at just the right places, and long legs connected to sharp hips that would make anyone stop and stare- if he had been a girl. But Yuze was undeniably a guy, and under that seemingly weak frame there is wirey muscle that makes up for most of his weight. But really, enough about this. They are all secrets that the teen conceals with a sweep of his oversized robes, and so far nobody has come close enough to find out. Not under the scornful glare from a pair of sharp grey eyes, light enough to be almost silver in the center but with a touch of dark brown at the edges. Speaking of which, those feline eyes glare from a sharp, fairy-like face (if only I could say the same about the owner's personality!). The whole look is accented by unruly pale gold hair, the only light-hearted feature in a face that spells your downfall if you stare for too long.
/Mysterious, standoffish, silent, recluse from society, Trope: The Hermit/
Yuze... doesn't like people. Period. He just doesn't like them. He doesn't enjoy being around people, or talking, or really anything that requires working with another person. Nobody really knows why. Perhaps it comes from a lifetime of being excluded from his age group in order to study, he's come to the conclusion that people didn't want him there. So he dislikes them back- he doesn't need anybody who doesn't appreciate him for what he's worth. That, combined with the originally mysterious art of the Seer, made Yuze habitually suspicious and closed off. He usually doesn't speak until spoken too (although that rule seems to be broken often now), and even then he shortens sentences to the bare bones in order to avoid talking too much. The teen shies away from large crowds, uncoomfortable amid the loud masses. He's also terribly stiff when approached by people he doesn't know, a little bit like a cornered, stray cat. He'll avoid human contact to the point where he can come off as either rude or straight up creepy,but really it's all just the tricks of a socially awkward hermit. Anyway, he's comfortable with where he's at in society- The Mind Arts required solitude and clarity of the mind. If he could achieve that, then he would be truly powerful. 
/Knowledgable, wise, grave, sage, silent guide, Trope: The Blind Seer/
Having studied everything from the past to looking at the future, Yuze is wise beyond his years. It's kind of this bonus that you get from studying to become a seer. You learned from the past and saw the future, so one has both life and death within their grasp. Yuze paid for this knowledge and paid dearly, but you'll see that it's worth it- knowledge is power, after all. He easily excels within the school, achieving high grades beyond his year. But he knows secrets, deeper, darker ones far beyond daily life, and those secrets are what makes Yuze so solemn, so mature. Though he dislikes people, he's willing to help them as long as it's within his power. After all, it's pretty much what he's been doing all his life. Even back in China, he was called upon to give advice or help people in need. It's actually a great line of job really, and it's the only way that Yuze can help others. Although he doesn't expose this often, because let's face it, Durmstrang is not exactly the most friendly environment around here, the teen is quite the silent guide, from simply helping heal students to helping out younger students with school work. 
/Snarky, Sarcastic, sharp tongued, stubborn, blunt, does thing his own way; Trope: The Rebel/
Just because Yuze's personality isn't nessesarily bad doesn't mean that he's exactly likeable, either. Born with a bark worse than his bite, he uses words as his weapon and is infamous as one of the most bad tempered students. It's almost funny how much it contradicts his helpful nature, but Yuze is about as snarky and short tempered as they make them. He's always super realist about every situation, and dislikes those who do otherwise. Growing up relatively sheltered from the outside world, he's used to having things done his way, and so has the usual snappy, arrogant young master attitude. But he's not ignorant, like most. He insults people as a competitive sport and wins the medal everytime. If people followed his instructions and listened to him, he'd probably have a better temper. But they don't and so he's extremely ticked off and shows it with his sharp tongue. At first it was just out of nessesity, but now, years of solitude and habit has actually given him a bad temper, with a tendency to be sarcastic and blunt about everything, even to the people who are close to him (I say this because he has no real friends). That, and it's just fun to see people's reactions now.
/Soft hearted, curious, healer, vulnerable, weak against cute things; Trope: Tsundere/
In all honesty, Yuze is a perfect Tsundere. He's cold and harsh on the outside, but even the most bitter person has another side to them. Though he hates most people, Yuze softens when it comes to young children, or really naive people. He can't help it- their sunny personalities break through his stormy shell easily. He's also easily intrigued, whether by a novelty item or even a person. Having stayed away from them most of his life, he can read people with his magic, but he doesn't know them. If he comes across somebody interesting, Yuze'll be drawn in so much that he will stick with the other and provoke them, just to see their reactions. The teen's ultimate weakness however, is cute things. Be it adorable animals or pretty plushies, he has the almost irrestible urge to coo and pet them. He's never admitted this to any one, and will probably kill himself before he does. He's easily embarrassed by teasing, and blushes a lot, though he plays it off as annoyance or anger.
想笑,来伪装掉下的眼泪 // I want to smile, in order to hide the falling tears
i. Everything starts with a name. The Li's- perhaps not such an uncommon name now, but centuries ago it was the living brand of the royal family. Our story starts there, when the 'first' seer made her way into the palace. Now, don't get me wrong, the magical world has always existed, but this was the first seer who, deciding to reside within the muggle world, had actually made a name for herself. Needless to say, she was one of the most talented of her time. Fast-forwarding through time, With the royal family as backup, The seer's line grew and as other purebloods wed into the family, the line became one of the most powerful in the world. They were well known for their abilities with the mental arts, as well as practicing the old ways. But perhaps what they were known best for was- the strong lust for power. Through their relentless efforts and marriages, the Li family finally opened the curtain to the greatest era of their lives in the 1990's. In the midst of their height, a child was born- Yu Ze. 
点点头,承认自己会怕黑 // Nodding my head, I admit that I can be afraid of the dark
ii. From the first time he opened those unique silver-grey eyes, Yuze instantly became the center of attention in the family. Though his eyes could be explained away by faraway genes in the egyptian side of his family, the light blond locks stood out like a sore thumb in the middle of a sea of ebony and chocolate brown. The family had decided that those looks were signs of great magical power, that Yuze was 'blessed by God'. They were not disappointed. At the mere age of three he had his first fleeting glimpse of the future, the prophecy tumbling out of his mouth then happening within minutes. From then on, Yuze lost any chance of having a normal childhood. Taken in by the seer society, the child began his training as a wizard. He studied hard, burning the ancient scripts into his memory and weaving long-lost spells of the mind arts everyday. To be honest, back then the hild would have given anything to be just a normal wizard, a muggle even, to get out of this hellish training. But the consequences for running away were harsh, and to this day the long, silvery scars still mark his skin. Those few years were like hell, but nobody seemed to care. At least, not until he found a pack of beautifully crafted tarot cards, wrapped carefully and placed on his table. 'They will protect you.'
我只求,能借一点的时间来陪 // All I ask is to borrow a little bit of your time
iii. Age eight- Yuze is already a well-known figure in the Asian wizarding world, having earned his way to the title of the child prodigy. His skills as a seer rival any adult, and nobody wanted to mess with the child that could break your mind. Everybody stayed away for most of the time, and only came to him when they needed to. Not that he was very popular in the first place anyway. Intense occult training changed people, I guess. Althought Yuze should have been in the prime of his childhood, bright and outgoing with lots of friends, he became the exact opposite of that. The child hardly spoke, or even looked at people properly. He kept all his troubles and glories and secrets to himself. When he did speak, it was snappish and sharp, sort of akin to a hissing cat. Sarcasm was his weapon of choice and he could make people despise him by simply speaking. Well, all except for his little sister. Though just hitting the age of three, she and Yuze were as different as the sun and moon. Yuan was bright, bubbly, the only ray of sunshine to pierce Yuze's dismal little world. But she had almost no talent for magic, seer or otherwise. Everybody saw her as useless already, as a mistake dragging Yuze down. Yet Yuze loved her, loved her the best he could. She was probably the only one that loved him, the only one that didn't want anything other than for Yuze to be happy. And for a while, he was.
你却连同情都不给 // But you don't even leave your sympathy for me
iv. The day Yuze broke. Honestly, it wasn't even something big. They were just playing, he and his sister, now that she was actually old enough to dabble in some magic. She'd gotten into medicine and potions, and had wanted to make something, just for fun. Back then, even Yuze just had some intermediate dealings with medicine and potions at best, and he did not know that just a simple act of playing could lead to such a disaster. Besides, Yuan had asked, and he couldn't say no to her pleading eyes. So they'd thrown in some ingredients, choosing from Yuze's limited knowledge and just plain guessing. The resulting liquid was... not pretty. A sort of ruddy greenish purple, it looked and smelled like the sort of thing you wanted to want to stay far away from. Too bad that in her excitement to show the 'potion' to her parents, Yuan's little hand was clumsy and Yuze moved forward to steady her. Then, there was a crack, a shout of surprise, and everything went black. The next few memories he had was of pain, immeasurable pain as his skin burn with every movement, every bit of contact with foreign objects. When his mind finally cleared, he woke up to an empty room, with no sister snoring away in her little bed. He tried everything. From pleading that it wasn't her fault to threatening to kill himself, Yuze did everything to get Yuan out of trouble for 'harming the family's precious son'. But life was never fair, and Yuan was shipped away anyway, into some unknown, unofficial little school in Japan, out of the way.
想哭,来探视自己麻痹了没 // I want to cry, to see if I've gone numb yet
v. After that, Yuze just... didn't care anymore. He didn't care what his family wanted to use him for, didn't care whatever plans they had for him as the 'tool' to their true success. With Yuan gone, he didn't see how he could escape this lifestyle. He didn't see why he should try. It allowed him to pursue the forbidden knowledge that he'd always desired, allowed him to improve, be successful, and then... when he's done all that he was needed for, he'd be free. So he tried, he honestly tried, studying not only texts but people themselves in order to get a better understanding of the mind and life. All the while, he secretly began to study chinese medicine, like how his sister always wished to. The work eventually became habit, and what was once a sharp shard in his heart became a smooth pebble. He accepted his life, and how he was supposed to live it. So much that he barely complained when they shipped him off to Durmstrang- in order to 'help' him achieve his full power, they said, in the school that only accepted the best and graduated the best of the best. Although- now that I look back, it may just have been the opportunit to get away from the oppressive chinese society that appealed to Yuze so much.
全世界 好像只有我疲惫 // It seems as if I'm the only tired one in the whole world
vi. To say that Yuze fit into Durmstrang like a fish into water was an understatement. Dark, ambitious and powerful, it was like Durmstrang was made for Yuze. He easily excelled, the language barrier solved by a few simple spells. Though apparently the news of his doing well was not enjoyed by all. Students began purposefully setting him up, either just to hurt the teen or to attempt to pull down his grades a little. Well, not like Yuze cared. He was used to going solo, and if this place would be no different, then so be it. He reverted back to his old ways, becoming mysterious, fearsome, untouchable. Yuze moved himself to the edge of the student body, and they pushed back just as hard to keep him out of it. It was almost funny, really. Anyway, this new arrangement suited the teen just fine. He now had the freedom to do whatever he wanted, and nobody would stop him. He began to build up his reputation as the freak, the unknown, the wildcard. If anybody who knew him before saw him, they'd say that he'd changed so much he was like a whole other person. But really, Yuze stayed the same. He was always the same, it was just everyone else that changed. 
无所谓,反正难过就敷衍走一回 // Well, whatever, since it hurts I can just be perfunctory
vii. Honestly, after six years, he just wanted to be left alone. Six years of watching people compete, throwing in their lives for foolish prizes. Six years of treating wounds that shouldn't have happened, six years of escaping only because he stood on the edge of existance. Yuze had no interest, none whatsoever, in competing in this... tournament. Honestly, he was ill-suited for it anyway. Mending or breaking humans was his expertise, but trials? tests, arenas? Yeah, he was at a massive disadventage there. But his tarot cards didn't lie, and besides- it wasn't as if he had a choice. One did not simply back out of the Durmstrang games and get away with it. Existing on the fringes of society, feared by the student body? Fine with him. But mocked, or worse- sent back home? He would rather kill himself first. So hereon begins a new chapter of his life. 
WAND / Hawthorn, hieracosphinx heartstring, 11 inches
PATRONUS / aardwolf 
CLASSES (YR # )  /
: Defense and Dueling (Yr 7)
: Ancient Runes (Yr 9)
:Curses and Hexes (Yr 8)
:Transfiguration (Yr 9)
:Potions (Finished)
:Dark Flora and Fauna (yr 8)
:Magical Theory (dropped)
:Healing Arts (Yr 9)
:Mind Arts (finished)
:Spell Creation (Yr 9)
:Medical license & healer 'apprenticeship' 
: Nonverbal magic- The world of seers was a silent one. Mutterings of ancient words, howling rituals, those were just smokescreens for the real magic (or lack of) that they performed. Yuze's family did not bother with such... performaces. They kept their quiet, enabling them to truly hear the spirits speak- non of that faint whispers in the mind for them. And so that's how Yuze learnt his magic, learning how to control his magic without the use of spoken chants or incantations. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. Yuze, not one to talk in the first place, delved deeper into the art of nonverbal magic than any of his classmates had. They all preferred the show- as if shouting the spell made you more powerful. But he knew that true power lies within silent spells, casting when the opponent least expected it. Plus, it was just so much easier to use magic by a flick of his wand or a wave of his cards than tearing his vocal cords and wasting valuable time by shouting. 
:Foresight- Yuze has always been able to see the future. From when he was but an enfant, his family always told him, he would cry near dangerous things and laugh near charms that brought better futures. That eventually turned into a... sixth sense sort of thing, with he child him just  knowing what was going to happen next. Yuze himself doesn't remember. He also can't picture himself crying. But as a part of a family of seers and a powerful one himself, he's gained recognition as some sort of spiritual link in the world. It's a good status and extremely handy ability (especially before danger), but things can get messy if random visions decide to pop into his head at times. It's why he prefers to stick to his tarot cards rather than dwadle in crystal balls or communicating with the dead. His cards tell him so much more, about the past and the future, and he never has to worry about looking into the wrong person. Well, usually. 
:Healing- There's no wound the teen can't heal, being the top student in the healing arts. It may seem odd to some- why bother with healing at all if Yuze could just avoid all the wounds? But in reality, fate was not so easy to tamper with. He could barely pull himself out of trouble, much less help others avoid injuring themselves. But healing, Yuze found, was like turning back time- provided you were talented enough. And he was- with the amount of magical potential he had, and the ingrained knowledge of herbs (his family had a side business as a medicine store in china), he grasped the art of healing like a fish in the water. With so few students taking up medicine nowadays, he's become quite in demand, often working with the Mediwizard to treat students. It's also his trump card- as long as he's strong enough to treat himself, there's no danger of him dying in the games.
:Potions- Just as easily as mixing medicine comes, Yuze breezes through potions without any challenges. After all, everything has two sides- the good and the bad. Not that potions are nessesarily bad, of course, Yuze just enjoys mixing up weird concotions that do god-knows-what. Of course, it's really out of boredom- all the usual potions are so easy that he can make them blindfolded now. Half the class he's throwing together random ingredients to see what they'll create, and the other half he's sleeping. But don't think that he got to where he is just by fooling around- Yuze has an incredible eye for calculating the matirials, amount of brew time, and can even use spells to enhance his potions. So be warned- when it comes to potions, a bored Yuze is a dangerous one.
:Transfiguration- Time and time again, Yuze has been told that he has unlimited potential in transfiguration and conjuration. That is, if he actually tried in class. Honestly, the teen just doesn't see the point of transfiguration. So you want to turn a hedgehog into a pincushion- why not just get a pincushion? So much cheaper and less of a hassle too. Some may argue that it's handy in emergencies, but really- Yuze has yet to see some time where anybody has been required to transfigure something. That, and not everybody enjoys being magicked into vases or lamps. Anyway, back to the point. Always prepared, Yuze carries everything he can ever need within his school robe. And if you'll never even use the magic... then why learn it?
:Dueling- Yuze has never been a natural duelist, and so is terrible at fighting. Like transfiguration, he just never saw the point. Sure, he's well prepared for fights and after-fight injuries, but the teen likes to avoid fighting with other wizards if he can avoid it. Even as a child, he never joined the little rumbles other kids had. his family would not allow it. In fact, his family had never permitted duelling or any dangerous physical magic really, so you can imagine how well that went down when he told Tates that he couldn't take half of his class. 
:Stamina- Seriously, just look at the teen for a minute. His entire life has revolved around whispering secrets in dark rooms, s oof course he's not going to do well if you throw him out into the open -or anywhere for that matter- and expect him to do something that requires physical strength. All skin and bones with no muscle, Yuze has a hard time lifting boxes and running, even if it was to save his life. 

: Tarot Cards- Yuze's tarot cards are very, very special. They were made by his grandfather when he was a child, designed to protect the child from harm. Through his tarot cards he learned how to control and use his power, allowing Yuze to become the seer that he is now. They are also charmed, each to either hold a spell or act as storage boxes for Yuze's various herbs and trinkets.Though so many years have passed, the cards are as beautiful as they were brand new. The teen goes through them every night to make sure none of them are damaged. Nobody is ever, ever allowed to touch them, unless you would like to exprience the true meaning of hell hath no mercy. 
:Uniform- The school robes are supposed to be made to exactly fit the student, they said. And yet every year, Yuze arrives in a robe that's at least two sizes too big for himself. Inside, he's sewn numerous pockets, apparently for carrying his trinkets and poitons. Yet, they almost always seem to be empty, for Yuze walks easily and gracefully with his robe billowing out behind him. Why? How? Nobody really knows. 
:Familiar- Though he doesn't seem like one to keep pets, Yuze has a familiar Mink, whom he calls Mist. The creature was actually his sister's pet, and she forcibly pushed it onto him when he left for Durmstrang. It has a nasty temper, hissing and biting and being generally a bad pet. Still, it tolerates Yuze and even shows affection sometimes. Who knows what's going on in its head.
:Teachers- Yuze is on pretty bad terms with most of the teachers, probably because he never talks to them. They've heard the rumours and the gossip too. Although the teachers aren't supposed to be biased against students, blah blah blah, they usually stay well out of his way and just observe from a respectable distance. This suits Yuze just fine- he can't stand most of them. He likes professor Kokinos enough though, and often creates medicine or studies lost healing spells together with the other.
:Bubble Tea- Bubble tea, a popular drink from Asia. Yuze's obsessed with it, seeing as how it was the only unhealthy thing that he could get his hands on in China (there was a seller who pushed his cart down the street daily and was nice enough to give the little odd boy one). Though his favourite is the original milk tea, it's not uncommon to see him with weird concotions fizzing and foaming like potions, just to freak people out. 
:Internship- Originally, Yuze had not considered an internship. His future was pretty much paved out and left to dry in the sun, so the teen hadn't bothered to apprentice anywhere. But as his time in the infirmaries increased, Professor Kokinos decided that he needed a reason to be here- after all, not too many people would be willingly treated on by Yuze, no matter how skilled he was. 
:Hypersensitivity- As a result of a couple of bad potions incidents when he was little (thanks to Yuan's lack of talent, mostly), Yuze's skin is hypersensitive to, well, everything. It's come down to the point where even his clothes have to be specially treated, and he can feel every little swirl of air as it brushes past his face and hands. Contact with objects are tolerable only because he's grown so used to them, but human contact? Out of the question. At best it's shocking and uncomfortable, at worst it's spikes of pain running through his nerves. It's why he heals with spells and potions instead of any sort of.... hands on activity. 
The younger sister and only sibling of Yuze, Yuan was a bit of an... unplanned surprise, let's say. Although really, only Yuze thinks of her that way. Yuan was a little angel, with her bright smile and outgoing personality- she perfectly contrasted her snarky and introverted brother. However, though she shines through social relations wise, the girl could not compare to Yuze's born genius at the family art. She had no visions, nor heard any whispers of the dead. In Yuze's eyes. she was the lucky one. In everyone elses', she was a mistake. For all his supposed insanity and queerness, Yuze really did love his sister, and tried his hardest to make everyone else love her too. They formed a tight bond- one that was both sister and brother but also something far more than the value of blood. For 5 years they operated like that, two eccentrics, trying to make up for eachother's flaws. Then Yuze was accepted into Durmstrang. He never saw her after that, the teen was too busy to trek back to China and anyway, apparently they shipped her off to Japan as soon as she displayed some magical talent. But he's made a promise to her, one that he's determined to keep.
Out of everybody, Yuze thinks that Jihae has to be one of the queerest people he's met. I mean, just look at the circumstances- halfblood, traitor, excommunicated, etc etcetc. You'd expect that all these things would change a person for the worse. And at first spell, he seems to fit the part. But Yuze knows better. His tarot cards have told deeper secrets, ambitions, thoughts, that the teen wasn't sure he signed up for. Yet he never sees a trace of it when looking at Jihae, and that makes him curious. Though really the other was none of his business and he didn't want to get involved, Yuze's drawn to this interesting character. 
Durmstrang Games Interview
There's no sign of acknowledgement from the pale teen, and the interviewer shifts uncomfortably. Was everyone else right, then- the kid was really mute? Just then: "...Somebody desperate, perhaps. Or one who made a bad bet...Kokinos is my guess. After all these years... he'd need somebody with a little more firepower this time round. Anyway, he's the only one that I can stand, and he's the only one that can stand me." His voice is low, quiet, and a little scratchy, but it manages to make the man jump in his chair anyways. Yuze almost seems pleased, though he goes back to playing with his familiar. "Really though, I'd thought that he'd go with more of a.... conservative choice, but I guess all these years of losing because his students simply weren't strong enough took a toll on the guy. That's probably why he decided to play the wildcard." He concludes with a sigh, though it's hard too tell wether out of annoyance or relief.
The moment the question was asked, a shadow of a very, very ugly expression crossed the teen's face. It was impossible to tell if it had been disgust, hatred, or anger, but judging by the aloof glare painted over instead, the interviewer decides that it was probably all three. "What do you want me to do? Start playing for support and sympathy?" The kid's annoyed, the interviewer realized, by the way that dark grey eyes flashed at him balefully. "I'll stick to being me, thanks. When the time comes you'll be glad to know that I'll use my best tricks, I suppose."
If silence could kill, then the man would probably have died right there in his seat. This is obviously not something that Yuze wants to talk about. "......Who knows.If I tell you, won't it defeat the point?" The interviewer shifts uncomrfotably- the kid's right, the more you reveal the more you're at an disadvantage in the game. Really, he needs to have a word with the rest of the staff later- he's been roasted so many times over this question. On the other hand, Yuze sighs, as if admitting defeat. "... I don't like duelling and anything similar. Arenas and the kind, they make me uncomfortable. I guess you could call that a worry if you want. You don't need me to detail my 'deepest fears' or anything, right?" Though he ends in a question, Yuze looks more like a predator cornering his prey, challenging, no, DARING it to try to say something against him.
No reply. The feeling of doom in the room suddenly gets a lot stronger, and the interviewer can only cower back as Yuze stands up without a sound and heads for the door. Inside the teen's mind he's angry, more at himself than at the interviewer. To be this agitated by something that happened so long ago... But he knows that it's his weakness, his family, a hamartia if you will.
The teen pauses, though mostly out of sheer surprise that the question had been asked, however shakily. This is the only question that truly makes him think. In the first place he hadn't wanted to compete, and now that he was thrown in he hadn't had much thought other than to survive. "What can anyone get out of the games?" He speaks slowly, letting the words sink in. "Fame? Glory? It all means nothing to me. But there IS someting I want... Take a guess."
COMMENTS / Just a note that Yuze is really quite an out of the way loner/strange weirdo type character, but I kind of want him to move into somebody who's both a real threat and somebody really helpful.
CONCERNS / Because Yuze is a very odd/mysterious type character, I feel like it may be hard to integrate him or fledge out his character more? I really wanted to make more of an antagonist/reverse role person (like draco but less evil) so that's where I went with Yuze....
SUGGESTIONS / I feel like there should be some kind of poll thing or whatever for the games that can show the student/teacher support for the participants and that may affect certain things in the game depending on how much support they get??? Idk it's not a very fledged out idea yet.
Scene ideas-
Because his magic is so odd, it's hard for the others to accept him/ see him as useful??? So I want to have an out of the way thing where he can really come into play.
Fully self-serving scene where he's asleep outside and all the cats and bird just flock to him.
/ trxsh /


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