◯WICCAN FILE #11297 서가영 ◯

  who's the baddest witch in town?。
surprise . 
서가영    seo gayoung
   kookie ♡ _suga_kookies_♡ ACTIVITY LEVEL 10
— gayoungie / everyone calls her that because it's a cute way to say her name

— londie / almost everyone calls her this because she usually dyes her hair blonde when ever it starts to turn brown, and yes, it's londie, not blondie.
— doll-face 
she calls herself that as she has a youthful appearance. 

AGE  18
BIRTHDAY 11/02/1997

BIRTH PLACE america, new york.
HOMETOWN manhattan, currently living in new orleans.

ETHNICITY  korean american.
— korean / fluent / her father is korean, and it's her second language.
— english / fluent / her mother is american, she was born in new york, she's very fluent in english.
— japanese 
/ beginner / she's teaching herself japanese, as she wants to learn.
Don't be a hater, dear. 

  you're not the next supreme。
   i am...

FACE CLAIM  bae joohyun, red velvet

APPEARANCE ♡ gayoung is naturally a long haired brunette, but she  can often be seen with blonde hair, if not it being dyed another color. she is quite pale and blush seems to just show it's self vibrantly against her cheeks, especially when embarrassed though that doesn't happen often. she usually wears light blue colored lenses that mask her soft chocolate brown ones and she has light different shaded freckles across the apples of her cheeks and her nose. She is short, standing at about 161cm and weighing 44kg. she has toned legs from dancing and swimming and a slim waist, being a bit petite. her small but full and plump lips are usually tinted heavily with sets of reds and corals, glossed over with shades of light pinks and vermillions, the occasional purples, blacks and even blues as well, though really it depends on her mood. her manicured nails are always painted with monochromatic colors, teals, ceruleans and sometimes red's. she has a beauty mark on her inner left thigh and one on the back of her neck. despite her hydrokinetic powers and her love for being in the water, her skin is very soft and smooth, feeling silky and moisturized all the time.

STYLE gayoung's sense of style varies honestly, she isn't the type to keep one style of clothing. she likes many different things, though some can be categorized in pastels, street, grunge and modern wiccan fashion. [x]

 if i wanted you dead
  you would be...
— laid back
— blunt
— hot tempered
— observant
— outgoing introvert
— cunning
— secretive
— devious
— caring
— untrusting

gayoung is usually very laid back and observant of situations, chosing to carefully look into a problem rather than jump head first into it. she is very blunt and hot tempered, so it is most likely best not to get on her bad side as not only could she curse you out with a colorful combination of words, but she could also kill you in an instant by draining your entire body's water supply and leave you a shrivled ugly . she's probably one of the more quiet girls who'd rather spend her time inside in a bathtub singing all day long than outside looking for a boy to score with. no, she in no way is shy at all, she's just very secretive and an introvert, albeit an outgoing one, but an introvert no less. gayoung is full of secrets, not just her own but others as well, she knows everything that happens in the house. she says the water speaks to her, it carries the sounds of conversations and mistakes, but people would like to think otherwise. despite being a caring person, if you're in her way, she won't hesitate to push you out of it, even if it means by death. she isn't afraid of anyone at all, and is very devious in the ways of getting what she wants. it takes quite a very long time for gayoung to let people in, not because of any wrong doings people have done to her, it's just in the nature of her zodiac sign, the scorpio, to be very untrusting and wary of all she meets, even her closest friends had to undergo years of progressive working on trust, and even then, she doesn't really let anyone in. in a house like this, you wouldn't either.


Hydrokinesis is the metaphysical psychic ability to control and manipulate the movement of liquid water using the power of the mind. Hydrokinetics are shown to be able to control, manipulate and alter the molecular state of water. They are also able to manipulate the surrounding water in the atmosphere, freeze water, or evaporate water into clouds of mist, steam or fog. People with hydrokinesis can control and manipulate water in all of its forms, whether that'd be solid, liquid, or gas. Hydrokinetics are also known to be able to control and manipulate shapes and mold water into desired shapes or forms.
the current level of which gayoung is at is a very skilled and intricate level where she can even manipulate the blood cells in a person/animals body, as well as drain it from their systems and much much worse.

in this whole wide wicked world the only thing you should be 。
   afraid of is me..
PAST gayoung grew up in a pure wiccan blood house hold, being an only child with the special ability of hydrokinesis which wasn't a very often occurence in the wiccan world, let alone a pure blood witch. she had first discovered her ability when she'd fallen into the deep end of a pool during the summer break of her third grade year, only around 7 or 8 and not at all knowing how to swim, the poor girl began to panic; thrashing around like a cat trying to climb out of a filled tub. it had been at that moment in time when her powers were triggered and she'd somehow ended up the only person in the pool, and the pool it's self devoid of any water let alone human life. her parents were just walking out from the inside cafe and hadn't at all known that gayoung was in the pool or even by it. so of course when they saw their daughter laying completely dry, gasping for air on the ground of where the deep end of the pool should had been without it being filled with water and everyone gone, they had panicked. it wasn't much too long after that they'd decided to send gayoung off to miss hyolee's academy for exceptionally gifted students in new orleans, knowing that gayoung's powers were far more than they could handle and even she, being such a young girl at the time. the academy accepted gayoung with open arms, she being the youngest and first  ever pure blood wiccan of many generatons to have set foot in that house. her entire life was spent there, training her powers, practicing, it was what she knew, practically being raised by the head mistresses mother as well. she grew up knowing the secrets of the coven, knowing the lives and blood shed spilled, knowing things a girl her age at the time shouldn't have, but she did. she was an observant girl, nothing got past her. as she aged, she'd seen witches come and go, heart breaks, dreams, hopes, and even the life draining out of the supreme every day as she got older. at first, they'd thought she'd be the next supreme, with how skilled she was as well as powerful. but they figured out that gayoung wasn't the supreme type just yet when she ended up getting sick from some sort of bug going around and that thought was quickly washed away. gayoung though, she knew who the next supreme was. it was the supremes daughter, the soon to be head mistress.

PRESENT gayoung still lives her life at the school, studying and waiting for the impending seven wonders trial for the next generation supreme although of course she's aware that the head mistress will take that place, she still thinks it'd be fun to gave a few extra abilities during the trials. she's observant as always and nothing gets past her, she'll usually be seen in the library learning new incantations, in the bathroom singing to herself, practicing her ability or even in her room preforming incantations. 

— she pretty much grew up in the academy, though her parents  visited her and still do, many times. they usually just call or text often  — despite being a water sign, she's got a fiery spirit.
— her favorite thing to do is lounge around by pools or relax at the beach — oddly enough, she doesn't like being outside. "too sunny".
— she says the rain is the most fun to manipulate, that and the water all around us and even inside. — she may seem cruel, merciless and quite the , but she isn't, she just doesn't like people in her way. 
— shes into nature, water being an earthful element, she's bonded to it like the necromancer — she loves felines and sharks.
— she once attempted to prank the head mistress but it didn't go too well and she ended up pranking herself — she pulls all nighters when studying new incantations.
— she loves reading about human made witch stories and movies, finding them hilarious  — she once had a cat in the academy, but it ran away when it was spooked by her practicing her hydrokinesis.
— she wishes she could make friends, but she also thinks it's very hard to get along with others even though she's quite outgoing — she likes to describe herself the way water goes, and likes to make quotes that are wiccan like.

don't make me drop a house on you。
   you can all just die...
mother / seo,dana / 40 / cunning, hot headed, caring, over protective, blunt
gayoung and her mother are very close, although they keep secrets from each other. they are very loving towards each other and do not fight often and if they do it will be resolved quickly. with her mother being a witch, she got most of her powers from her.
— father / seo, minkki / 43 / calm, collected, observant, positive, protective, unfiltered
just like her mother, gayoung and her father are close if not even closer. he too is of wiccan decent, making gayoung pure wiccan blood. they do not talk as often as her father would like, but if she's ever in need of guidence he's the one she goes to because of his level head.

FRIENDS like above, this is for your character's friends and only those! if your character has enemies, rivals, acquaintances, etc that goes below. don't forget to copy and paste the format below as many times as you need to! there's no limit to how many friends you include but please only include those who you think are relevant and important.
— relation / last name, first name / age / personality traits
explain their relationship with your character here. are they close? how do they treat each other? etc. don't forget to replace 'relation' above with whether they're a best friend or just a friend.

OTHERS and now you can tell us about those who your character might not be particularly close enough to consider some sort of friend. don't forget to copy and paste the format below as many times as you need to! there's no limit to how many people you include but please only include those who you think are relevant and important.
— relation / last name, first name / age / personality traits
explain their relationship with your character here. are they close? how do they treat each other? etc. don't forget to replace 'relation' above with whether they're a best friend or just a friend.
  love interest name。

 STATUS ♡  what is their status?

D/O/B ♡  mm/dd/yy

NICKNAMES list each on a new line and explain who calls them it and how they got it. copy and paste the format below for as many as you need.

— nickname / explanation

BACK STORY  give us a rundown of who your character's love interest is. 
TRIVIAS  just like your trivia

place a quote here that your character's love interest firmly believes in, follows, or just likes

  you're in love?。
  how cute...
FIRST MEETING how did your character and her love interest meet? was it love at first sight? hate at first sight? stuff like that!

RELATIONSHIP explain here how your character and their love interest act around each other. how do they treat the other? how do others see them? things like that.

CONCLUSION and now inform us of the ending you want for your character and her love interest to end up with. pretty self explanatory, i think.
i am after all...the supreme。
   you will sit, and you will listen
FAMOUS LAST WORDS  i kept the background pretty vague tbh bc it keeps mystery and like gayoung is secretive asf so yeah pft. also, background doesn't really matter for this plotline anyway since she's lived at the academy since a young age and no one needs to know every detail of that. and a lot of these are crossed out bc idk if people will try to be my friend or lover or what ever so ;;


PASSWORD [ C E N S O R E D ] read the cheetsheet.


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